Barbara Quinn



1 year, 1 month ago


  • Barbara Quinn, currently 33 years old, earned her degree at Rice university. She is a professional psychologist and the current head of the young adults unit at *********. She has held her position at *********** for 2 years. Barbara majored in quantum psychology and has been an invaluable figure in researching PTSD-ARD. Born June 15th, 1963, Quinn has devoted her life to researching and helping those who exhibit anomaly responses.
  • Other info:
  • Physical characteristics: 5’7, curvier, Curly black hair that falls to her waist, darker skin, Brown almond eyes with long lashes, relaxed resting face, more up-right posture 
  • Response: n/a
  • Favorites: Summer, black coffee, outdoors, water, exercise, guitar music  
  • Least favorites: Rain, unproductivity, the cold, violence, horror movies
  • interests /hobbies: Exercising, hiking, cooking
  • General fashion choice: More business casual, lab equipment stuff (Cause scientist), summer dresses, athletic wear
  • Has a strong relationship with her nephew Marcus, likes being active and going outdoors, usually relaxed and friendly but can become a whole lot more serious when she needs to be, tends to stand her ground on things, trusting