


3 years, 9 months ago




"We aim for high power, high price."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Married
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation Leader of Gemworld
    • Religion Serinist/Serinism
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Forty Eight
    • Species Elemental


    Malcom is a Terra Elemental with deep green eyes, which are a few shades darker than his wife, Annaliese. His dark brown hair is kept short and swept to the side. Most of the time, he is seen wearing a black tank top. Overtop, he has on a shirt, unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up. It has a camouflage pattern, much like his trousers. Around his waist, he has a plain brown belt and on his feet, he wears black military boots.


    • BUILD Lean and Wiry

    • FOOD Steak
    • COLOUR Dark Green
    • ANIMAL Tortoises
    • SETTING Mountain sides
    • WEATHER Cool, slightly cloudy
    • DRINK Orange Juice
    • NUMBER Forty Three
    • GENRE Non-fiction
    • ACTIVITY Geology Expeditions
    • TIME OF DAY Dawn


    • Helping Others
    • Rare Gems and Artifacts
    • Like minded people


    • Damaged goods
    • Forgeries
    • Carelessness


    • Mineral Collecting
    • Geology Expeditions
    • Rock Climbing

    Malcolm is the owner of Gemworld, a business that specialises in acquiring rare and often magical gems and artifacts. He is seen as a caring and helpful individual who genuinely enjoys assisting others. He has a strong passion for anything rare and valuable, which is reflected in his business. He prefers to connect with like-minded people who share his interest in the magical and unique. His focus is meeting people's needs with magical gems and artifacts, but also making money while doing it. People view him as a creative man, who is a good problem solver. He is, however, rather unorganised and hesitant to take risks. He also tends to overthink things a bit, unlike his wife who is perceived to be the opposite.


    • Business Success
    • Creative
    • Good problem solver


    • Overthinker
    • Unorganised
    • Reluctance to Take Risks


    Malcolm aspires to continue expanding Gemworld's collection, establishing the business as a trusted source for rare and authentic gems and artifacts. He hopes to make meaningful contributions to the world of geological and historical discovery, sharing his finds with enthusiasts and collectors alike. While he desires money, he also wants to help others and meet people's needs with his wares.


    • Financial Loss
    • Harm coming to his wife


    • Tends to overthink things
    • Often leaves stuff lying around


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Friendly and approachable
    • COMMON STARTER "Welcome to Gemworld! Is there something specific you're looking for?"
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Offers helpful guidance even when people do not ask for it
  • Species

    [ Elemental ] An Elemental is a person born with the ability to control the elements, whether that is water, or fire, air, or even life. It is common for an Elemental to be able to control merely one element, however, sometimes they can control two. This is a very rare occurrence and there is only two possible ways for this to happen. They could be born with a second element, but this is extremely unique and comes with drawbacks. When this happens, the child often gets ill at a very young age, and some have even died because of it. The only other way for an Elemental to gain power over more than one is if they train themselves to master another, however, this is really hard to do and most can’t handle the pressure it brings. To be able to control an element, they have to be one with it, making it difficult to be one with two elements at once. They would have to somehow balance out the two so that they work together as well.


    [ Terra Elemental ] A Terra Elemental is a subspecies of Elemental. They are one of the four main types that make up Calizen’s population and are usually found in the Aftershock Nation. These people are often seen as bold, brash and very upfront and honest towards others. They are believed to be more level headed and responsible when it comes to their land, water and nation, yet have made mistakes in the past that still affects their nation today. They possess various different ground and plant related abilities, unique to each Elemental.


    Malcom is a Terra Elemental with the unique ability to detect gemstones that lie beneath the surface. It is as if he can see through solid rock, immediately able to tell where gems lie and how many there are. This, accompanied by his wife’s special ability to identify a gemstone and its rarity makes these two a powerful gemstone-seeking duo. Malcom also possesses basic ground manipulation, able to shape the ground beneath his feet to lift him to higher places or create shields of rock.

  • History

    Malcom is a man who was born in Avirock Town. He lived here with his happily married parents and younger brother. Coming from a long background of miners and gem hunters, Malcom grew up with a natural ability to find gems and other minerals buried beneath the land. At the age of twenty three, he chose to leave his hometown, seeking his own adventures. He searched for gemstones and various other rare minerals and artifacts, building up a collection over time. His adventures led him to Teranika City, where he met a woman, Annaliese. The two were alike in many ways and got along great. They started dating and eventually got married, starting up a business together. Gemworld became the name of their little gem store, where they sold magical and non-magical gemstones and other valuable things. Annaliese was good at making jewellery out of what they found, while he was very good at finding everything they sold. Currently, the two work together in their ever-expanding store, selling only the finest goods, only leaving to go on expeditions to stock up their supply.


    Malcom was born in Avirock Town. Avirock Town is located in Merokon on Arckos Island and lies by Moonshine Lake. This place consists mostly of terra Elementals and is known for possessing an odd gravitational field. This affects nothing but small pieces of rocks and pebbles, making them float occasionally, however, this is usually just when the moon rises and never during the day. He lived here with his parents and younger brother.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Malcom lives in Teranika City. Teranika City is located in the Nokorem region of Arckos Island. This place is one of Calizen’s major cities and is run by Terra Elementals. It is known for hosting stone sculpting contests, which people from all over the world participate in. First-place winners get their sculptures put on display by one of the city's main entryways. This place also produces many stone sculptures for sale, which get shipped to all ends of the world to various cities. Malcom lives here with his wife, Annaliese, in their store, Gemworld.

  • Ancestry

    • Malcom comes from a long line of Terra Elementals
    • His bloodline was known for their unique skills and abilities that helped them find even the rarest of gemstones
    • While Malcolm's family has a deep connection to gems, they also have a history of providing support and assistance to those in need, which influenced his desire to help others through Gemworld.


    • Malcolm harbours a fascination with ancient gem-related legends and has been quietly researching a mysterious gem that is said to possess extraordinary powers.
    • He once ventured into a perilous cave system to retrieve a legendary gem, despite the dangers involved. He has never shared the full details of this dangerous expedition with anyone


    • Gemworld is Malcom and Annaliese’s store, where they mostly sell magical and non-magical gemstones
    • The eyes of an Elemental reflect their health, as they represent not just their element, but also their soul and wellbeing. If they are sick, their eyes become dull and if they die, they turn completely grey or white
    • To show how in sync they are, Malcom and Annaliese enjoy dressing up in matching attire