


3 years, 9 months ago




Soft spoken • Gentle • Shy • Nervous

Zoey is a incredibly nervous and shy shecat. She is portrayed as a soft and gentle shecat, she is a really outgoung and honest friend and has no problem helping others by safrificing her own needs. Usually puts everyone else over her and prefers helping others problems rather than her own.

Even is she is naturally soft, Zoey has a huge trouble controlling her anger. It's weird to happen if she is not in The Howl but Zoey is full capable to kill a cat in the cruelest ways possible if she is put under a stresing situation. She can't control her strenght in the slighest and always goes way too far when she attacks others. She hates herself for this, she doesn't like the idea of hurting others but she simply can't truly control her anger problems. She gets to be incredibly mean and cruel when she is stressed and doesn't thinks if what she says or does can hurt others, main reason why she rarely makes friends.


  • Mother: Roxie
  • Father: Alpha, Farewell (Foster)
  • Siblings: Ophelia
  • Mate: Dawn// Owned by Budgiedraws on Insta
  • Kits: Quietsong, Nightrose, Littleblossom, Palewillow


  • Puma
  • Riverlake
  • Ashenwing
  • Cobra
"All I do is hurt those who want to protect me... I understand if you don't love me anymore, I never loved myself either."


Zoey was born inside The Outlaw, a group filled with street cats and loners. During her first moons alive, she was loved and protected by both her parents, Roxie and Farewell. Her father was the leader of this group, Zoey always loved and admired both of her parents. She knew Roxie came from a horrible Twoleg place and Farewell was abandoned when he was just a kit and admired both of their bravery. Even if she loved them, she never understood why both of them seemed so determined to keep her inside camp, they were very open with her but when it came to walking out of camp they were both incredibly strict with her. Her life was pretty normal, she was supported and loved by both of her parents... she was happy

It was one day that she decided she wanted to explore the territory. She knew her parents didn't like it but she was curious an wanted to explore. This is when she met a mysterious tom called Alpha, which Zoey was not aware of his past with The Outlaw. They both talked for a bit, she was innocent and was completely oblivious to the fact Alpha seemed way too similar to her. Their talk was nice, Zoey was innocent and told Alpha a ton of information about her group whihc seemed to interest the tom for some reason. Their conversation was nice until she mentioned being from The Outlaw. When Alpha asked her who her father was, she casually mentionedFarewell as her entire life that was the tom she thought was her father. For some reason after she mentioned him, Alpha's attitude changed and he noticeably grew annoyed and ran away. Zoey came back to her parents without them ever knowing she went out without their permission. She decided to keep her random talk with Alpha a secret as she saw it unimportant

A couple of moons passed and Zoey's early life was still normal and lovely... that until the night arrived... night Zoey will never forget. One night she was happily sleeping next to both of her parents, when loud barking and screams were heard just outside of their camp. This is when Zoey and her parents relized that the camp was being attacked and for Zoey surprise they were being attacked by... Alpha and his group, The Howl. That night was simply terrible for Zoey in all ways possible, she was so confused and lost why Alpha was attacking her group and why he was doing it with no mercy. She watched his friends die in front of her, how dogs and cats easily attacked them and took away their lives in seconds. Farewell ordered both Roxie and Zoey to hide in his den while he fought. Zoey was confused what was going on and when she asked her mother about it, she simply avoided the question and focused in trying to hide them both while Farewell and the rest of The Outlaw fought this new group filled with dogs and cats. Zoey felt protected, at least until Roxie was forced to jump into battle when a cat tried entering the den she was hidding Zoey in. Once her mother jumped into battle, Zoey lost sight of both her parents... it all seemed as if The Howl wanted to specifically get her. Zoey quickly realized she might have been the reason of the attack. She started to realize she told Alpha a bunch of informaion about her group, she noticed how The Howl cats used The Outlaw's weak points to attack them, weak points Zoey realized she accidentally told Alpha the day they talked. After a while of not seeing any sign of both her parents, Zoey finally decided to run out of her hidding place and that's exactly when she faced the horrible reality. Almost every single cat from The Outlaw was killed by The Howl, kits and queens included. There were only 3 survivos... Farewell, Roxie and Zoey

Alpha had Farewell between his paws and forced Roxie to tell Zoey about who Alpha was, if she did't Alpha was going to kill Farewell. Zoey was terrified and lost, she had no idea what drove Alpha to attack them and the idea of loosing the father she loved was simply to much for her young head to handle. Out of fear Roxie ended up explaining Zoey the truth... she told Zoey Farewell was not her real father, her real father was Alpha. This was enough to break Zoey, realizing the tom she admired and loved was not her father was way too much for such a young kit like her to process but as if what she just saw and experienced wasn't enough... Alpha ended up breaking his promise and ended up killing Farewell right in front of both Roxie and Zoey. That was it, in just a single night Zoey lost it all, all her friends were dead, all the cats she admired were dead... she just had her mother now.

After the attack, Alpha ordered Roxie and Zoey to follow him into his camp. Roxie stood next to her daughter the whole life. During her life together, Zoey was always incredibly close to her mother and now they were the only thing they had left fot eachother... Zoey had no idea where they were going and for what. She saw too much death, to much cruelty in a single night and yet, she still had no idea of why Alpha did it... but she knew she caused it, she knew Alpha managed to hurt her group because he took advantage of her innocense. She told him everything being completely oblivious of who he was and his plans. Once they arrived to The Howl, Alpha explained he wanted them both to join him. He said he would keep them alive if Roxie accepted being his mate again and lead The Howl besides him, all Alpha wanted was to lead his group next to Roxie and his daughter Zoey. For his surprise Roxie refused to, and this outraged him to the point he ended up killing Roxie publicly. He invited all of his group to watch the execution, and forced Zoey to watch and be part of it. She lost it all, Zoey was so young and lost. Poor Zoey was way too young to process all the horrible stuff she suffered so quickly, her life was so perfect and lovely and out of nowhere Alpha took away all of that happiness. Alpha forced Zoey to stay with him, promising he was going to "fix" her and make her understand what he did to The Outlaw was purely because he loved her and wanted the best for her

After this trauamtic experience, her life just because way worst. Zoey was petrified of Alpha and The Howl after what they did to her group and refused to become like them. She refused to call Alpha her father, thing that outraged him. Because she refused to coolaborate, Alpha ended up hurting her, emotionally abusing her and using her trauma againt's her...he tortured her and humiliated her. Because of her young age, it wasn't hard for Alpha to completely break down Zoey to the point she became like his tiny puppet. She became incredibly submissive and nervous, was terrified of speaking up and just focused in pleasing her father to avoid getting hurt by him. All this abuse turned her into the shecat she is now, now Zoey is a incredibly shy shecat who is a easy target for many but at the same time feared by many. She learned very horrible stuff from Alpha as well, she was forced to learn how to kill, how to hurt and manipulate others, thing that ended up turning Zoey into a very struggling shecat that could be naturally submissive and shy but that also developed anger problems causing her to also become a incredibly dangerous and cruel shecat just as her father.

Ever since she joined The Howl, she was quickly protected by Puma who for her luck was a Delta just like her. She initially didn't trust him, she suffered a lot and that broke her mind... but she eventually opened up to him and Puma quickly became her only support inside such horrible group. Puma has been with her ever since she joined, he has been with her every time Zoey breaks down when her father or ay other cat hurts her. Puma is the only cat that truly managed to understand how much Alpha hurted Zoey's mind and what a struggling shecat she is now. Now they both Deltas, currently planning to escape for a better life outside of The Howl, where Zoey was properly recover from her trauma next to the cat she considers her brother, Puma.


• Flowers/ herbs

• Kits and elders

• Adores kits and usually take the role of a caretaker.

• Crafting

• Adores music


• Hostile cats

• Any kind of fight

• Fire

• The Howl.

• Tunnels

• Dark places