

  • Nicknames: N/A
  • Species: Demon (Incubus)
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Age: 24
  • Birthday: March 25th
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Relationship Status: Single
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Power type: Varied, dominantly uses darkness, telekinetic, and sexually-driven power
  • Alignment: Neutral Good, leans lawful
  • Voice claim: Joe Brogie,Takumi Yamazaki, Accent
Notes: Potentially triggering content is present, and is put under spoilers. Please take caution if references to self harm are a trigger, and avoid the content under spoilers if so.

Personality: Laid-back; Witty; Observant; Intelligent; Kind; Hides his pain from others; More unhappy than he seems to be

About: A powerful incubus that is a member of the High Families, and a knight of Celestae. Vitality portrays himself as a laid-back guy, and enjoys hanging out with his friends often. Despite what he's assumed to be like due to the sole fact that he's an incubus, he's not near as vulgar and inappropriate in general as incubi and succubi are usually seen to be, and is a very brotherly and supportive type of friend. He's also very good with children, and has a tendency to befriend them easily, and adopt them as his siblings in his mind if he sees them and spends time with them for a while more than once. He is an only child, and was in a VERY terrible situation, and only managed to escape his parents once he and the others he knows graduated from the prestigious academy they all attended that was solely for nobles, and those appointed to become knights or heirs of some sort. Once he stepped foot on the family property again, he called Ure-SHII, they grabbed all of his belongings they could grab, and left for good. Even now, he has many wounds that still need to heal, but he's slowly but surely getting better. Until then, he's trying his best, and enjoying everything in life that he can with the company of his friends.

Extra Info:

  • Vitality may be single in his main portrayal, but he's a multiship OC, and is shipped with many in his world, including Ure-SHII and Cervus
  • Ure-SHII is his best friend, and the two grew up together. Anytime Vitality wants and needs some company, all he has to do is say SHII's name, and he'll be right there
  • He learned Japanese in his childhood so he and SHII can speak privately with each other when others are around. He uses this to ask SHII if he's alright when he's getting anxious in social situations and wants out, or to tease folks for something silly that might have just happened with him
  • Vitality has the ability to not only alter his wings by changing their form, but can hide them entirely. He usually hides them based on what clothing he wants to wear
  • He also can take on various forms based on the power he uses, and his wings, horns, and hair reflect those different forms
  • Despite his actual wings being so small, he can still fly with them, and has no trouble of it. He usually changes the form of his wings depending on speed and how he needs to fly, though, alongside purely aesthetic reasons
  • For quite a while, Vitality had a fear of women due to his home life in the past, but thankfully he overcame that fear at the academy
  • Unfortunately, though, when he needs to feed off of women with his incubi-specific power, he sometimes has to fight with all of his might to not go into a mental breakdown due to the stress. He's eased this by using the fact that he's more powerful than most incubi and succubi to his advantage, and feeds by means of telekinetic power. He usually only gets physical when the target needs to be killed
    • Vitality has more scars than just mental and emotional, and has a long history of self harm. Only recently has he gathered the courage to be around others with his arms uncovered due to how riddled with scars his arms are

    • The only two outside of his family who have ever seen him with his arms uncovered before the recent attempts to start showing his arms were Ure-SHII and a healer friend, Vivian. The only reason Vivian even saw them was due to SHII talking Vitality into going to her to get them checked over to make sure he wasn't causing too much damage
  • SHII is the only person that Vitality fully trusts, and has always fully trusted
  • The only reason Vitality was even able to make the strides he's made in his improvement are due to fighting to keep going to see SHII again. SHII has pretty much been the sole reason he's kept going throughout his life
  • Vitality has been in love with Ure-SHII since they were young, but values his friendship too much to ever reveal that outright, even though SHII knows of how he feels
  • His entire life, Vitality wanted at least one sibling. But considering how his home life was, in the end, he's thankful no other kids had to endure it. He takes to just adopting the children he befriends as siblings instead
  • He also sees Ure-SHII and Ember's siblings as his own, too. Despite SHII's older brother being his age, and Koro-SHII being older than him, he still sees them as siblings and treats them with kindness and respect
  • He may be a knight of Celestae, but also does Uvarian-based work for Cervus
  • Vitality and Cervus are also best friends, and are around each other constantly. If Cervus isn't with SHII, chances are that he's with Vitality instead
  • His last name is Victuma, which isn't his family's original last name, though the original has long been lost to time due to being forcibly changed many millennia ago by the family's captors
  • It was Vitality's family line that enabled succubi and incubi the chance to gain their independence and rights, and the Victumas quite literally came up from nothing to become recognized and respected as a High Family

Character rules:

  • NSFW is definitely permitted, but I'd like to be credited for creating the character and shown whatever is done every time NSFW content of any kind is made
  • Shipping with the character is absolutely fine, as long as it isn't anything gross (like with an underage character, obviously) or going against the character's established info (like shipping a gay character with the opposite gender)
  • Using the character for violence and gore is permitted, but I'd like to be shown whatever is created with them. I don't mind gore and can handle it
  • This character is NOT to be used for any hate speech, or political propaganda
  • Commercial use of the character in ANY way is FORBIDDEN. This definitely includes linking to the media with ad links and putting it behind any sort of paywall or something similar (i.e Patreon)
  • If you are unsure about anything mentioned in these rules or otherwise, PLEASE ask me, and I'll be happy to answer