
3 years, 9 months ago




She/He/Them - 23 - INFJ

"Here we go again, it's Showtime!"


Somi is the main protagonist in Phasmoloist.

Somi is the first born from the family, with Yumi joining a few minutes afterwards. They have two younger siblings, Sofa and Yoyo. All the siblings take on pseudonyms due to their constant online presense, trying to keep some anonymity as protection. Somi, being the oldest, feels they constantly need to set a great example for the rest of the siblings, sometimes disregarding their own feelings and needs.

They have come out as non-binary to their close friends and family. Somi uses not only feminine and masculine but also non-gendered pronouns, allowing others to pick the pronoun and not feeling forced to follow gender norms. Unfortunately, her parents do not accept her gender identity, often calling Somi "dumb" and a "liberal" who is simply following an agenda. Their remarks don't bother Somi as she expected nothing less from them. Their parents are known to be more on the harsher side of parenting, along with Yumi and Sofa, they were all treated rather harshly due to their parents being so young when raising them. Somi often tries her best to keep Yoyo from seeing the negative side of life, allowing him to be ignorant to the hardships his older siblings endured.

Unfortunately, the dark days don't stop at just their childhood. Somi was engaged to her childhood crush but passed away during one of his livestreams. Her fiance and a best friend of their's, Ben, founded a successful channel revolving around ghost hunting. The circumstances of his death were kept on the downlow as law enforcement gave hardly any details pertaining. They grieved for a few months before finally stating she wanted to take over the channel. Resparking the community and even bringing new members to the team.

Unknown to others, Somi actually revamped the channel to be able to properly investigate his death. They guise it as simply "Ghost Hunting", but in reality they want to figure out what had killed their fiance and why no body was ever recovered. The others believe the guise as they try their hardest to keep the channel going, thinking this would help Somi to move on. She keeps them all under the impression of "the show must go on", while slowly gathering evidence.


Somi is quite intoverted since so much has ruined their view in life. Constantly keeping a pessimistic mindset, though will heavily force an optimistic personality especially when interacting with their peers and fanbase. Slightly maintaining their rebellious ways from their teen years, to create a more concrete personality to convince their company.74466543_7TR9xCousZ36GGn.png

Their personality isn't all seemingly faked, as they do have their outgoing and chaotic moments. Usually this is seen by them teasing Giovanni or her siblings. Despite that, she can keep a good demeanor as the company's new head investigator as they equally agreed no one would be considered the "boss". Yet they all still go by Somi's lead. In a public scene such as simple daily tasts, Somi will be extremely introverted to the extent of not giving eye contact with sales associates nor ask for any help. Only using head gestures and a few mumbled responses if forced to interact. Completely contrasting their convention persona, who is willing to smile and greet their fans. She's give full thought out reponses and contribute as an extrovert would. Unfortunately, their true personality would be the same as their general public persona, with the tendencies of self sabotage.

Somi was known to participate in negative hobbies growing up as well as unfortunate self mutilation. They struggle with mental illnesses, but do their best to keep it to themself. If their siblings bring up any concerns, she tends to brush it aside claiming "grief" when in reality its an underlying build up of many things. Especially due to unresolved childhood traumas and grievances. They have learned to somewhat manage it, but not with any healthy coping mechanisms. Touching into slight kleptomania, self harm, and they tend to isolate themselves to overwork and overthink. Constantly overanalyzing other's words and gestures in a negative sense.

  • Pepsi
  • Oversized clothing
  • Reading
  • EDM
  • Shiny pins
  • Unknown
  • Wearing Glasses
  • Overthinking
  • Conformity
  • Bright Lights
  • Unknown
  • Photography: In their free time, Somi enjoys photography. They'll usually wander around the outside of locations to take landscape photos. Even during ghost investigations, they'll snap a few pictures inside buildings if the composition is ideal. They have no set subject of photography, but they do dislike taking portraits of people.
  • Soccer: When they were younger, they participated in a soccer team within the neighborhood. From time to time, they'll be seen kicking around a soccer ball or playing soccer with their youngest brother. Every so often, they'll mumble how they want to go back into playing.
  • Cooking: Out of all the siblings, Somi is the known chef. They dabble in almost all cultures regarding food. There is no set cuisine they'll make, if the group is craving a certain category of food, they'll make it. Sometimes even combining categories and overall experimenting with new ingredients and plates.
  • Kleptomania: One of Somi's toxic coping mechanisms, is they'll on rare occasion steal objects. Whether its from stores or on location, its a bit of a rush for them. Never stealing items bigger than what can fit in their pocket, unfortunately they have gotten too good at it since they have never gotten caught as an adult. In their childhood-teen years, her sisters use to catch them in the act and sometimes authorities. Often letting them go with a warning. In the present tense, only their twin notices when Somi steals.
  • TW Self Harm: TW!!! Contains sensitive topic!!

    Somi's self harm habit ranges from mild to extremity, meaning from avoiding meals or self isolating to actual self mutilation such as cutting themselves. They've avoided the latter for quite a few years, only to fall back on it within the game's events.

  • HABIT: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • Performance: Somi is really good at making people think she is an optimistic extrovert. Her online performance would rival that to a professional actor due to how easy it is for her to get into persona. Having a "people pleaser" menality during it helps as well.
  • Loyalty: Usually they are described to be an extremely loyal friend and sibling. Often putting others before her as well as lending a hand when needed to.
  • Love: Alongside their loyalty, they love like no other. Even though at times they prefer their own space and to self isolate, when Somi loves, they love. Any person lucky enough to be on the receiving end of that love is incredibly lucky, since they don't give out their love freely.
  • Self Depricating: Typical for a pessimisstic person, Somi is extremely self destructive within their headspace. Consistently self doubting themselves as well as lacking self regulation when they spiral. Often needing someone else to distract her or simply pull her out of it. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to loop back into negative thoughts one after another.
  • Reckless: Another weakness is Somi tends to act recklessly without genuinely thinking of the consequences of their actions. Willing to put themselves in danger for someone else's sake, which has good intentions but still contributes to their self destructive mentality.
  • Stubborn: Their stubborness is definitely a weakness Somi possesses, as they will sometimes die on the hill they sit on for things. As well as their mental illness seem to be just as stubborn, rejecting positive reassurement and sticking to what they believe is the truth. (Usually negative things).
  • Courageous: As lead investigator, Somi will guide the group first into the haunted locations. Not truly fearing what will happen.
  • Self-aware: They are well aware of their own mental wellbeing and will often take note of it.
  • Adaptable: Depending on where they are, Somi will easily adapt to what is nearby. Often trying to blend in.
  • Somi will play the Pokemon Trading Card game with her brother Yoyo.
  • Somi is the older twin, and will often rub that in Yumi's face playfully.
  • Somi is actually autistic, and has been diagnosed with clinical depression, GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), and BPD (Borderline personality disorder). However, they refrain from mentioning any of their conditions to anyone except family and Giovanni. Their other friends and coworkers do not know any of this, much less their fanbase. Their BPD causes them to have an overwhelming fear of abandonment, a thing she harbors against Giovanni.

Somi was the first born alongside Yumi. The two were born to barely 18 year old parents who could barely make enough money to make ends meet. Finances were a heavy burden on them, with their mother and father often fighting with each other over it. When Sofa was born, the twins were only 3 and so their father took on a second job to avoid his wife and children. Resulting in their mother taking out her anger and woes on her 3 children. After an incident with Yumi at the age of 11, their parents realized they only had themselves to blame for the abuse and treatment of their children. Unfortunately, it was a slow progress leaving Somi the most affected by the abuse which was both mental and physical.

Around the age of 11, Somi met her best friends Ben and Giovanni. There she and her siblings found comfort and a place to run away from home to, as they would sneak into the abandoned warehouse nearby the school. The 5 of them would hang out and just escape the outside burdens they all faced. However, Ben and Giovanni were more Somi's friends as she shared common interests with them seeking refuge in video games and comics. Yumi seemed more interested in oberseving and watching them, as Sofa used this time to read.

Here Somi would play soccer with a few other friends of theirs from school. All would come to the warehouse as a secret hang out spot. After Yumi's incident, the siblings were home a bit more until a year later where their parents became more relaxed and allowed them back out. Somi doesn't remember much about what has happened during that time as it wasn't really impactful to her.

Eventually their small group grew by one when Somi met Skai at the age of 13, the two weren't friends at first. But eventually after a bit of conflict and resolution, the two realize they developed feelings for each other and began dating. The two often skipped going to the warehouse just to hang out at the park instead. And when they did go to the warehouse, Skai would mention his passion to one day visit more abandoned areas in the future. This sparked Ben to open up a YouDo account and this is what began their content creation.

They started off making music videos, with Somi usually directing and the rest following along. Their account briefly grew popular before a rival channel overtook their viewers. So as an attempt to get their audience back, Skai suggested livestreaming their adventures as they faked visiting an abandoned warehouse, being their usual hang out spot. Yumi pitched in by creating an eerie story to try to make the place sound haunted. Eventually it caught on and they gained more popularity from it.

Once they were all in high school, Giovanni broke off from the group around sophmore year. He and Somi had a fight about their friendship. He revealed his feelings, mentioning that he harbored unrequited love for her since the time they met as kids. Skai didn't appreciate it much and suggested to cut contact. Somi tried to keep Giovanni around, but unfortunately she couldn't. When he left, a part of her left with him. Unknowing to her, that created a fear of being abandoned as she stuck real close to Skai. In fears that he too, would leave one day.

Somi and Skai got engaged a year after they graduated high school. Promising that they would never have to live back at home with her parents. Even though by then, her youngest brother was born and so her parents were focused on taking this as a chance to fix what was wrong. Unfortunately, this created a bit of resentment towards them as she felt jealousy. If he could get the loving parents, why couldn't she had that? Skai noticed the resentment which lead him to believe marriage and starting their own family would possibly get her to rekindle the relationship.

Unfortunately, Somi's life was never forgiving. Around her 21st birthday, Skai tragically passed away. All her hopes and dreams immediately washed down the drain as she watched the livestream of Skai's death. It was cut short by Ben, in hopes to minimize damage however, the damage was done. Somi locks herself away in the apartment they lived in at the time. Refusing to allow anyone to come in nor answered anyone's phone calls. Several police had been called to do a wellness check, all of which Somi answered for the sake of not being taken away.

As everyone mourned the loss of Skai, Somi rewatched the livestreams over and over again. Only inheriting Skai's life insurance, she stumbled back to the old videos they use to make in the old warehouse. It was then she found herself smiling and laughing along their childish goofiness. She is then cut off by an ad talking about the paranormal and how nothing is ever accidental. She was about to skip the ad until it spoke about how spirits will always help those who need it most. Sometimes even bringing back their loved ones. Immediately she got the idea to renovate the warehouse and restart the ghost hunting. If the ad was correct, she believed she could bring Skai back, or at least obtain answers as to why he passed away. She was able to successfully get back the original group back, even Giovanni who had his own struggles. It shocked her a little that he answered her call, but maintained the enthusiasm as she asked him, "How do you feel about ghost hunting?!"

Ever since then, with the warehouse newly owned and renovated. The group now continue the successful YouDo channel, The Boo Crew.


Skai is Somi's fiance who unforunately passed away before their life could official begin as a married couple.


Giovanni was Somi's childhood best friend, a person who knew her the best and longest. Unfortunately the two have a major fall out during high school and despite her attempts to reach him, he avoided her. Once Skai passed away, he realized his mistake of leaving her alone.74387533_k6eNprxn8pCdpsy.png Once he comes back into her life he makes sure to stay in it. He was actually the first person she confided in regarding their gender. He encouraged their individuality and accepted them as they were. Eventually, the two seem to be romantically involved yet... Who knows.


Yumi is Somi's younger twin. Though completely opposite in mannerisms. The two obviously have a strong bond and despite Yumi being considered the "younger twin", Yumi treats Somi as a child.


Sofa is Somi's younger sister, one who is considered her closest confidant. Sofa has tried on various occassions to encourage Somi to live with her, but Somi is too stubborn to accept it. Sofa is also a lot taller than the twins and often teases them for it. They're older, but she's taller.


One of Somi's oldest friends from middle school. He and Skai were the original founders of "THe Boo Crew", but under a different name when Skai was alive. Somi considers Ben like a brother she never had, and someone who overall helped her during Skai's funeral. The two have a really close friendship.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Yoyo is Somi's youngest sibling. He is the only brother in the family and is treated considerably different than the older siblings. Somi has a soft spot for him, though also a bit of jealousy over the fact their parents treat him better. However, it doesn't stop the two from hanging out and enjoying each other's company.


Somi doesn't get along very well with their parents. She sees them as cynical and narcissistic so she avoids them at almost all costs, even though they try to reach out to her. Usually, her father is more reasonable than her mother. She is more willing to respond to her father due to it. If her mother gets through to her, typically its concluded in fights or arguments. Yumi has to be a middle man between them, since she is more logical and reasonable.

Code by Aurorean