Zois the hedgehog



3 years, 9 months ago



Name Zois
SPECIES Hedgehog
Age 25
ABILITY Power. She shoots well
HEIGHT 115cm


  • vacations
  • Dates with the ladies
  • Money
  • home comfort


  • her job she can't leave
  • money debt
  • A responsibility
  • cold weather


Zois grew up in a foster family. She was adopted at an early age and grew up to be an athletic and active girl. With the advent of her younger sister, she was very fond of fiddling with her and playing, as well as helping her mother with the housework. They lived in prosperity below average, but at home it was always cozy. Her younger sister's father was extremely unpleasant, but worried about her mother, she was afraid to interfere in their relationship. One day, without explaining the reason, he left the house, and on the same day they were visited by strangers who threatened to demand a huge amount of money.As it turned out, the runaway father lost a large sum in Casinopolis. Keeping her composure, the woman explained to the criminals that their family did not have such funds to pay off her husband's debt. Young Zois perfectly understood the seriousness of the situation, and at that very moment, she felt that after the words of her mother, they would not let them go so easily. Then she made a decision that completely turned her life around for the sake of saving her family: the girl insistently demanded work from uninvited guests in order to cover the debts of her vile father. At the moment, Zois works as an agent with an experience of 9 years, taking on a bunch of missions for greater material gain. She has different orders, mostly she lives in metropolis and performs her errands there. Zois doesn't want to hurt anyone, she's not a hired killer. She has special gadgets for neutralizing opponents. From her main weapon, she shoots a solidifying and paralyzing gel (she has a mode select on her primary weapon). In addition to paying off the debt, he helps his mother and sister with money, spends the minimum on herself, only the most necessary. Personality: Sharp on expressions, stubborn. Inquisitive and inquisitive. She prefers to act independently, relying on her own strength, trying not to involve outsiders in her problems. Presumptuous, decisive, can radically change the plan depending on the circumstances. He easily understands hints, while being straightforward with his interlocutors, sometimes too much. Abilities: skills in hand-to-hand combat and "dirty" tricks, possession of firearms, the ability to analyze the situation well and think strategically. Able to quickly generate a new plan

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