


3 years, 9 months ago


Ino | Female

Ah, how is ino exactly? Well, many call her a loyal, trusting female. ino has always been that one vis everyone goes to for help, and advice. she never turns her back to another, as she feels once you make a connection to her , she'll never let it break. ino will keep any secrets someone advises her too, you could of murdered another, and if you told her not to tell another soul, she would keep her mouth shut. ino isn't only loyal and trusting, but she's honest. she isn't afraid to speak her opinion, for example; If her friend was making a bad choice in ino's eyes, she would speak up, giving off her idea of the situation, and hope for the best. Besides all the basic personality characteristics of ino, she'll usually address another viscet with 'Darling, sweets, love, deary, dear." Don't take this as flirting, it's just how she approaches them, having some type of loving instinct already webbed inside her heart and soul.