Danielle Robin



3 years, 9 months ago


NOTE: This character's profile is still a WIP
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"I wasn't born a leader, yet everyone tells me that's what I have to be."



The product of an arranged marriage between an infamous politician in Moria and a wealthy aristrocat, Danielle Robin is the current president of Moria following the dissolving of the monarchy. A wife, a mother, and a leader, Danielle helped to put an end to the war between Xetis and Moria and later helped to stop the destruction of Aera during the Omnivoid Crisis.

A hard-working mother to Alexander and Elizabeth Gold and a devoted wife to Benjamin Gold, Danielle was born and raised in Moria to George and Heather Jacks, a couple made through arragnment between their two families. Her childhood was loveless, with her father constantly absent physically and her mother emotionally. At thirteen, Danielle would grow tired of the lack of love in her home, and would run away and join a Morian military academy, finding her footing in the academy quickly and becoming a star student in both intelligence and combat despite her age. It was during her time at the academy where'd she catch the eye of King Karma Riveria's personal guard, Omar Robin, who offered a place as their apprentice. Danielle would train under Omar, becoming close to both them and the King, both of whom treated her like a daughter.

At eighteen, Omar pushed for Danielle to attend university to continue education, and it was there she would meet Benjamin Gold - the brilliant estranged son of the rivaling kingdom, Xetis. The two would partner together after the sudden and mysterious death of Karma and Omar to stop an upcoming war between the two kingdoms, as well as look into the true reasons behind the conflict.


  • AGE 34
  • BIRTHDAY June 18
  • HEIGHT 5'6" (167.64 cm)
  • WEIGHT 160 lbs.
  • GENDER Female (She/Her)
  • RACE Asian
  • ETHNICITY Chinese
  • OCCUPATION Politican
  • ARCHETYPE Wise Old Man
  • SEXUALITY Demisexual
  • SOCIAL STANDING Middle Class
  • STATUS Alive
  • BIRTHPLACE Moria, Bella
  • RESIDENCE Moria, Bella



Danielle Robin is known for calm and serious nature. She's incredibly patient with others, especially those who are younger than her (possibly to a fault). Danielle is a natural leader, keeping her cool under pressure and in front of others. She's smart and wise and is quick on her feet when dealing with situations that need her input.

Hyperaware of other's around her, Danielle has an analytical eye. While not a necessarily judgemental person, Danielle can size up others with an uncanny accuracy, a skill she gained through her time as a soldier. Despite her more introverted nature, she's been noted for her good speaking skills, easily able to help raise moral of others.


Danielle often takes on more responibilities than she can handle, believing that that is the only way to prove her worthiness to others and to make others see her as "useful." This occurs in both emotional and physical responsibilities, ranging from trying to be everyone's shoulder to cry on despite not being the right headspace to taking on more work than one person can reasonably handle. This leads her to being extremely burnt out and overwhelmed, often being exhausted and overworked. This, paired with her stubborness and refusal to ask for help, results in her often shutting down from others and hiding away with the excuse of "having work to do" and refusing to let others help, even if they are more qualified to be handling them.

One of her biggest weaknesses, however, is how non-assertive she is. This rather lackluster attitude with defending her points stems from her low self-esteem. While improving over the years, often when she's stressed out or when the topic involves herself personally, she'll often yield to whomever she's arguing with for the sake of peace instead of defending herself. Her political foes often use this to their advtange, striking her at her lowest in attempts to get their way.



The product of an arranged marriage between George and Heather Jacks, Danielle Robin was born and raised in Moria, Bella. She was the only child between the two, and her parents were rarely present during her life, instead focused on maintaining their political and social status. This led to a deep-seat emotional neglect in the house, as well as making Danielle rely on herself for almost everything her life. The few times her parents did attempt to "parent" her would leave to nasty fights, even when Danielle. All this would cultiminate into Danielle running away at thirteen, choosing to join the Morian military academy to avoid having to return to her parents.

Given her well-off education from before, she quickly outpaced her classmates, catching the eyes of many of the tutors at the academy. Her combat skills were honed swiftly as well, and she rose to the top ranks within a few short months of joining. Unbeknownest to her, her intelligence and prowress had caught the attention of Omar Robin - the King's personal guard. Omar would offer to personally mentor Danielle, seeing the spark of a fighter within her - as well as recognizing the pain she carried. It'd be through her training with Omar that the two would develop an almost parent-child relationship, and it would help Danielle be well-known in the political sphere of Moria. Danielle would eventually meet King Karma Riveria, who doated on her like the daughter he never had. Despite the complicated relationship she'd develop with the different nobles, soldiers, and members of the royal family, Danielle's upmost priority became to prove her worthiness to Omar.


Danielle Robin would, as per the request of Omar, begin attending Moria University to continue her studies. It was during her time at this university that she'd meet Benjamin Gold, the son of the President of Xetis, who had migrated to Moria for university. The two's relationship was rocky at first, as the two's connection to the rival kingdoms' powers made it difficult to know where the other stood, however as time past, the two's distaste for their own governments helped them connect far better than they first believed. The two would form a friendly relationship slowly until the assassination of King Karma Riveria and Danielle's only parental figure, Omar Robin. Devestated and seeking the truth behind their deaths, Danielle would partner up with Ben to help find out what happened, as well as to remove the now developing tyrant, Nicholas Riveria.

During the events of Part I, Danielle and Benjamin would marry and take down the corrupt monarchy system of Moria and establish a democratic-republic. Danielle would be named the first "president" of this forming republic, however the fighting from the once powerful noble families made the transition incredibly difficult, forcing Danielle to almost take on a kingly role while trying to form the new government.


Following the events of Part I, Danielle Robin would continue her work to form the new Moria government. During this time, her husband would continue his work in education. Ben would eventually bring up the topic of two young children stuck in a horrible situation he had discovered - Alexander and Elizabeth. After Alexander collapsed, the two would bring them into their home and adopted them as their own.


Heaven Lyons, Danielle's sister-in-law, obtains power in Xetis during part II. Heaven immediately sets her sights on getting her hands on an artifact known as the "Omnivoid Archives," which she believes Moria has. She begins to harass and threaten war against the kingdom, causing a breakdown within Danielle as the stresses of everything around her cause her to collapse.

Her failing mental health would eventually leave her bed-ridden, leaving the responsibility of stopping Heaven on her children and her children's allies.





Danielle and Benjamin are equal - but seemingly opposites. They cover each other's greatest weakness while also providing the other space to do their best. They're the others best friend and one true partner, no matter what faces them.


Benjamin and Danielle chanced a meeting when Ben, then volunteering at the university library, bumped into Danielle while she was running errands for Omar. Fate seemed to have a hand in their future, as the two would find that despite coming from families of power, both despised them.

The two would partner up to take the corrupt Morian monarchy and attempt to


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.



Describe the relationship dynamic here. Do they fight often, or do they get along really well? Is there a power imbalance between them, or are they on equal standing? Is there mutual trust and respect between one another, or is it one-sided? How is their communication? Do they talk things out with each other or try to understand the other, or are misunderstandings frequent between them?

Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac. Suspendisse nulla diam, vulputate in porta et, pellentesque quis eros. Nunc a elementum magna. Sed nec blandit purus. Nam nunc quam, tincidunt nec vulputate et, ultrices ut neque. Vivamus at aliquet lorem. Proin auctor sem nec ex hendrerit tristique.


Briefly describe the characters' history with each other. How did they first meet (if applicable)? What were their initial thoughts on the other? How did their relationship progress? Was it a smooth progress, or were there a lot of bumps along the way? Did they hit it off pretty well at first, or did they take some time to warm up to one another? Did something happen that caused their relationship to change, for better or worse?

Suspendisse potenti. Duis tempus at felis feugiat volutpat. Ut sit amet arcu turpis. Curabitur at arcu enim. Donec ultricies convallis mi. Quisque ac enim eget magna placerat dignissim quis id ligula. Aliquam porttitor ante dui, iaculis eleifend neque vulputate in. Mauris nisi eros, sagittis nec aliquet et, pharetra sit amet libero. Phasellus rutrum odio at nibh elementum convallis vitae et odio. Integer sed feugiat dolor, vitae maximus massa. Sed eu varius enim. Morbi varius, leo ac vulputate venenatis, nibh enim ultrices mi, sed ultricies odio mi eget metus.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.



Describe the relationship dynamic here. Do they fight often, or do they get along really well? Is there a power imbalance between them, or are they on equal standing? Is there mutual trust and respect between one another, or is it one-sided? How is their communication? Do they talk things out with each other or try to understand the other, or are misunderstandings frequent between them?

Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac. Suspendisse nulla diam, vulputate in porta et, pellentesque quis eros. Nunc a elementum magna. Sed nec blandit purus. Nam nunc quam, tincidunt nec vulputate et, ultrices ut neque. Vivamus at aliquet lorem. Proin auctor sem nec ex hendrerit tristique.


Briefly describe the characters' history with each other. How did they first meet (if applicable)? What were their initial thoughts on the other? How did their relationship progress? Was it a smooth progress, or were there a lot of bumps along the way? Did they hit it off pretty well at first, or did they take some time to warm up to one another? Did something happen that caused their relationship to change, for better or worse?

Suspendisse potenti. Duis tempus at felis feugiat volutpat. Ut sit amet arcu turpis. Curabitur at arcu enim. Donec ultricies convallis mi. Quisque ac enim eget magna placerat dignissim quis id ligula. Aliquam porttitor ante dui, iaculis eleifend neque vulputate in. Mauris nisi eros, sagittis nec aliquet et, pharetra sit amet libero. Phasellus rutrum odio at nibh elementum convallis vitae et odio. Integer sed feugiat dolor, vitae maximus massa. Sed eu varius enim. Morbi varius, leo ac vulputate venenatis, nibh enim ultrices mi, sed ultricies odio mi eget metus.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.



Describe your character's demeanour here. How do they carry themselves? Are they stiff and upright? Do they slouch? Does their demeanour change when out in public, when in private, and/ or when in the presence of loved ones? Donec egestas consequat lacus vel dapibus. Donec dignissim, lorem in rutrum fermentum, ex felis faucibus enim, accumsan finibus lacus orci at quam.

Nullam nec aliquet risus. Pellentesque cursus felis sit amet nisl molestie, quis dapibus enim porta. Vestibulum bibendum ligula in nisl aliquam iaculis. Morbi mollis sapien sem, consectetur aliquet nisi commodo in. Cras eu iaculis dolor. Donec efficitur est augue, nec vulputate odio aliquam ut.



Briefly describe your character's habit here. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris id lacus vitae nunc dignissim pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Briefly describe your character's habit here. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris id lacus vitae nunc dignissim pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Briefly describe your character's habit here. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris id lacus vitae nunc dignissim pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Briefly describe your character's habit here. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris id lacus vitae nunc dignissim pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Briefly describe your character's habit here. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris id lacus vitae nunc dignissim pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat.



Describe how your character talks. Do they stutter? Are they formal and use polite language? Are they casual? Do they slur their words?


What does your character usually say to initiate a conversation, or are they the type of person to not start a conversation at all?


Does your character swear? If yes, how often? What kind of swear words do they use? If they swear, do they try to be aware of the time and place, or is it more on impulse? If your character doesn't swear, is it because they don't know any swear words, or do they choose not to? If they choose not to, is there a specific reason for it?


What are some quirks/ habits your character has when speaking? Do they trail off often? Avoid eye contact? Talk/ Gesture with their hands?


"Quote goes here."

—to whom or when they said this quote

"Quote goes here."

—to whom or when they said this quote

"Quote goes here."

—to whom or when they said this quote



What's your character's posture like? Do they slouch? Are they stiff/ upright/ rigid?


Does your character smoke or do drugs? Have they ever? Will they ever? If yes, how often do they do it? What type of drugs did/ do they do?


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Describe your character's physical illnesses/ disabilities or any other physical medical condition here if they have any.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Describe your character's mental illnesses/ disabilities or any other mental medical condition here if they have any.

You can give a brief overview/ description of your character's general health here. If you'd like, you can also list any past health concerns that your character has faced/ overcome, and/ or is fighting against. Sed vel urna vehicula purus commodo maximus vitae eu urna. Aenean gravida magna non diam pretium accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisl velit, finibus nec odio ut, porttitor malesuada mi.

Donec scelerisque nunc non feugiat blandit. Nunc consequat vel massa vehicula commodo. Praesent pellentesque nisi in orci lacinia cursus. Nunc condimentum tristique imperdiet. Donec vulputate at turpis ac eleifend. Maecenas ut iaculis massa, nec vulputate erat. Maecenas eget nunc id est sollicitudin convallis sed a mauris.



Describe your character's strength here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's strength here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's strength here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's strength here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's strength here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.



Describe your character's weakness here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's weakness here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's weakness here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's weakness here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Describe your character's weakness here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.




Describe your character's abilities here. Note that abilities are different from skills; abilities are more things that are natural/ innate, as opposed to skills which are learned or acquired. Some examples of abilities are flight, heightened senses, heat/ cold resistance, etc.



Describe your character's abilities here. Note that abilities are different from skills; abilities are more things that are natural/ innate, as opposed to skills which are learned or acquired. Some examples of abilities are flight, heightened senses, heat/ cold resistance, etc.



Describe your character's abilities here. Note that abilities are different from skills; abilities are more things that are natural/ innate, as opposed to skills which are learned or acquired. Some examples of abilities are flight, heightened senses, heat/ cold resistance, etc.




Describe your character's skill here. You can mention how they developed this skill, how good they are at this skill, if they use this skill for good/ evil, etc. Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus.



Describe your character's skill here. You can mention how they developed this skill, how good they are at this skill, if they use this skill for good/ evil, etc. Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus.



Describe your character's skill here. You can mention how they developed this skill, how good they are at this skill, if they use this skill for good/ evil, etc. Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus.











  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • FOOD Unknown
  • DRINK Unknown
  • COLOUR Unknown
  • NUMBER Unknown
  • SPORT Unknown
  • ANIMAL Unknown
  • HOLIDAY Unknown
  • SEASON Unknown
  • TIME OF DAY Unknown
  • GENRE(S) Unknown




Describe your character's hobby here. You can mention how they got into the hobby, how long they've been doing it for, if they're any good at it, and so forth. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean laoreet mauris vitae quam interdum elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



Describe your character's hobby here. You can mention how they got into the hobby, how long they've been doing it for, if they're any good at it, and so forth. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean laoreet mauris vitae quam interdum elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



Describe your character's hobby here. You can mention how they got into the hobby, how long they've been doing it for, if they're any good at it, and so forth. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean laoreet mauris vitae quam interdum elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



Describe your character's goal here. Goals are a bit more different to dreams in the sense that goal would be a personal achievement they're working towards. It's more of a "near-end goal" as opposed to a dream in which it's more of a "far-off/ end-game" kind of goal.


Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.


Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.



Describe your character's dream here. This isn't just what they hope to achieve, but it can be what they hope the world to be around them would be like. Goals are more personal; dreams are more about the world around the character.


Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.


Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.



Describe your character's secret here. Is it a small secret, or a big secret? Why is it a secret? Who do they keep it a secret from? How good are they at keeping it?


Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.


Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.



Describe your character's fear here.


Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.


Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • Put whatever artist notes for your character here. These are notes you want artists to keep in mind when drawing your character. Try to keep it short and concise so that artists can quickly get the gist of what they have to keep in mind when drawing your character.
  • Mauris laoreet odio in magna scelerisque, sed sodales est consequat. Donec non ultricies magna. Nulla facilisi. Mauris tortor enim, auctor quis pulvinar sit amet, accumsan ornare orci.
  • Praesent vel arcu non orci tincidunt varius. Nunc nisl mi, cursus id nisl a, pellentesque ullamcorper diam. Pellentesque luctus eu tortor nec molestie.
  • Cras dapibus, tellus sit amet pellentesque convallis, massa nulla viverra dui, id malesuada lorem leo nec lectus. Proin eu pellentesque neque.


  • Put whatever design notes you have for your character here. This is somewhat different from artist notes in which these are just miscellaneous facts about certain aspects of your character's design. In other words, these are design details that you're okay with having the artist omit as it isn't necessarily super important to the character's design.
  • Mauris laoreet odio in magna scelerisque, sed sodales est consequat. Donec non ultricies magna. Nulla facilisi. Mauris tortor enim, auctor quis pulvinar sit amet, accumsan ornare orci.
  • Praesent vel arcu non orci tincidunt varius. Nunc nisl mi, cursus id nisl a, pellentesque ullamcorper diam. Pellentesque luctus eu tortor nec molestie.
  • Cras dapibus, tellus sit amet pellentesque convallis, massa nulla viverra dui, id malesuada lorem leo nec lectus. Proin eu pellentesque neque.



Describe your character's body build here. Are they lean? Muscular? Chubby?


Describe your character's body shape here. Are they hourglass-shaped? Pear? Apple?


Describe your character's eye shape here. Are they droopy? Almond?


Describe your character's hair length here. Is it long? Short? Where does it end?


Describe your character's hair style here. Do they tie it up in a low/ high ponytail? Do they have sideswept bangs?


Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.


Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.


Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.





Describe your character's outfits/ accessories here. Describe what their usual fashion style is and their preferred types of clothing. Do they like outfits that breathe or form-fitting ones? Do they have an assortment of clothes, or do they have the bare minimum? Do any of the outfits/ accessories hold some form of sentimental value? If so, describe it. Nam finibus et quam ut lobortis. Curabitur ut leo scelerisque, blandit tellus eu, dapibus erat. Nullam sit amet purus dui. Ut sodales tempor lobortis. Sed rutrum auctor nulla, a ullamcorper diam auctor ac. Cras porta, magna et faucibus pharetra, libero tortor tristique odio, id dictum dolor ante ut enim.

Morbi vestibulum nibh a metus luctus ullamcorper. Morbi tristique facilisis urna, ut pellentesque sapien fringilla id. Aenean eget iaculis risus. Ut malesuada blandit felis sed viverra. Sed accumsan, nulla ut varius dapibus, felis tortor hendrerit turpis, et porttitor ex tellus id libero. Phasellus nec augue mollis, maximus felis nec, laoreet elit. Nulla rhoncus nulla enim, eu sollicitudin ipsum elementum a.


  • Put miscellaneous trivia/ fun facts about your character here.

  • Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.

  • Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.

  • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.