


3 years, 9 months ago


Works in the Agency as a bodyguard to CTA respondents. Despite being a silly fantastical horse he will fuck you up with his hooves if you interfere with the fixing of plotholes. 

He talks pretty intelligently but isn't all that smart. He does not understand a lot of things and prefers to just accept what he is told. He doesn't like to think he likes to attack, and will beat up anyone you point him at if you give him even the smallest of reasons.
He is very strong for a pegasus, but graceful when he needs to be.

He wholeheartedly believes in The Agency/Et Cetera because why would they lie about their motives and morals? 

He is friends with Twinkletoes as he is the only creature he works with to not really care that he is a horse. Everyone else is a little weird about it even if they try to pretend they don't care.
Creatures who walk on all-fours are uncommon in the Agency so Bolt sticks out.
The Jockey likes that he is a sentient horse and is very civil and kind to him, so he is sort of friends with the Jockey??

He is transmasc but everyone is at this point lol

Comes from some very AU mlp world, perhaps the one me and my irl friend were making.
He died in a flying accident??

I will develop him more when I get interested in the Agency again, I'm too fixated on Paw rn