Nasir (#2176)'s Literatures

3 years, 7 months ago

The veil between this world and the next are thin once more this year! Yet again the toskal world has been thrown for a loop! Witches are now running rampant! Blessings and spells and chants are now becoming even more effective… and all the more dangerous! Deadly even! The magic in the world is now uncontrollable and wild, so thick you could practically smell it! Even the environment ends up imbued with it and can attack and consume you as much as help you! What trouble will your toskal now find in this new magically rejuvenated world! Can you use it for yourself? Or maybe it's used ON you for nefarious purposes? Too big for your britches and your spells explode in your face? Or are you just trying to last out the month as safely as possible? It's a wicked and Dangerous world out there, so be careful… you never know what could happen!