Basic Info










Toxic Demon

Sexual Orientation


Relationship Status



Deadly Sin of Sloth


Personality: Caenum is still a very childish and (almost) innocent demon being the personification of Sloth. Being born a demon, she has never known what it is like to be a human and finds them to be fasinating. She constantly has a dazed, half-lidded look about her. She is often found lazing about in the human world, either as a human or unknown bird. Out of the other Sins, she is the least agressive besides her sister, Gluttony.  


History: Though she looks young, and acts even younger, Caenum is actually older than some of her silbings. Due to her being born a demon, she ages both physically and mentally much slower than others. Because of this she is seen as one of the youngest siblings of the Seven. She was found by another toxic demon named, Knox, who took her in as his younger sister. The both of them later became the Sins of Greed (Knox) and Sloth (Caenum.) Because she is Sloth, she doesn't require as many human souls to keep her going.



The Seven Deadly Sins are composed of a group fo Seven demons. Not all of them are related biologically but, they all consider each other brothers and sisters. Caenum was adopted by her brother, Knox, before the both of them became Sins. Below are a list of the other Sins and any mates that they might have.

  • Wrath (Xenos): Wrath is the oldest out of the Sins and the collectively chosen leader of the group. Caenum has enormous respect for the Fallen Angel and tends to feel intimidated by him. She feels as if she is beneith him no matter how much he tells her otherwise. 
    • Wrath recently started courting Envy, the youngest of the Sins.
  • Lust: Lust is the second oldest out of the Sins and has always been a demon, like Caenum. Caenum feels a sort of connection to the dragon demon as he was the one who taught her to fly.
    • Lust is courting Envy with the permission from Wrath.
  • Pride: Pride is the second Fallen Angel of the Sins and biological younger brother to Wrath. Pride is another one of the siblings that Caenum doesn't interact with as much. However, this isn't due to her being intimidated by him, but rather that their paths hardly cross. As such, she isn't as close to him as she is with the others.
    • Pride has a human girl named Ruth who is to be his future mate. Pride has yet to introduce her to the others as Wrath will not approve of him courting a human.
  • Gluttony (Nymira): Caenum is closest to Envy as the two are almost the same age. When she was younger, Caenum loved to play and fly with Envy. However, once Envy agained her teddy bear, Caenum grew weary and started to drift from her. Envy is slightly younger than Caenum.
    • Gluttony is courting Wrath with the permission of Wrath.
  • Greed (Knox): Greed, Caenum has known as Knox and so will address him as such. Even though he is technically younger than her by fifty years, she sees him as her 'older' brother. This is because he was once human and became a demon once he died as the age of 16 years old. She has the strongest bond with him and loves to annoy him.
    • Greed is mated to a species called Lockette (closed species owned by kawaii-antagonist on deviantart), named Blu. Wrath allowed it to happen though he wasn't pleased. 
  • Envy (Nera): Envy is the youngest of the sins at only 24 years old. Caenum doesn't know how to feel about Envy as the youngest Sin is almost never in Hell and tends to wander for years at a time. She does want to get to know her younger sibling, though does't know how to start.