Marcus Smith



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Male (Cisgender)




In theory he's gay, but in practice he thinks romance is fake and sex is just something anybody can do for fun.

Significant Other



Neither Khione nor Hel


Executive assistant to the CEO of Kyrise Oil. Everyone of a similar rank knows Marcus has the CEO wrapped around his finger.




Personality: Loud, gross, no manners, ambitious, big-picture thinker, idealistic to a fault, sadistic in every sense of the word, loves a good laugh (at others' expense), generally an awful human being.

Likes: Pulling all-nighters in the name of SCIENCE, messing with other people's heads, messing with other people's DNA, reading 8 books in a row

Dislikes: Children, sentimentality, feeling held back or delayed

Marcus fell in love with genetic engineering from a relatively young  age, having landed an internship with a biology company at 17 years old.  From there he worked on a research project that introduced him to the  concept of "single-generation evolution," a scientific theory that organic DNA could be altered in order to cause an organism to rapidly adapt to an environment, which could be used to allow humans to survive in space. In practice this proved completely fatal for all human test subjects, and Marcus's internship ended with the company being shut down. He, however, did not believe it was a lost cause. He's spent his life gathering the resources to hold more tests and push the human race towards a new era of space exploration.

Marcus has forged his identity multiple times in order to stay off the radar of law enforcement. He broke his own nose to throw off facial recognition, and he covers up his two different-colored eyes with contacts AND goggles to avoid having such a noticeable defining feature.

Ali Delacroix is a bitter ex-lover and ex-scientific-collaborator of his, and Marcus often uses his employees (such as Lydia, who was his right hand man for a while) to sabotage Ali's Post-Marcus work.

Marcus lived with Clyde and Archer for a while, and used them as test subjects for his single-generation evolution research. It doesn't seem to have had any effect on them... Right?