


4 years, 20 days ago


Cherry/ Cherryblossom


Swift• Great fighter • Loyal • Jealous

Cherryblossom, better known as Cherry is a incredibly loyal and skillful Delta from The Howl. Portrayed as a friendly and outgoing shecat, easy to talk to but is secretly jealous and insecure of her own skills. Incredibly competitive and adores proving hers skills on fights and races.

Hate losing all kind of competitions. Doesn't like to be called Cherryblossom, due to her connection to the clans. She doesn't speaks up about her past as a Windclan apprentice and every time her past is brought up she is full capable to kill out of anger.


  • Mother: Flamepetal
  • Father: Nightblossom
  • Siblings: Thornkit, Applekit
  • Half siblings: Rosepelt, Sweetheart
  • Mate: None (Crush on Puma)
  • Kits: None


  • Puma
  • Nevada
  • Rey
  • Romeo
" Haven't you noticed we are exactly the same Tokyo? So similar yet so different... we could have been great friends"


Originally born in Windclan, Cherrykit was a very passionate and determined kit. She initially had 2 lovely parents, her mother Flamepetal and who she thought was her father, Morningstar, Windclan's leader. She was born next to her 2 brothers, Thornkit and Applekit. The 3 of them got along incredibly well, they all were competitive, adored playing and because Cherry was plenty of her time with both of her brothers, she quickly developed a had a way of playing a bit who could turn a bit harsh from time to time, used to her brother's streght as both of them were fluffy strong kits.

She wasn't even a apprentice when the first tragedy of her life happened. One night Cherrykit convinced her brothers to run out of the nursery and explore the territory by themselves. They did it without her parents realizing, being the leader's kits made it hard for her to sneak out. What Cherrykit and her brothers never thought was that they lived on a exposed territory, where hawks would easily target 3 innocent kits as their prey. Hawks rarely hunt at night but for Cherrykit and her brother's bad luck... a hawk decided to attack them while they were exploring the moor. The hawk ended up killing both Thornkit and Applekit, but Cherrykit survived. Both her parents found her next to her dead brothers the next day once a apprentice told Morningstar that Cherrykit was the one who came up with the plan. Even if Morningstar and Flamepetal never admitted it, Cherrykit always knew they held a grudge on her for being the responsible for her brother's deaths even if it was a simple accident.

Moons later, she became a apprentice and some time after that she realized Flamepetal was once again pregnant with Morningstar's kits. After some moons of grieving, they both finally decided to move on. She was half her way through her apprenticeship when her sisters Rosekit and Sweetkit were born. She initially hesitated to even visit them in the nursery, she still felt horribly after what happened to her now deceased brothers, but she eventually did. She thought with them she would get along, just as she used to do with her brothers, but soon she realized they didn't like her way of playing in the slighest. Cherrypaw adored fight playing, but both Rosekit and Sweetkit hated the idea of getting dirty or hurt. Because their personalities were clearly opposite, this caused Cherrypaw to grow distant from her sisters and this developed into a bad relationship between them. Cherrypaw found her sisters noisy and delicate, while they saw her as grumpy and harsh. The relationship with her parents wasn't good either, Morningstar and Flamepetal saw Cherrypaw rejecting both her sisters as a sign of her not liking the idea of her parents moving on her deceased brothers

This conflict between Vherrypaw and her sisters caused both Morningstar and Flamepetal to argue way more than usual. This because the idea of having a second litter was mostly Morningstar's idea and not Flamepetal's, who secretly was never prepared to handle more kits when she was still grieving over her 2 sons. Morningstar never understood why Flamepetal was never truly commited in taking care of Rosekit and Sweetkit... it was as if she was forced to do so. Conflicts between the 2 grew way worst and Cherrypaw was aware of this, that's why she basically distanced herself from her family and focused on finishing her training so she could become a warrior. One of the many arguments Flamepetal had with Morningstar got way too heated to the point Flamepetal confessed to Morningstar one of her biggest secrets: Cherrypaw, Thornkit and Applekit weren't his kits. Morningstar broke down and demanded to know who was the real father who ended up being a Windclan warrior called Nightblossom. Flamepetal confessed that she got pregnant while she was already with Morningstar but decided to keep a secret because he was the leader and she wanted the power he offered her. That's why she lied and told him they were his kits, but did admitted Sweetkit and Rosekit were his real kits. She got tired and ended up confessing she loved Nightblossom way more than Morningstar himself and that she was simply with him because of power, reason why Flamepetal was way more committed to take care of Cherrypaw than Sweekit and Rosekit. That same day Morningstar immediatly broke up with Flamepetal who "agreed" with the break up as long as Morningstar kept the secret that Cherrypaw wasn't his daughter for her own sake. When Cherrypaw realized her parents broke up she didn't ask much questions as she was already expecting it to happen ater so many moons of constant arguments, but none of her parents ever truly explained to her why they broke up. She saw very weird that Morningstar was most of his time with Sweetkit and Rosekit and even ordered another queen to take care of them so Flamepetal wasn't around them. She also felt odd how the father she tried to constantly prove her skills to, sudently became cold and distant with her

Cherrypaw's situation just got worst when just a day before her warrior ceremony, her mother was killed on a border patrol. The next day would become the worst day of Cherrypaw's life. Everyone including Morningstar seemed affected with Flamepetal's death, but something about how Morningstart acted seemed odd to Cherrypaw. Morningstar managed to keep Flamepetal's secret about Cherrypaw being a bastard kit for some moons but her death seemed to activate Morningstar's weak point to the point he coulnd't handle it any longer. Just when Morningstart was about to give Cherrypaw's warrior name, he decided to expose her truth instead. In tears, Morningstar told his entire clan how his entire life was a complete lie, how Cherrypaw was not his daughter and how hard it was for him to name her after realizing such thing. Once he started explaining everyone the whole story, Cherrypaw broke down into tears not only because she realized she was a bastard kit, but the fact she was being humiliated by the tom she thought was her father. Morningstar was filled with rage, it was clear he truly loved Flamepetal and was hurt at the realization he raised a kit who wasn't even his. As punishment he decided to give Cherrypaw a very specific suffix as a way for her to always remember where she came from. Morningstar ended up calling her CherryBLOSSOM, just as her real father... Nightblossom which Morningstart didn't hesitate to also publicly humiliate in front of all os his clanmates for getting involved with the leader's mate behind his back

Cherryblossom was absolutely crushed, realizing she was not Morningstar's daughter, realizing her mother was a cheater and power hunger shecat, finally understanding why Morningstar preferred Rosekit and Sweetkit over her... but specially realizing who was her real father and the name she got. All this were enough reasons for Cherryblossom to want to run away from Windclan. She hated her name, cats would have expected Cherryblossom to try and ask Nightblossom about his story with her mother or something... but she was straight up dry and mean to him. She was ashamed of where she truly came from, she was mad she was not related to the leader and instead was related to a shy and nevous coward. After the humiliation she got, Cherryblossom wanted to run away and leave her past. She hated Morningstar for being cruel and humiliated her publicly instead of talking to her first, she hated her half sisters for having what she couldn't, and she hated her clanmates for looking down at her once they realized of her origins. That's how one night she simply decided to run away and never returned back. Morningstart ddn't even bothered to look after her, he was happy the evidence his wife cheated on him was finally gone.

This is how she finally discovered the existence of The Howl. She didn't realize and accidentally ended up crossing the border and easily got captured by some warriors who dragged her inside camp. As any other outsider, Cherryblossom was forced to participate in the Stone Bridge fight, which she easily won with no effort. Alpha was amazed with Cherryblossom's skills, after moons of training incedibly hard on Windclan, Cherryblossom became a highly skilled shecat who caught Alpha's interest. When he asked her about her name, Cherryblossom refered to herself as Cherry, not wanting to be associated with her past clan life and father anymore. There was one thing she did took advantage of about her clan life, she explained Alpha she came from Windclan's leading family. She lied telling him she was the leader's daughter and explained to him that could bring him benefits. This helped Cherry to convince Alpha, who allowed her to become a Delta. She felt overjoyed by the attention and respect she was given by this group, after all she went through she simply became as power hungry as her mother. She used to feel worthless and useless, Morningstart never praised her skills... but in The Howl she felt feared and respected, which she truly loved.

Now she is one of the many respected Deltas from The Howl and gained a pretty bad reputation for certain stuff she did in order to get feared. Here she learned to kill, to lie and to manipuate, all this mixed with old hurt and trauma caused Cherry to become a dangerous jealous shecat. She also developed a strong crush in another Delta, Puma which she truly admires and constantlly seeks for his approval. After being rejected by her clan, Cherry truly needed someone who could admire her and for her, that cat is Puma


• Fighting

• Killing

• Puma

• Power and attention

• Dogs


• Open spaces

• Loud cats

• Windclan

• Her family

• Hawks

• feathers