


3 years, 9 months ago




rankMedic Apprentice


age9 moons

genderFemale (she/her)

sexualityAce Lesbian

past names

  • Laurelkit

Laurelpaw is BlossomClan's anxious medic apprentice, mentored by Tansypetal, daughter of Poplarstream, a former warrior of the Clan, and sister of Gorsekit, another former Clan member.

Laurelpaw is a smart and kind cat. She wants the best for everyone, even cats in the other Clans. She's quite smart, and makes a good medic... but she doesn't seem to realize this herself. Laurelpaw is riddled with anxiety, doubting her abilities and feeling like a bad medic. Her anxiety gets the best of her sometimes, especially during assessments. Laurelpaw tries her best as a medic, but her anxiety often gets the hang of her - and having to deal with a prophecy only three moons in definitely isn't helping...

Positive Traits

  • +Kind
  • +Smart
  • +Good medic

Negative Traits

  • -Anxious
  • -Self-doubting
  • -Awkward


  • Laurelpaw's full name will be Laurelbloom.
  • Laurelpaw likes to hang out near the Moonfalls, even outside of medic meetings.
  • Laurelpaw loves the nighttime.

fur color
White (yellow tint)
fur length
Grayish brown ears and tail
eye color
body type
Slightly tall
Wears a laurel leaf necklace at events
herb knowledge
faith in starclan


within clan
outside of clan


Poplarstream |

Laurelpaw loves going to the Moonfalls at the half-moon because she gets to see her mom... but she feels a slight bit of anger towards her for leaving her alone.

??? |

Laurelpaw's sire was a loner she never met. She doesn't care that much.



Laurelpaw and Gorsekit were inseperable until he sadly died from eating crowfood...


Magpiepaw | crush |

Magpiepaw and Laurelpaw have been inseperable ever since they were kits in the nursery. Even today they're best friends, with Laurelpaw developing a crush on her friend... that everyone except Magpiepaw seems to know about.

Chesspaw | best friend |

Being Magpiepaw's brother, Laurelpaw and Chesspaw are pretty close, too... though Laurelpaw gets a little annoyed by his teasing, at times. Laurelpaw isn't quite as close with Chesspaw as Magpiepaw, but the two do still care about each other a lot.

Plumpaw | prophecy cat |

Laurelpaw and Plumpaw aren't very close, at least not yet, but Laurelpaw has come to care for him. She hopes he can make a name for himself at somepoint, and maybe even fulfill his dream of being the best skywatcher in the Clan.

Hornetpaw | prophecy cat |

Laurelpaw and Hornetpaw aren't very close yet, and for... understandable reasons. Laurelpaw's quite reserved, and Hornetpaw's energy is a bit too much for her, though she does admire buz enthusiasm!

Cootblaze | prophecy cat |

Laurelpaw doesn't dislike any cat, but Cootblaze does get close to the line... while she can tell she has a soft spot for cats she cares about, Laurelpaw doesn't like how rude Cootblaze comes off otherwise.

Tansypetal | mentor |

Laurelpaw's mentor, Tansypetal, is a great mentor, in her opinion... though maybe not the best fit for Laurelpaw. Tansypetal does genuinely care about Laurelpaw, but she's bad with emotions, often being blunt, which isn't the best for Laurelpaw's anxiety.

Early Life

Laurelpaw's kithood was fairly average... mostly. Born to Poplarstream as Laurelkit, along with her brother Gorsekit, she quickly bonded with her denmates, Magpiekit and Chesskit, with the two being her closest confidants - apart from Gorsekit, of course. From a young age, Laurelkit knew she didn't want to be a warrior, but she never knew what she did want to be...

Until that fateful day. Crowfood had found its way into the fresh-kill pile somehow, and the two kits unknowingly ate it. Gorsekit had always been more frail than his sister, and couldn't make it to the medicine den before passing away. That made Laurelkit's decision clear - she would become a medic. For Gorsekit.

Young Life

Poplarstream, Laurelpaw's mother, sadly died from heartbreak over Gorsekit's death only a few days after she became an apprentice. While she sees her mom in dreams, it still hurt, and she felt lost and confused... but she still had Magpiepaw and Chesspaw - especially Magpiepaw, her now crush as well as closest friend. Chesspaw relentlessly teased her over it.

All was going well and normal... until Laurelpaw's third visit to the Moonfalls. She'd never gotten any prophecy dreams before - all her mother's visits were just the standard StarClan dreams warriors and stuff got. But Gorsekit came to her, for the first time... and three other cats were there, too - one from each of the other Clans. Plumpaw of TyphoonClan, Hornetpaw of BambooClan, and Cootblaze of MountainClan. The prophets had a message, for all of them.

"The overcast skies will loom endlessly above, unless four can unite peacefully."

It was confusing. But Laurelpaw hoped they'd figure out what it meant... together.