Team Crystal Charge



3 years, 8 months ago


Beedrill is the leader of Team Crystal Charge. He's remarkably intelligent and capable, being able to almost fully understand people by simply glancing them over. His reputation leads people to assume that he'd be rather insufferable, but the truth is that he's actually quite amicable if not somewhat quiet. It's believed this is do to his gregarious and less than intelligent partner, others think that he just likes making friends.

Lycanroc is a tough, intimidating, and fearsome Pokemon. He's incredibly powerful, having a reputation for being capable of taking out Pokemon several times larger than himself. His gaze is fierce, his bark fearsome, and his tummy very soft pleas pet dog. Yes, the truth is that under that rocky surface lies a puppydog who enjoys pets, playing, and is fairly dim. 

Together they form the leading duo of Team Crystal Charge and have gained a reputation for their abilities to track down and punish wanted outlaws. Their secret is a network of electric type teammates- a Plusle, two Minun, and a Raichu, that scout and survey new areas ever vigilantly on the watch for criminals.