

3 years, 9 months ago


< those streetlamps can't JUST be for lighting up the road, right? >

< ever seen the flicker of a streetlamp? or when you see one and look away and suddenly it's gone out? surely it's just the battery, or whatever powers them, it's just that going kaput right? that's no battery, my dear friend, that's spencer! spencer is a small, moth-like creature who lives on the light and warmth of streetlamps. yes, it must be streetlamps, he's very picky about it. he's a nocturnal little buddy, whose favourite hobby is spooking people with flickering the roadside lights. when he's not doing that, he loves seeing the other activities of the nightlife; he loves watching humans the most, but foxes, badgers, and owls can also prove to be quite entertaining. and when he's all tuckered out, spencer sucks up all the warmth and light from the nearest lamp, and continues about his day! >