


3 years, 9 months ago



Name ShadowTail
Gender Female
Age 22 Moons
Clan MossClan
Role Warrior/Gatherer
Mentor DappleNose
Build Slender, Long, Short Fur
Status Deceased
Positive Easy-Going, Kind
Negative Clumsy, Absent Minded
Voice Claim Chise Hatori
Theme Song link


  • Herb Gathering
  • DayDreaming
  • Shiny Things
  • Rain


  • Fighting
  • Cliffs
  • Hot Weather
  • Bugs




Shadow is often found with her head in clouds daydreaming and wondering about all sorts of wonderul things, curious of the world around her.


Shadow's pressence mostly goes unnoticed, like she "appears from the shadows", so she is known for accidentally scaring more than a few of her clan mates due to them not noticing her.


While she has a major intrest in herbs and is often seen helping in the Medicine Den Shadow decided on being a warrior instead as she didnt fully enjoy the constraints of being a medicine cat.

Clan Life

In her clan life Shadow lived like any of her other clanmates, she would go on patrols with her clanmates,train, hunt and gather herbs just like most cats in her clan. She never had an apprientice due to a major disease that had killed many of her clanmates including Kits ands elders, but she did have a mate StormFang. The two had been childhood friends training and growing up together. Eventually after becoming warriors together they became mates and were inseperatable. They would often be seen grooming one another or returning from border patrols they went on together. To everybody in the clan they where perfect, that was until Shadow had discovered that StormFang wasnt as loyal as seemed. One day while shadow had been hunting for fresh kill she had noticed StormFang in the distance she went to greet him but noticed he was acting strange so she slowly followed him. That was when she found StormFang secretly meeting with another cat from FernClan.


Shadow had died a tragic death, while searching for Shadow since she went missing StormFang had found her body washed up from a river not too far from camp. After checking her body SlugCloud declared she was infact dead and her death was caused from drowning. Everybody was shocked, however some cats had noticed EveningKit acting strangely towards StormFang, that and that StormFang himself was acting strange and didnt appear to be grieving as much like some other cats despite just loosing his mate..

Current Life

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StormFang 『Ex-Mate』

StormFang and Shadow were once very close mates, they cared about each other greatly, and trusted each other.


SlugCloud 『Best Friend』

Growing up these two were great friends, they would often find themselves lost learning about all the types of medicinal herbs there were.


DappleNose 『Mentor』

DappleNose wasnt a very strict mentor and encourged Shadow with her fascination in herbolodgy while still teaching her to be a good warrior.

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