Toulouse Beaumont



3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Unknown
Alias: Toulouse Beaumont
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

Toulouse is not his real name, that's just where Lucien picked him up from. He doesn't tell people his real name, he doesn't put that much trust in others.
He's an ex-infantry soldier from the war, he actually cut off the index finger of his dominant hand (his right) so he was unable to fire a weapon any more. So technically he's on the run for desertion which is how he ended up at sea.
He's the stoic sort, his facial expressions range from slightly frowning to slightly smiling. It's easier to read his feelings in his eyes.
I guess you could say he's the 'straight man' to Lucien's eccentricity. He's good at fencing.
Surprisingly loyal for someone that doesn't extend the same amount of trust to others.

He's older than Lucien, and stands at about 6ft, give or take.
Has short, dark hair that's greying at the sides - though honestly probably looks older than he actually is due to infantry service.
Blind in one eye, bears a fair few scars over his body. Still has his old military boots but they're pretty scuffed now.
Has a little medical knowledge and usually acts in that capacity for the crew.

Design bought to life by Polymathema who somehow read my thoughts completely and got them down on paper (again), bless