Renxiang-Demon Beckoning Cat



7 years, 7 months ago


A beckoning cat statue is supposed to wave-in customers and bring in profit and good luck. Unless your shop isnt doing too well and you burn it down for the insurance money. Which is what happened to poor Renxiang. Despite her efforts, no one would enter her Masters shady shop.
When it finally tanked, he set it on fire with her statue left inside to get the accidental insurance and took off. After the fire she roamed aimlessly in her cat form and saw incredibly successful businesses and became twisted by jealousy.

Each day after, a weird beckoning cat statue with a creepy face shows up outside someones business, then the following night, that business falls upon terrible luck. Usually in the form of the whole of your storefront getting smashed in. And to top it off, and the cash is gone from the till too.

If you see her statue outside your shop she will only leave if she is given money or treats, then she will move on her merry way to extort the next shop on the street. If she really likes your gift she will even show up when your in trouble and protect your shop from theives and vandals....but it had to be a really good gift...