Cherri's Comments

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my i snatch her back?

i can offer art.

Hi! If you wouldn't mind doing art for her, I'd gladly accept! 

Considering i traded one of my old favourite dog creature thing for her ^^  if that's okay with you? Unless your the one i traded then I'd willingly trade her back for Cadenza ^^ but I'm unsure if you are the person i traded in tjhe first place?

I'm not sure if you can do humans or not but do you think you'd either be able to make this character as a centaur

Lil warning they only have flowers covering them sorry xc


Anyone else here?

If not i can give a feral you could do in exchange which ever you prefer ^^ 

I ended up giving cadenza to a close friend sorry! and if my friend didnt want it i would prolly want it back cuz i still feel connected to that design, 

also yeah id prefer to draw somthing more animal like please! /nm also the other link you sent has no characters in it i just wanted to let you know /g. 

Ah okay, fair enough! Cadenza is pretty after all ^^

Mmm think you could do this creature for her then?


this look ok? also lemmie know if you want me to add the other leg the originally image made it kinda look like it was missing. (also when i send it over itle be better quality then this)


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