Curuz Servirege



3 years, 9 months ago


Simply an asshole and I love him for it. He really puts the ass in assassin.

Curuz is currently a teacher at the Children of Sin Institute, where he previously went to school. (I liken him to Severus Snape or Salazar Slytherin, but not as redeemable.) He was born in Moldova (on August 21, 1979), and traveled often to Romania, Russia, and Bulgaria. His parents were loyal to the Soviet Union and their communist ways to almost a fanatic level. The Servirege family was openly favored by the Moldovan and Russian government; and, due to this, the family often fared better than their neighbors under the communist regime. Unfortunately, Servirege Senor and his wife died in the riots, leaving Curuz in an openly hostile community. For four years he found himself alone in Moldova - in a nation celebrating the loss of Soviet Union - and had to learn to adapt. When he turned 12, he had permanently moved to Bulgaria and found himself a job as a forge assistant. It was a dangerous job, but well worth it due to the benefits it gave him - the young women loved to visit him, the owner's wife adored him, and in the eyes of the community, he was a saint. In his eyes, this was all a tool - a weakness to be exploited - and continued in his work until one day a man approached him, wearing all black.

He graduated and traveled back to Russia for a while until he was called back to teach a class about the use of advantage, charisma, and cunning. He is an expert in natural empathy and knowledge of fears - an empath. He enjoys metal craft, and thinking of odd and horrible homework assignments; and dislikes slobs and brash people. He especially holds no fondness for those who break under pressure; so, those depressed do not receive any sympathy. He has an elegant countenance, dampened only by the ice-like atmosphere centered around him; he might have been considered handsome if he wasn't so frightening.