
3 years, 9 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Rhya voltia
Pronunciation: Rh-ya
Nicknames: The lightingborne sorcerer,sparks, thunderclap(hero name)
Age: 28
Birthday: October 31(yes spooky month)
Birthplace: aether ruins or the sorcerer land
Species: Sorcerer
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 6’3

.:Distinguishing features:.

A slender storm cloud grey stick figure with a glowng cyan blue rune in his left arm and a white streak in the shape of a lightning bolt and cyan blue eyes and a black scarf.

Current residence:Andorough city
Current home: homeless to lazy to keep a apartment or house.
Occupation: vigilante/ small criminal
Relationship status: single
Social status: a living lightning bolt to those who fight him.

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Jack De Sena(sokka from the last airbender and callum from the dragon prince)
Language: Common
Other languages known: 
Style of speaking: verbal,ASL

.: Personality :.

A lazy sack of shit and a bastard just loves prodding and annoying people to there limit. you’ll find him snoring off in a alleyway or just loitering. He hate putting in the work for anything that he’s not interested in. But in battle his personality flips he’s a berserker who goes almost always goes overboard he will usually beat someone to the point where they can’t get up and usually leave them or he’ll make life threatening injury’s to make a statement to not fuck with him. He’s also extremely chaotic nuteral like he will stop the person who’s robbing you but will ask for payment for saving you.

Likes: Money,sleeping,fighting
Dislikes: Jackasses,”hero’s”,clan vallation
Hobbies/past times: sleeping
Guilty pleasures: candy corn
Pet peeves: people chewing their nails
Personal goals: to just get through life
Religious values: atheist
General intelligence: is actually very smart but he’s just to lazy to use his brain
General sociability: he’s not very social he hates conversations. 

.: Relationships :.


A younger brother


Tiro:Tiro is annoying in Rhya eyes. The “hero” that stopped Rhya from beating a purse thief to near death. While Tiro just sees Rhya as a misguided soul.

Dart: these 2 hate each other just being in the same room as each other will trigger a fist fight. Thou no one knows why the hat each other

Friends (currently)

Love interest

.: Combat :.

General Skills: is very light on his feet,kickboxing and Taekwondo master
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful unless provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: his magic

.: Abilities :.

-Lighting creation magic-

Rhya sorcerer ability is to create lighting and use it as a weapon he can also form lighting into different things. Here are the list of things he can create

1.thunder god gloves- can create giant clawed gloves made out of pure lightning his uses them to ounch and send electric currents through his opponent body. 
2. Thunder god legs-can create boots of lighting that can be used to kick people and use as a speed/jumping boost. These make him faster then he usually is and even untacable to the naked eye.

3.zeus’s bolt- creates a giant spear of lighting that travels at deadly speeds there’s a variation that’s like a heat seeking missile   

-Sorcerer’s code-

 It is born within all sorcerer's in soulrune ceir,It gives Rhya his abilities to create lightning . Only he and other sorcerer's can interact with it, as they are deep within his and other sorcerer’s souls.


.: Fears :.


.: Health :.



.: History :.



.: Other Details :.
