
7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info






About 23-25 in human years








Blunt, cold, quiet and shy. Warms up slowly to people.


Science, dark humor, cooking


The overall loudness or intrusion created by others,


Lived in a city with his strict and so called "proud" family.


Thunder mage







A blunt mage who wields the arts of thunder.


 Nova grew up as a member of the proud elven family which was extremely traditional and strict. He had certain rules, certain schedules and certain things he had to do, even if he didn't agree with them. Certain types of studies and arranged marriage were some of those things. 

 His childhood was filled with formalities, family meetings and home school. He never had any time to play with his sisters who had been too old to play with him anyway, ending up reading books in his room alone. He was never the social type either - his room was quiet and he enjoyed it. The things he went through every day were something he just had to achieve to please his parents.

The older he grew the more he wanted to rebel. It wasn't anything too different from the other kids of his age, but his family's ways made those years harder - making him feel like a prisoner. After a while he finally got a permission to study magic in a public facility, being curious of the world outside of their manor. His main subject were the arts of the storm. Until that moment, Nova had always thought that elfs were in a higher class than others, but soon he realized that he's the same as them, just less free. He got frustrated, still passing his tests and being one of the top students of his age. He wanted to decide what road to pick, on his own. And it was only beginning. 

Not being the oldest of the siblings, Nova was pretty useless to the family - just being forced to marry an elven woman and being one of the pawns in  a huge game of chess called "the grand elven society". After several fights with his family, he gave up and almost agreed to marry a lady from the neighbouring city. Thanks to a certain kind of miracle, the girl refused to marry him and encouraged him to life his life like he wanted. They became good friends and Nova writes letters to her from time to time.

He wasn't quite a black sheep of the family, but the people around him weren't pleased with the way he kept acting. Nova couldn't care less. One day he announced that he'd be going on a trip to a city far away, but never returned home. His family still tries to contact him. Nova moves from place to place hoping that someday he can cut the ties to his family for real. Now he works in a guild as a thunder mage.


- Nova's magic is thunder-based and he can call lightning, storm, and strong, electric winds to fight by his side.

- He uses tomes and spellbooks for higher class magic, which requires summoning the powers of Zeus.

- He also handles the everyday magic and uses it sometimes. He prefers doing things by himself though.

- Currently, he is studying earth magic. He can grow some plants quicker already.


- Nova likes cooking and is really good at it. He started studying it when he got bored as a kid.

- Nova is a kind person, but rarely shows it or admits his true feelings to anyone.

- He loves reading about science and learning new things. He seems to be almost good at anything....

- ....but social interactions.

-The best way to approach him is to wait that he gets interested of you. He doesn't like people being loud around him and usually prefers to make the first move.

- He doesn't mind being alone, but he also enjoys being with his friends. He's still getting used to honest relationships and might seem blunt or cold at first. 

- He hates bugs. 

- Nova talks a lot of elvish by himself and hums the songs of his people occasionally. 

- Nova has a huge lightning scar across his body. It was a mistake he did back at home, trying to train by himsef while being overly stressed over family issues. Nova finds that mistake really embarrassing and covers the scars every day.