
3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Von Verde

Physical Age: Early 30s

Species: Woodland Spirit

Height: 5’5

Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: Pan


  • Beastforme: Allows the user to transform into a monstrous creature that could very loosely be described as a rabbit; about 8 feet tall at the shoulder, hosting a build like someone tried to fit a rabbit’s body over a wolf’s skeleton with a maw of sharp fangs and a face covered in eyes to boot. Alternatively, he can use a weakened form, which is simply a relatively normal rabbit with a few too many eyes.
  • Earthshaker: Allows the stamping of the user’s foot to cause a burst of kinetic vibration energy that can send people flying and fracture stone in the 15 foot circular radius. The earth cracks within this radius, and is completely destroyed at the epicenter.
  • Florakinesis: Allows the user to grow and control plants; however, the plants must have been grown from seeds made or planted by the user himself.
  • Divine Might: Grows stronger from the faith of those who worship him and his woodlands; a shrine concentrates the energy and provides a wellspring of power. He can also answer prayers to a reasonable extent, such as helping with the growth of crops or household protection.

Ability weaknesses:

  • Due to quite literally uprooting himself and the entire destruction of his forest, Von is significantly weakened to the point of being near powerless. Until he can begin properly regrowing his forest, the most power he has access to is his weakened beastforme and florakinesis.
  • Considering the above weakness, he also has no shrine nor worshippers, and thus cannot access his Divine Might.
  • Von has a significant weakness to pollution and non-natural toxins; lack of sunlight is also detrimental to his health


Confident, loud, and full of fun. Von loves to have a good time, especially with other people; be it parties or mischief, Von is in for the ride. He’s sociable and friendly, more than a little charismatic, and definitely an enabler- this is only exacerbated by the impulsiveness he likes to call “being quick on his feet”. An idle, bored Von is a dangerous Von, though that is much different than being curled up and comfy on the couch. Von may have a lot of energy, but it is not an infinite well-spring; he does have to indulge the lazier aspects of his hedonism, after all! Just a bit too prideful and a touch on the vain side, the only thing Von cares about more than enjoying himself is his son, Elswyth. To say Von is a doting parent would be an understatement, protective and affectionate; there is nothing Von wouldn’t do for Elswyth.


Von Verde is a new arrival in the city of Torne, having recently moved all the way from the other side of the country. He brings with him only the clothes on his back, a pinecone, and his 2-years old son, Elswyth.

Once the guardian spirit of a woodland, Von was ensnared by a human who wanted magical power. Trapped within the human’s home, cut off from the woodlands and used for his magic, it would be five years before Von had the chance to escape his jailer. The human, Derrick, had let his guard down; had believed that Von’s spirit was thoroughly broken and he’d accepted his fate. He would realize this assumption incorrect, however, the night Von devoured him.

That same night did Von burn not only the mansion he’d been trapped in down to the ground but his forest as well, but not before retrieving a pinecone so that he may regrow it anew- somewhere far away. Weakened significantly but full of resolve, Von took Elswyth and made for the city he’d so long dreamed of escaping to.


  • Von has chronic pain from the after-effects of burning his original forest down.
  • He’s absolutely rubbish at cooking, but can bake very well


Occupation: Botany teacher at Torne Academy


  • Gardening
  • Dance
  • Boxing

Likes: Chocolate, fruit pastries, modern rock, loose sweaters paired with tight jeans, laying in the grass on sunny days, houseplants

Dislikes: Sour and bitter foods, spaces without plants or other natural themes, fire, the cold

Image OR description:

A short, curvy man with tanned skin absolutely covered in freckles, strong muscles softened by chub. He has a round face with large, mischievous dark-green eyes and a snub nose; snakebite piercings sit below his lower lip. His pastel green hair is a fluffy sort of curly, framing his face and long rabbit ears. His leg muscles are thick, covered in small scars, and look like they could kick a hole in a brick wall; his hands are rough and calloused, with stubby fingers and sharp nails painted a green that is almost black.