

  • Nicknames: N/A
  • Species: Kohrbali (an ambiguous humanoid species)
  • Gender: Female (MtF)
  • Pronouns: She/her
  • Age: 25
  • Birthday: October 8th
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Relationship Status: Single
  • Sexuality: Lesbian
  • Power type: Varied, but focuses on healing
  • Alignment: Neutral Good, leans chaotic
  • Voice Claim: Patrick Seitz

Personality: Kind; Friendly; Shy; Considerate; Compassionate, but sometimes to a fault

About: Daisy is a sweetheart through and through, and loves to help others. She tends to become a bit flustered when approaching someone herself, however, and becomes a bit too shy to speak forwardly right away sometimes. Unfortunately, due to how determined she is to help others, she's sometimes taken advantage of, and her kindness is drained right out of her until she's all tired out and stressed. But of course, once that bad person finally leaves, or she gathers the bravery to cut them off, she picks right back up and goes back out to help anyone that needs it. When she was younger, she started out as the star child among her family's warriors, until she found her true self as a healer and a nurturer. Her family wasn't exactly happy with this, and tried to talk her out of this choice, along with her want to transition, but she never budged. She finally said goodbye to her past when she moved out of the family household, and cut her family off to start over, and she's become much happier as a result. Now, she can do everything she wants to do to become the woman she wants to be, and the healer she wants to be that helps everyone that needs it without any judgment or pressure to fight instead.

Extra info:

  • Daisy's main unofficial portrayal has her in a relationship with Koro-SHII, who she loves with all she has and keeps out of trouble
  • Even if her main portrayal doesn't have Daisy in a relationship with Koro-SHII, she still has these feelings for her. She's Daisy's best friend, and has been since before she began transitioning. Hell, Koro-SHII was the one to help Daisy realize that she's trans, and that there was nothing odd about her feelings about herself
  • She loves to do hand embroidery, and creates beautiful artworks with her embroidering in her free time
  • She's a very soft and imaginative person, and daydreaming about the positives in life helps her cope with things that trouble her
  • She's also a hopeless romantic, and absolutely loves to daydream about a sweet domestic life where she can get married and have a family. Cheesy but fluffy romance is sure to hook her in and invest her in the story. The common heteronormative toxic stories just bug her, so she sticks to queer romance as much as possible to avoid it and get the fluffy and wholesome romance she craves
  • Despite her love of sweet and soft things, she has quite a few things she enjoys that are the exact opposite. She LOVED to play Doom growing up, along with the shareware version of Jazz Jackrabbit. She's also a devoted fan of the Mortal Kombat series and the first Dark Souls game
  • Daisy's actually quite fond of her voice despite the deepness, and would be fine if she were to not change that part of her during her transition
  • Her favorite colors are softer purples, and she loves pastel colors in general
  • She likes to sing, and is very good at it
  • Daisy's family are naturally large and burly in build in colder climates, and have been for thousands of years to help them survive the harsh climates and hunt. Her relatives in warmer climates are smaller in height and build, however, and have pointed ears. They still have pale skin and hair and light eyes too, though in warmer places it's to help them not absorb as much heat. Daisy's considered small and frail in build compared to her other cold-climate relatives which eases her dysphoria to think about
  • Daisy's appearance didn't actually start in the snowy lands her people originated from, but in the arctic seas, since her kind are called Kohrbalis; an ambiguous species that evolved away from mermaids. There are still plenty of mermaids that her kind originated from that are alive today
  • In Celestae and other harsh cold climates, her blood is a very pale pink, almost white. The colder the environment gets, the lighter her blood becomes, and it can become fully white as she adapts to the temperature. In warmer places like Uvaria it darkens and turns the usual red for vertebrates. This isn't exclusive to Kohrbalis, but it's a topic of study as to how hemoglobin and iron fills blood like this so rapidly in warmer climates
  • When not taking on occasional assigned jobs from Lunarius or Cervus, Daisy works part-time at a rehabilitation center and is the favorite among those she works with due to no automatic judgment before even getting to know them, and treating everyone fairly
  • Her last name is Simulacra

Character rules:

  • NSFW is definitely permitted, but I'd like to be credited for creating the character and shown whatever is done every time NSFW content of any kind is made
  • Shipping with the character is absolutely fine, as long as it isn't anything gross (like with an underage character, obviously) or going against the character's established info (like shipping a gay character with the opposite gender)
  • Using the character for violence and gore is permitted, but I'd like to be shown whatever is created with them. I don't mind gore and can handle it
  • This character is NOT to be used for any hate speech, or political propaganda
  • Commercial use of the character in ANY way is FORBIDDEN. This definitely includes linking to the media with ad links and putting it behind any sort of paywall or something similar (i.e Patreon)
  • If you are unsure about anything mentioned in these rules or otherwise, PLEASE ask me, and I'll be happy to answer