Code Holding In Tabs (Old Jeremy Code)



3 years, 8 months ago



Jeremy is a young spider who lives in the forest biome of the constant. He lived in that forest for years only to recently leave to explore the world outside his forest home. Before leaving he took a long a top hat made from his fellow spiders as a pressent to remember them by. A long with the top hat is a single pine cone from his forest home.

Having been sheltered in his family from the harsh land he has very little knowlage of the world around him.

Jeremy is a curios little spider and wants to learn all about his suroundings. His constant curiosity can be troublesome as he tends to get himself in aqward or even dangruos situations.

One thing that Jeremy loves is trinkets, he enjoys collecting and has large collection of them already in his makeshift spider house.

Jeremy is a little fluffy spider, he has eight eyes and six legs (not eight like nomral spiders). His most notable feature is the top hat he wears in memory of his home in the forest.


Jeremy was born in a thick pine forest. His colony of spiders had called this place "Spider Woods". Jeremy was quite sheltered in his home, usually staying in the nest and playing with his family members.

When he was

  • - Jeremy's Top Hat is very worn, to the point the seams come apart often. Jeremy has made it a habit to always look over his hat before bed to mend it with his web.
  • - Climbing up pine trees is one of Jeremy's favorite things to do. He loves being able to see the forest from a bird's eye view.
  • - When no one's looking he makes snapping motions twords birds when they're flying by.
  • - He's jealous of other creatrues that can fly. And wishes he could fly like them.
  • - If Jeremy finds a trinket on the ground he sticks it under his hat with web to kept it safe until he's back home.
Name Jeremy
Age 12
Gender Male
Species Spider

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