

3 years, 9 months ago


Name: UNIT T4K41

Nicknames: Takkie, Takal, War Crime, Reaper, Mic Blower

Species: Hellhound Hybrid

Race: Mobian Cy-Tech Unit


Height: 4'3

DOB (Date of Birth): N/A

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Marital Status: Engaged(to this girl https://toyhou.se/1011006.lilith)

Accessories: FTHS Division arm band

Attire: Cy-Tech VOID Uniform

Noticeable Features: None

Medical Stuff (Allergies, diseases, disabilities, etc.):


  • UNIT L30 (Father)
  • UNIT 0D3L1N4 (Mother)


  • N/A


  • N/A


  • Doctor Robotnik(Just for being human)

Alliance (Evil, Good, Neutral, etc.): Neutral, although his intentions often makes him lean more to evil.

Previous Residents: Takal used to be a nomad, traveling through many different worlds and galaxy.

Currently Residing: Somewhere on Mobious, mostly within the Acorn territory. 

Abilities: He has the ability to check and scan the status of mechanical, technical, and electronic devices or machines, including being able to fix up, mod, and enhance said devices or machines with his Cy-Tech Nano Tool Kit.

Skills: Craftsmanship, Engineering, CQC Specialist, Pyrotechnics

Powers: Pyrokenises(He is only able to engulf himself into flames when surrounded, and uses a flamethrower like move that can reach from close to mid ranges), Regenerative Healing(This allows him to heal all injuries once out of combat)

Personality: Takal is very courageous no matter the situation, unless if it involved any spiders, and will always stay by the side of his teammates, organization, and the entire Cy-Tech Corporation. He is compassionate of civilians and those who will lay down their own lives to protect others, even to enemies if they were to surrender without giving any issues. His curiosity and determination to try new things allows him to be very active and versatile in new areas or new territory.  His aggressive and combative spirit allows him to be skilled in the arts of fighting, weaponry, and warfare, thanks to the help of Cy-Tech.

Strengths: His tools and gadgets, inspiration from his superiors and loved ones. 

Weaknesses: EMPs(depending on the type it would either slow him down or shut him down for good.), when he is in combat, he would often wear his heavy armor and be out in the open taking the heat for his teammate, making himself the main target which would lead to him getting defeated so easily, unless if he was in his Inner Demon form.

Backstory: Takal has been once of Cy-Tech best units ever enlisted within their military. Both of his parents choose the civilian life to keep themselves out of the action and focused more on settling down. His school life was pretty much decent without any issues or drama, graduating with a few honors at the age of 16 before making the biggest decision of his life. When he decided to join the military, his parents were worried at first, but he reassured that everything would be fine. Basic training was hard, but Division tryouts were a nightmare, mainly when it came to the FTHS Division, serving them well for over 100 years, even getting a spot within the VOID regiment. After a few more years of service, Takal was about to discharge to settle down until his superiors had ordered him to travel to a planet named Mobious to research and establish a colony there, taking the job with a smile before beginning his new life. 

Likes: Pizza, juices, weapons, Cooking, Music, Video Games

Dislikes: Humans, spiders, overconfidence, laziness, 

Stats: (Add other stats for skills not mentioned! (Piloting, Engineering, etc.)

  • Speed:  3/10 (Normal) 5/10(Inner Demon Form)
  • Strength:   8/10
  • Fighting:  6/10
  • Firepower:  10/10
  • Intelligence:  7/10
  • Endurance:  10/10
  • Courage:  10/10
  • Engineering: 10/10
  • Dexterity: 10/10