
3 years, 9 months ago


Character Bio

Name. : Eden (Real/Given Name.)   Online/Screen name : 'Bliss'  Pet names : Kitten, Doll, Sugar, Baby, etc.

Age. :  24

Sex / Gender Identity :   Male / Cis/ Homosexual.

Relationship Status : Single, Not looking for anything serious, Commitment really throws him off.

Height. : 5'6

Weight : 140 pounds/Lbs.

Sexual Position : Switch, Though he has a preference to bottom/Power bottom.

Current Occupation. : CamBoy/ Online entertainer, Spends his days working out of his apartment, streaming live or making custom content!

 Personality. : Eden can easily come across as Arrogant, rude and narcissistic. Though in reality to those that know him he could be considered very confident and sure of himself, He has worked very hard to be where he is in life and will not let anyone take advantage or walk all over him. Of course just as everyone else Eden has his own fears and insecurities he is just not one to openly show them and when he does show any kind of vulnerability he gets very highly uncomfortable.

Brief history, childhood to present. : Eden grew up in a very hectic home, five siblings and him being the oldest, Mother out of the picture and father too busy to come home Eden spent a lot of time caring for his younger siblings as if they were his own kids, practically raising them. Though being put into the parental role so early on in life put quite the stress on young Eden, Little time for school and studies, dropping out pretty early on in his high school career. As pretty much the Soul bread-winner for his siblings he worked very hard to support himself and his family, working as much as he could, odd jobs doing whatever he could to make money, though as soon as he learned he could make decent money with his good looks well- to him that was too good to pass up. 
Of course as soon as he was able to he moved out of his fathers home and was self-sufficient since then, living on his own. Shortly after Eden left and got his own apartment he did try to get custody of his siblings though of course the system would not give him that and had put all of them into foster care.
Nowadays Eden spends his time working and saving money, occasionally visiting his scattered siblings. 

Extra notes. :

- Eden has a work ethic like no other, he will break his back to get what he wants.

-Eden rarely ever does physical meet-ups anymore, he's had some bad encounters with fans in person.

- Eden isn't really interested in actually dating, though if someone were to really be 'devoted' and persistent he MIGHT entertain the idea f a 'date' 

- Eden's lighter blue spotted markings aren't really markings but they more resemble a form of vitiligo.