


3 years, 8 months ago


Aeriter Yulmath, 27 years old, male, Pansexual
Tatsuya is his trusted friend and pet.

- High sex drive leads to frequent escorts working for him.
- Dislikes Sedians (Changes later in his story)
- Sort of a loner unless he's in the mood for sexual acts
- Extremely stubborn and tenacious
- Works in the black market, smuggling food and drugs to Audits and Clones
- Likes parties like underground clubs and black market sale
- Actually a softie and has a lot of baggage he just wants to share with someone

AU until confirmed:
-Was born during The Last Cities, frozen in slumber on the Sempertet, released half way through the storyline, now takes place on the Sempertet to become a cosmonaut

The Last Cities:
-  Supported an underground brothel and black market scheme which cost him millions but paid off with all the sex he could ask for and a greater part of the black market trade that he controlled under his parents nose
- Lives lavishly, hosting parties in penthouses he owns
- Runs a high end metal working business with his father which he eventually inherits after killing his father to take his wealth
- Spirals out of control with guilt and fear of being found out, hired a Sedian to do his dirty work and they frequent each other as friends with benefits, later sneaks her onto the Sempertet