


3 years, 7 months ago



i love michael and i would die for anything


d5wrcbq-fe6a3392-16b3-4728-a6aa-ea0ef629Michael is a character in St. Agatha City, which you can download and play for free [here]!d5wrcbq-fe6a3392-16b3-4728-a6aa-ea0ef629


  • Name: Michael James Felicity Clark
  • Nickname/s: Mikey, Mike
  • Gender: Cis Male
  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Orientation: Grayromantic Asexual (Sex Repulsed)
  • Birthday: October 16th
  • Occupation: Nursing student
  • Allegiance/s: The Horde, Sunnyside Study Group

Michael is a shy, reserved man. He struggles with the feeling that he needs to justify his own existence, but luckily, he has friends like Ivy and Jonah, to help pull him out of his shell. Due to being almost exclusively around Ivy most of his life, and the fact that Ivy is madly in love with him, Michael thinks that it's normal to be extremely physically affectionate with all of your friends. He's like if an anime girl was a 22 year old man. There's definitely a harsher, angrier side to him, but it rarely comes out.

Michael is a character in my VN, St. Agatha City, which you can download and play for free here! He's not appeared yet, though he's mentioned in Boon's route, and will be present going forwards!

Michael is exceptionally, inordinately kind. He is sweet, and honest, and thoughtful. He may not always know exactly what to say, but he will always try, and has a knack for knowing when someone needs a hug. He has a slight problem of putting others before himself, and a slightly greater problem of being a pushover. However, if someone he cares about is in trouble, he will do whatever needs to be done to help them, no matter what the cost. If in a situation that requires it, Michael will drop his gentle, quiet disposition, and can be very, very intimidating, and more importantly, he can provide on these claims. Although seeing it as a last resort, Michael will fight someone if need be, and despite having lost most of the fights he was in as a child who was picked on, he has not lost since, being surprisingly ruthless and resourceful. 

Michael is artistically inclined, and makes sculptures using dead logs and his trusty chainsaw. He has also been known to paint, and on occasion write or draw. It requires a not insignificant amount of strength and restraint to accurately and delicately wield a chainsaw, and learning to do so has given Michael a lot of the hidden edge he has. 

Michael is going to college to be a psychiatric nurse, and is highly empathetic. He has trouble making friends on account of his appearance and the anxiety he is trying to get over, but he does have Ivy, and all that comes with that.

  • Height: 5"8
  • Body Type: 
  • Eye Color: Vivid green
  • Hair Color: Crow down black, and naturally thick, shiny, and soft.
  • Dominant Hand: Left
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jew
Michael has thick black hair and muttonchop sideburns, and a singular bright green eye. He will sometimes wear a white eyepatch, but he will usually allow his hair to do most of the work obscuring the remaining scar, and won't worry about it too much. There are much "weirder" things about him than his missing eye - namely, his grey skin.

Michael is, by his own admission, an unusual looking person. Plagued by medical abnormalities, he was born with a mysterious skin condition that causes his strange coloration, and is prone to developing benign tumors, two of which were placed prominently on his face, blinding him in his right eye, and several more have cropped up on his arms. As a child, he had surgery to have some of these growths removed, leaving pale, still yet to fade scars on his soft underbelly. He is of average stature with lanky proportions, and is very overweight, due to eating somewhat impulsively to soothe his nerves, a maladaptive coping mechanism he is trying to curb. On top of this, he has what some might call a "nervous stomach" and when he gets anxious, he throws up with some regularity. Most may see Michael as unfortunate, including himself, but his close friends do not share this notion. Least of all Ivy, who finds him to be one of the most pleasant, comforting people she has ever met.

He is soft and unassuming looking and meek, with bad posture - and yet still, something in him glints, making one suspicious he may be, deep down, a force to be reckoned with. He is missing his upper left canine.



🍯 Playlist 🍯

  • Pleaser // Wallows
  • The Suburbs // Arcade Fire
  • Colour Morning // Night Riots
  • Me and Michael // MGMT
  • Dasher // Gerard Way, Lydia Night
  • The Ballad of Helen Keller and Rip Van Winkle // The Moldy Peaches
  • III. The Party // Billy Cobb
  • Coffee // beabadoobee
  • New Slang // The Shins
  • Apartment Story // The National
  • Kids // MGMT
  • Do You Remember // Lydia
  • Spring and a Storm // Tally Hall
  • We're Going Home // Vance Joy
  • Anyone Else But You // The Moldy Peaches
  • Frostbitten // Joose
  • Fool // Cavetown
[Check Point!] Have everything you came for? Michael has library entries, tabs to check, and links!