Sayo [TeniPuri]



3 years, 9 months ago



PX6CiNq.png Tsukishima, Sayo

Rikkaidai girls tennis club regular

Age 14
Birthday February 12th
Gender Female
Nickname(s) Sacchan, Sayo-san
Height 162 cm (5'3")
School Rikkaidai
Class 2-D

"winnin'? losin'? who cares! i wanna learn how to do that!"

cheerful tenacious affectionate

A second year transfer student from Shitenhouji firmly believing in an endless pursuit of the best tennis style that fits her. Compared to her much more mild-mannered cousin, Sayo is full of boundless energy and cheer. Upon closer look, however, she appears to be quite focused and very determined to learn from everyone--especially from her opponents.

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Abandoned at birth in a rural town in Osaka, Sayo was passed to different caretakers up until Miaki's family moves into town and her father tracking down his missing niece. By that time, Sayo is adopted to the Tsukishima family and has become Miaki's little sister. Since then, she is treated like family, as Miaki develops a fondness for her cheerful bundle of joy.

When Miaki began helping out with Shiraishi, Sayo develops an extreme interest in tennis and begs her family for her to get her own gear (which they agreed to do so) She becomes some sort of a mentee/student for Shiraishi and Kenya while Miaki helps her out in her training routine. It becomes apparent that Sayo has natural talent for tennis and is a bit of a genius when it comes to absorbing most of what her mentors would teach her. It has come to the point in which she feels like she is stagnating there in Shitenhouji when it comes to finding more tennis styles to learn from. Upon hearing her sister talk about her friend in Rikkaidai, she applies for a student transfer/exchange program and makes it in, thereby starting her second year in Rikkaidai.

Despite being accompanied by her sister when she first arrives in Rikkai, Sayo still got lost and ended up in the tennis courts. There, she meets Kirihara doing some basic trainin exercises. Sayo wastes no time in asking him for a match, which Kirihara agrees in the end just to get her off his back. He expected a quick beat down (and even suggested that the match would only be in three games) but was thoroughly surprised after the first game (which he knew she threw in favor of analysing him) She changed the tide of the match somehow as she shows off some of the foundations and styles she developed using the Shitenhouji tennis club members as her basis.


As the battle gets heated, the rest of the regulars appeared, commentating on her various techniques and unorthodox play styles. In one instance, Yanagi even comments that her style is completely targeted at those who excel in reading their opponents as she exploits various habits and subconscious decisions of the other team. When she scores another point with her Mantis stalking Cicada move, Kirihara nearly goes into Devil Mode but was stopped by Sayo doing something (explained by Yanagi as a sensory overload type of Yips) The game ends with Sayo winning as she runs off to the main building, lamenting that her nee-san will be mad at her. When she appears the next day in Kirihara's class, he talks to her, clearly intrigued by her tennis prowess. It is the start of an unexpected friendship.

What's the point of winning or losing if you don't get how you got there?


Compared to her cousin/sister, Sayo is much more energetic and less likely to be held down by the rules if it hinders on what she wants/needs. Though she is considered as a tennis prodigy, she seems to dislike the title, as she is more interested in uncovering and implementing different tennis style to her own. She is nosy and prone to be a bit affectionate due to her natural curiosity and unsatiable need to discover everything around her. At some point, Yanagi even describes her as someone who is very gluttenous towards every piece of knowledge she could get her hands on.

Sayo is also rarely ever angry or insulted by anything. Though she does get into her fair share of fights due to her blunt nature. She doesn't dwell on loses or wins, just the experience and knowledge she learns. This does mean that she hates default wins/loses or sweep matches as she is not able to decipher more about other people's tennis styles. Though people in Shitenhouji used to describe her as a female Kintaro, she is much more focus and goal-oriented than Kintaro's wild style. This is especially true when Kirihara accompanies her to one of her Calligraphy sessions as he notes how she looks as if she is in a trance.

akaya/sayo (AkaYo)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse faucibus nunc sed mattis sollicitudin. Nullam sodales elementum lorem non dignissim. Praesent vehicula ipsum ac mauris volutpat efficitur vitae quis dui. Aenean tincidunt nibh neque, nec ultricies orci elementum ut. Mauris vestibulum est velit, non tempus ligula pellentesque vitae. Cras nec aliquet dui, ac sodales turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec et dolor eget augue tristique laoreet. Nam interdum eros eget erat ullamcorper ultricies. Donec imperdiet fringilla purus, sit amet maximus metus sodales interdum. In volutpat rutrum nisl eget consequat. Praesent volutpat tortor purus, ut elementum erat dapibus rutrum.


Praesent pulvinar mauris ac lacus rutrum varius. Proin sed magna massa. Etiam ultrices lorem nec nulla maximus vulputate. Sed a semper massa. Duis ac faucibus sapien. Donec efficitur mi eget urna pulvinar dapibus. Morbi tempor ligula at sagittis tempor. Nunc in posuere nisi. Praesent varius non neque vel vulputate.

Proin odio nisl, scelerisque sit amet massa et, feugiat suscipit urna. Nulla id leo eu turpis interdum faucibus. Duis auctor dui eget iaculis lacinia. Vestibulum nec tempus libero. Morbi a ultrices nulla. Cras ex lectus, ultricies ac turpis eget, faucibus dictum ex. Cras et enim convallis odio auctor cursus at sit amet quam. Phasellus et lectus interdum, ornare odio nec, facilisis sapien. Ut interdum nunc vel interdum posuere. Fusce elit quam, imperdiet et sem a, consequat interdum lorem. Aenean a sem orci. Nullam non fermentum ex. Ut tellus augue, porta eu leo quis, scelerisque pharetra nulla.

Phasellus ullamcorper tellus porta magna elementum ornare. Ut iaculis consectetur tortor et aliquam. Nunc aliquet malesuada finibus. Praesent pretium eros ut felis mattis tempus. Suspendisse ullamcorper magna nec tempus sodales. Vestibulum sit amet facilisis nisl, vitae iaculis nisi. Quisque leo augue, convallis non velit faucibus, pulvinar porta nulla. Etiam accumsan ultricies nisl vitae condimentum. Suspendisse et odio at felis consectetur ultrices. Vivamus vel mi sed nisi lobortis lobortis. Ut aliquam massa eu ligula ultricies euismod in id est. Mauris massa metus, eleifend hendrerit leo quis, gravida semper ex. Donec mollis luctus eros nec vestibulum. Aliquam et pharetra lectus.

Vivamus pharetra sodales felis sit amet rhoncus. Vestibulum dictum, mauris ac porta pellentesque, orci turpis mattis purus, vel rhoncus sapien erat eget erat. Aliquam scelerisque hendrerit enim, vel ornare augue faucibus volutpat. Curabitur vel tortor tincidunt, tincidunt orci quis, tempor nisi. Curabitur a massa sapien. Nunc ornare ullamcorper eleifend. Phasellus congue, dolor vitae auctor mollis, augue magna bibendum risus, a feugiat quam mauris lobortis odio. Fusce tristique in lectus at ornare. Nulla facilisi. Ut hendrerit consectetur sagittis. Aliquam ullamcorper leo massa, vitae feugiat justo blandit id. Proin sollicitudin sodales volutpat. Sed porta et magna quis tempor. Nullam luctus erat eget felis congue, non convallis justo ultricies. Maecenas convallis tempus nulla eu ultrices.


Praesent pulvinar mauris ac lacus rutrum varius. Proin sed magna massa. Etiam ultrices lorem nec nulla maximus vulputate. Sed a semper massa. Duis ac faucibus sapien. Donec efficitur mi eget urna pulvinar dapibus. Morbi tempor ligula at sagittis tempor. Nunc in posuere nisi. Praesent varius non neque vel vulputate.




  • people watching
  • ice cream
  • tennis
  • Akaya's hair
  • green tea
  • calligraphy
  • festivals


  • Like her sister, Sayo is fluent in English thanks to her influence.
  • Upon talking to Kirihara in the first day of school, she immediately begins calling him "Akaya-kun"
  • She carries her racket everywhere.
  • Cannot cook to save her life (except maybe grill meat/yakiniku)
  • Takes a liking to Niou due to him being able to perfectly mimic a lot of people.

Personal Information

  • Foot Size: 22.5cm
  • Hobbies: People watching, playing scrabble
  • Father's Occupation: Government Official
  • Spends Allowance On: Tennis equipment, crane/claw/UFO games
  • Personal Motto: "What's the point of winning or losing if you don't get how you got there?"
  • Catch Phrase: "Mou ikkai" (or Again/One more time in English)
  • Favorable Subject: English, Japanese, PE
  • Disliked Subjects: Art, Science
  • Favorite Color: Red
  • Favorite Food: Tamagoyaki, Ramen
  • Favorite Movies: Rom-Coms
  • Favorite Books: Adventure/Fantasy (also loves the Isekai Genre)
  • Favorite Music: Soothing music
  • Preferred Type: Confident, attentive, someone who would listen to her
  • Favorite Date Spot: Amusement Parks, Game Centers
  • Favorite Place to Visit at School: Courtyard
  • Daily Routine: Practice in the morning, exchange and copy notes with Akaya
  • Routine During Tournaments: Prepare herself mentally, do image training, rewatch old tournamen videos
  • Sports Done Aside From Tennis: Soccer
  • Things She Wants The Most (at the moment): A penguin plushie (from the arcade), some new headphones
  • Dislikes: People who take advantage of others
  • Other Skills: Calligraphy

Daily School Life

  • 06:00 - Wakes up, eats breakfast and goes on call with parents.
  • 06:30 -
  • 06:45 -
  • 07:00 -
  • 08:00 -
  • 08:20 -
  • 08:30 -
  • 09:30 -
  • 10:40 -
  • 11:40 -
  • 12:30 -
  • 12:35 -
  • 13:30 -
  • 14:30 -
  • 15:30 -
  • 16:10 -
  • 18:30 -
  • 18:50 -
  • 19:00 -
  • 19:30 -
  • 19:50 -
  • 20:00 -
  • 21:30 -
  • 22:40 -
  • 23:10 -
  • 23:30 - Goes to bed.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

Other Contacts


Shiraishi, Kuranosuke

(Kura-nii) || Friends






(Yuki-san) || Friends




Notes & Messages



Message & Note from Kurano

 Miaki! I got us some tickets for that new park ride you wanted to visit. Meet me at the train station tomorrow~! 

  She needs to be a bit more aware of herself. I'm glad she wastes no time on those nuances but you'll never know when something might slip. 



Message & Note from Toshi

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vulputate venenatis lacus, sit amet rhoncus libero tincidunt et. Cras turpis quam, rutrum ac egestas et, ultrices at elit. 

  Fusce luctus at arcu vitae varius. Pellentesque consectetur placerat nibh in faucibus. Integer laoreet gravida velit, vitae pulvinar odio tristique id. Cras nec suscipit tellus. Duis elit erat, porta et lacus sit amet, fringilla tincidunt eros. Suspendisse accumsan id justo at dictum. Curabitur vitae est vitae nunc vulputate pharetra.  



Message & Note from Rei

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vulputate venenatis lacus, sit amet rhoncus libero tincidunt et. Cras turpis quam, rutrum ac egestas et, ultrices at elit. 

  Fusce luctus at arcu vitae varius. Pellentesque consectetur placerat nibh in faucibus. Integer laoreet gravida velit, vitae pulvinar odio tristique id. Cras nec suscipit tellus. Duis elit erat, porta et lacus sit amet, fringilla tincidunt eros. Suspendisse accumsan id justo at dictum. Curabitur vitae est vitae nunc vulputate pharetra.  



Message & Note from Yuki-san

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vulputate venenatis lacus, sit amet rhoncus libero tincidunt et. Cras turpis quam, rutrum ac egestas et, ultrices at elit. 

  Fusce luctus at arcu vitae varius. Pellentesque consectetur placerat nibh in faucibus. Integer laoreet gravida velit, vitae pulvinar odio tristique id. Cras nec suscipit tellus. Duis elit erat, porta et lacus sit amet, fringilla tincidunt eros. Suspendisse accumsan id justo at dictum. Curabitur vitae est vitae nunc vulputate pharetra.  



Message & Note from Bocchama

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vulputate venenatis lacus, sit amet rhoncus libero tincidunt et. Cras turpis quam, rutrum ac egestas et, ultrices at elit. 

  Fusce luctus at arcu vitae varius. Pellentesque consectetur placerat nibh in faucibus. Integer laoreet gravida velit, vitae pulvinar odio tristique id. Cras nec suscipit tellus. Duis elit erat, porta et lacus sit amet, fringilla tincidunt eros. Suspendisse accumsan id justo at dictum. Curabitur vitae est vitae nunc vulputate pharetra.