Mari (Sailor Tucana)



7 years, 3 months ago


★ Mariana "Sailor Tucana"★

Adrenaline Junkie ☆ Active ☆ Loyal

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."


Name || Mariana Gabrielle Torres
Alias || Mari or Tucana
Gender || Female
Age || Twenty-four
Sign || Libra/Scorpio
Ethnicity || Brazillian
Orientation || Pansexual
Occupation || Aerial Dancer/ Senshi
Status || Taken by Sailor Cetus
Theme || link a theme song

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☆ About

 Mariana "Sailor Tucana" Timeline

Mari is a proud member of the Constellation Senshi, taking place on Earth and the Cloaked World. Filled with her own insecurities, she hides behind an adrenaline addict personality and outgoing smiles. Faced with the sudden arrival of her duties as a senshi, she struggles to find her place but in the end eventually carves herself a place among friends and family, even finding love along the way. Don't ever fuck with her family (make-shift or real) or you will find out how quick she is to set you straight. Above all else, Mari is loyal to those she loves and that loves her in return.

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☆ Personality

 Monophobia -

Year 1:
 Fear of being alone. Mariana will actually begin to have a anxiety attack or just break down crying if she is alone too long. Even if it is a random stranger she would be fine, but if completely alone it doesn't end well for her. Prolonged exposure to her monophobia past the initial breakdown can result in her harming herself, or hyperventilating and passing out due to lack of oxygen. 

Year 2: While not fully gone, Mari now has much better control over this fear thanks to her friends and family. It is only when she is completely isolated for long periods of time that she will begin to feel the familiar symptoms of shortness of breath and anxiety, but complete panic attacks are rare unless someone is provoking it intentionally. 

Strong  Honest - Talkative - Affectionate- Stubborn - Adrenaline addict -  Perverted -  Social birb butterfly


★ Birds
★ Her Cirque Family
★ Her Actual Family
★ Fruits/Fruit Smoothies
★ Sailor Cetus/Zoey


☆ Being Alone
☆ Most Meats (chicken is exception)
☆ Snow/Ice/Cold Temperatures
☆ Silence
☆ Sitting still

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☆ Story Summary

Mariana grew up in Natal, Brazille, with four brothers and two fathers and couldn't have been happier. Sure it was rough for her fathers to support so many of them, especially since they had all been adopted at varying ages when they were brought into the family, but her parents made it work. She grew up learning the value of hardwork and family, and seeing the strength of love first hand through her fathers. She had no tragic past, and it was a rather boring life to be honest for her. Which was why at the age of seventeen she begged her fathers to let her move to America all on her own. Unwilling to let Mariana leave on her own, they sent her oldest brother instead with her, which was fine since he had always been her favorite anyway. Together they set out and settled in one of the warmest states they could find. Texas. Instead of going to college, Mariana settled on working at a gymnastics company and found her calling through that. It was a couple years later that she joined her first and only Cirque group, Cirque de Paradise, and has happily been performing for them since. 

However upon a trip to a winter resort, and being left in a lodge alone, she was visited by The Lady. A beautiful, ethereal woman that calmed her nerves and spoke to her about what she was, and what was needed of her, listening to the story of how Mariana had gotten what she thought was just a pretty piece of jewelry but was so much more. A while later she was faced with the transformation and teleportation to the cloaked world, nearly dying ( as she claims) upon entry. Meeting with so many others like CaMi and Barus, she made quick friends with other high energy souls. From there her makeshift family grew until she found so many more that were by her side. Of course such a journey was not without peril. From surprise attacks of the enemy to allies being captured, and rigorous training in bootcamp, Mari was never without something to do between that life and her civilian. 

She never expected to fall in love. What started out as flirting with one friend, turned into play flirting with another. Somehow it ended up with them actually flirting and getting to know each other, and by her second year in the cloaked world, she had found herself starting to fall in love..or at the very least a strong attraction. Finally getting her courage up, she confessed to Sailor Cetus / Zoey after her powers were stolen and she found herself facing the fear of never seeing many of the others ever again. She knew she would have to say something, if for nothing else than to have no regrets. Thankfully, it seemed her fellow senshi felt the same and they have been going steady since. 

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☆ Past Self


Mari remembers bits and pieces about her past self, the very first Tucana. At first, due to her phobia, she felt inferior to him, and like she didn't have a place among the current team. She had friends, but what was her use? How could she even think to help others like he had? She got over it quick, using it to fuel her training and determination to be better but it was always there until she learned to think not as Ka but herself. Though she will admit that she is glad it was his fondness towards CaMi that drew her towards one of her best friends...even if it was slightly awkward at first when she realized he had ended up in a relationship with said CaMi. Thankfully her CaMi doesn't seem to mind they aren't 'destined' to be together again. 

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☆ Relationships


★ Zoey "Sailor Cetus"

[ Girlfriend ] This senshi holds a special place to Mari. Not at first though. At first Mari first encountered her when she tagged along with Gabi one day and it was honestly a joke when Zoey and Mari began to flirt with each other. It just kinda happened when Zoey was flirting with Gabi..and Mari kinda just flirted with Zoey instead. It wasn't meant to lead anywhere but as the months went on and they continued to flirt Mari started to get attached and developed a crush on her. She didn't realize this until she was suddenly cut off from everyone, without powers and without the ability to contact all but the handful she had stored in her civilian phone. Once back in contact with CW she worked up the courage and asked Zoey out and since then they've been together. She adores her leviathan-esque lover. Small but ready to wreck your face. <3 

★ Abdul "Canis Minor"

[ Pretty Much Another Brother]One of the first senshi she managed to befriend and they often go jogging together. CaMi also heals up her minor scrapes and bruises from training or battle, provided he has the energy. She adores petting his ears and rambling onto him, and being there for him in turn. At first she was unsure why she had such a strong link to him already, but found out eventually that her past self and his past self were partners and lovers. While not being lovers with the male in this current day and age, she considers him one of her best friends and favorite battle partner.

★ Name

[ relationship ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat.

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