Content Warning

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Heyyyy.....I want to like you, I really do. I want to like everyone, but I'm not going to be happy if you steal my characters. Just....don't. You can get design inspired only if it's not heavy inspiration. If I see a character that looks exactly like my character minus one changed detail I'm going to hunt you down and make your life very miserable. Don't trace or alter my art, don't take it and say it's your own...k? It's my stuff, I credit people where credit is due, you do the same. You follow these simple rules and we will get along just fine! 

Thank's for visiting my TH and have fun looking around.       

Just remember....follow the rules or I will hunt you out, I will make your life miserable, and I will add you as a character to my next book and have you die in a very unfashionable way.   Take this warning seriously as I am an aspiring author with a very wild imagination, I can have a lot of stuff happen. Let's just avoid all that....k? Thanks       

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