
3 years, 8 months ago


NOT UMBRA ANYMORE shes just back to being a misc character.
fun fact i made the very very oldest iteration of her in 5th grade!

april, please, lower your gun

  • celestial/human halfling
  • female w/ a somewhat androgynous appearance
    • wears all white. all the time. (physically incapable of donning any other colors??)
      • clothes have become somewhat stained and tattered from wandering, but were all originally white
      • occasionally tolerates gray, silver, and/or black as accents
    • wings are pure white
      • both wings are differently shaped, and thus she's not a very good flier
  • wanderer; goes pretty much wherever life takes her
  • talented swordsman; has like. 3. on her at any given time
  • though she doesn't have many demonic abilities, shes capable of summoning objects, and uses this to keep her 20+ swords in void storage tm
  • perpetually cold to the touch, though has no active/usable ice powers
  • "while you were partying, i studied the blade" is a 100% in-character thing for her to say
  • ex-nihili left permanently scarred by her experiences. not exactly what one would call stable.
  • sees the world through a shattered lens; considers others nothing but obstacles or particularly interesting specimens. willingly and carelessly risks others' safety for the sake of pursuing knowledge. speaks partially in metaphor.
  • cal remembers almost nothing about her previous life, and is trying to build a new one going off of those muddled fragments, resulting in things such as her misspelled name, having an affinity for blades despite not remembering how to use them, having a lot of habits and personal rituals that she doesn't know the purpose of, etc.
    • pre-nihil name was actually calissa; she remembered the vague sound, but not the spelling, and is thus stuck with a typo forever. at least on the upside calyxa sounds cooler
  • she wasn't an active vessel for very long, probably only a few years; however, she failed to fight the nihil off and was quickly exhausted, and thus lost herself very fast, so she got most of the bad side effects and very little of the good ones. the nihil probably left her behind because cal is actually pretty weak, both physically and mentally; she can't fly on account of having a deformed wing (and couldn't properly harness what little healing/creation powers the nihil gave her to fix it), and even before getting her sanity shattered by existential crisis god, was in a somewhat dark place mentally (nothing physical, mostly just anxiety, depression, paranoia, all that fun stuff)
    • is desperately in need of a fucking therapist, but is way too stubborn to ever seek out any kind of help