


3 years, 9 months ago




𝔄n orphaned half-vampire. Has been working as a servant under the Marquis Perche Kiss ever since the marquis took him under his care. Secretly (or not so secretly) dotes on his master, though he is careful not to cross lines.

Slanted eyes, apprehensive gaze. Protective of his master - he'd fight any intruders to the bone, even if he were to give up his life.

Quiet and reserved most of the time. Isen prefers to stay in the shadows rather than stand out. He becomes aggressive and unforgiving (almost feral) when his master is threatened - a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. He is somewhat obsessive over Perche, though understandably so; his master was his salvation and the reason he still lives to this day.

As a half-blood, Isen does not necessarily require blood to sustain himself - he can eat human food, though not drinking blood for long periods of time can leave him thirsty. However, unlike regular vampires, he ages - though at a pace much slower than humans.


Name Isen
Occupation Servant
Age 35+ by human years
Gender Male
Pronouns He / Him
Origin Portsmouth, England
Height 186cm
Build Sturdy
Hair Silver
Eyes Toxic cobalt blue
Race Half-vampire
Affiliation Marquis Perche


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Born to a vampire father and a human mother. Isen’s mother died during childbirth, leaving his father to care for his half-blood son. Isen’s father was a lone vampire that worked small nighttime jobs in return for a place to stay. He kept his true identity a secret to the villagers, though he let Isen know once he was old enough to understand the complexity of their family’s situation.

One night, when Isen was 10 years old, his father hastily packed what belongings they had; a group of vampire hunters had come to their village, and some villagers who were wary of the strange father and son had told them of the nocturnal family living on the edge of the settlement. Isen and his father fled into the woods, but were soon caught up to. Isen was given his father’s sack and ordered to run away as far as he could, and to never tell anyone about his family’s history. He obeyed, and never saw what happened to his father.

After hours of running blindly through the dark forest, Isen finally discovered a sliver of light that showed he was near the edge of the woods. However, he was hungry and tired, and quite hopeless about his future. Where could he, a mere ten year old, go now? What meaning did his life have anyway? Maybe it would have been better off if he had stayed beside his father, regardless of what sort of fate he would have met. So he curled up at the foot of an old tree, clutching his father’s legacy to his chest, waiting for- but at the same time, dreading- the slow footsteps of death.

After a while, he heard the clatter of hooves, but it was not quite what he had expected death to look like. A majestic being with white flowing hair and striking emerald eyes, mounted upon a pearly white steed, looked down upon him. ‘What are you doing here in the woods, poor boy? There are vampire hunters prowling the area, and I do not want to know what they would do to a young one as you.’ he spoke, and his voice was like soft silky milk, warming the cold air.

Hunters. This man knew of them. Isen told the man of his separation with his father, though he was reluctant to tell him of his heritage. ‘How misfortunate,’ the being smiled sadly. ‘I do not think it would be wise to go looking for your father in this situation. I can, however, offer to give you a safe place to stay until we find your father, if you are willing to trust me.’

Isen knew he would not be able to find his father again, but he was happy to be able to find a home somewhere.