The Dread Morrows - Setting



3 years, 9 months ago


The Dread Morrows

A dark fantasy story set in a world split across continents that, despite small civil wars and typical squabbles, have lived largely in peace for most living memories. Though largely healed, there are still scars from the Unseelie war a century earlier, where the fey and their distant cousins, the solfhal'in, tore their way through the lands without a care for who was in their way. Their war was about more than lands or money, it was about pride and a deepset anger that stretched back millennia, to their founding gods themselves. The Unseelie and their patron, the god-creature known as Vha'dhrosh, found themselves on the losing end of that war and were banished to the Liminal, a space between realities where only creatures of innate magical ability could survive. There they made a home, and what counted for a life, sometimes even slipping out of spaces where the boundaries between their world and this were thin. They were feared, eventually tolerated at a distance, and now small towns have even been known to harbour Unseelie who have escaped the Liminal, telling stories of a mad ruler who speaks to a dead god and wishing to start over in a world they used to call home.

But while the world has moved on, and children have been born for years not knowing of the fey as anything other than folklore to scare them into behaving, the Unseelie did not forget. The Liminal is becoming thin as their power grows and their magic becomes twisted with anger and dreams of revenge. Monsters have appeared again to terrorise those too scared to pick up a sword, their bodies twisted into nightmarish shapes that defy reality and confirm its awfulness all at once. Unseelie assassins are rumoured to have interfered with human politics, turning themselves into kingmakers before slipping back to a space where none could follow them to find out the truth. A new religious order rises, believing that their god has appeared to challenge the Old Order, one which prefers those of solfhal'in blood, born with magic in them that humans could never hope to gain without great personal sacrifice. Their leader claims to have seen the truth of the world, that the days of the solfhal'in are over, and every day he rallies more to his cause, a dangerous paradigm which proves that peace, by its nature, cannot last forever. It is rumoured by some, voices quickly silenced, that the Bishop has been seen leaving long meetings with figures that are most certainly not human, though to what end, none can say...

Through the Liminal a single figure has emerged, wearing a magical amulet passed down through his family and stolen from his brother in one desperate attempt of bravery before his escape. Ennis, an Unseelie prince exiled for his protestations at how he has seen his people change, brings a message of war, before his brother can attempt a ritual that could tear the worlds and reality itself apart.








Charris - Aruna's kingdom. Desert, Persian/Byzantine inspired