
3 years, 7 months ago


NOTE: This character's profile is still a WIP


"The chains of Time are what bind us to the surface."





The world is boring. The rules are strict. Why bother living by their rules if you are not happy? Your fictional worlds are your only comfort, so why not make them reality? If you are a child of a ruthless God with tantalizing rules it should be fine if you create your own if you are no longer under his wing, correct? You have a free will. You can create till your hearts content. You can live now. You are safe.

Zign is a birth child of Anubis and the previous head of Judge Angels. He is the youngest of two, and deeply cares for his older brother, greatly looking up to him. Zign was born in the heavens, and lived as a young angel, child of God, for the first sixteen years of his life. The night of his sixteenth birthday Zign had his first creation, born from pain of all of he had throughout the years of borning torture of life. He created Z. Born from the reflection of his pain, Z lived on in Zign's shadow for ages. At first, Z had kept quiet, keeping hidden, until Zign truely needed someone the most. He was new to this life, but he was malicous. It was finally the day that Zign was destined to take his mothers place. Of course, they refused. He had the same ambitions as his mother, to make The Heavens a better place. But they refused, and of course Z made it worse. He was of unholy energy. Danger. Thus, Zign was exiled from The Heavens, sent plumeting to the unknown.

Currently, Zign lives peacefully in a place of the inbetween worlds, the nothing, and everything, he calles Oblivion. After a long battle with Z, now Aks, and banishment of their own, they live and create all of the beings in Oblivion's universe. Zign creates all of them as a whole, while Z gives them the truama, the porpuse, the reason they tick. Their bond with each other is stronger than any of the others they have, and will continue to protect each other and their world. Zign will always be happy with his choices, and has very little regrets. The one thing he will never regret, was creating his first friend.


Zign’s empathy for others is very high. Whether it be his own creations, close friends, or his own family, he seems to be very easy to talk to about someone’s daily/life problems. He feels sorry for people that have a rough life or time, causing him to convey the same or similar emotions to help them. To his old religion, Zign was believed to be a talented individual. He was able to make human beings out of nothing but his own ideas and imagination. Considering his family members, it is both surprising and understandable of how he can do such work. Despite being a god, Zign is very thoughtful. He takes the time and care to put into his own creations. He does feel bad when they have something that's hurting, or has hurt, them. Some days he wants nothing more than to just make them feel better.

Zign may be a person of higher power, but he is very cowardly. He’s very much a people pleaser, wanting nothing more than to make everything acceptable and others happy. He prefers to stay out of tense or action based situations, wanting to stay and work on new or old and undeveloped creations. Zign makes some of his creations and ideas from impulse. He doesn’t exactly plan most things out, going straight into what he believes is interesting enough for a person and puts it into place. He makes choices as he goes. Zign is very nervous, seeing as he mostly keeps to himself. He tries to not get himself in trouble, hurt, or dangerous situations. He says he’s already been in trouble once, he would rather not be again.


  • Empathy
  • Talented
  • Thoughtful
  • Attentive


  • Curious
  • Relaxed
  • Polite
  • Open-Minded


  • Cowardly
  • Impulsive
  • Nervous
  • Insecure


Shy Outgoing

Humble Arrogant

Meek Confident

Reckless Cautious

Loud Quiet

Cruel Kind

Lazy Hardworking

Selfish Altruistic

Careless Alert

Monochrome Colorful

Individual Cooperative



Around others, Zign is seen as semi-formal, usually trying not to cause any scenes and overall has a professional but comfortable feel. Zign comes off as calming to all around him, and can easily get in on jokes if he's with friends. He's more of the type to sit and enjoy a conversation rather than join it. He enjoys how others interact with each other, seeming to find comfort in it. When someone interacts with him he'll be surrpised, but pleasently.


When on his own, Zign is quiet. He already keeps to himself and smothers in his work, making sure everything is perfect and living for his creations is enjoyable. Most of the time he is too caught up in work to really pay attention to himself or how he's feeling, sometimes not expressing much at all. Othertimes he'll get rarely overly emotional about a twist or something adorable in the story he's made, making it a nice change. Other time's are more of a personal down time, not feeling particularly well at all.


With loved ones such as a partner, Aks, Akil, or Tanja, Zign is more open on how he really reacts, proving he doesn't always have his calming polite facade. Not to say he isn't polite, he's just rather unemotional compared to the company of others. Zign doesn't have a hard time expression emotions or how he's feeling, he just adds more around company. With loved ones, he's more himself, whether it be panic or happiness, Zign is more himself and at ease around loved ones.



Zign's demeanor is usually the same all around. Due to having a small frame and higher status, he stands mostly upright but comfortable with his hands laying infront of him slightly crossed. In private his body language is more lazy and slouchy but still just enough to be able to move quickly and change fast if he needs to. When Zign is around his loved ones he is the same as in public but slightly relaxed, and has more animated movements.



Zign is always in a almost straight positon, having his hands crossed over in front of him. Sitting is basically the same as standing and walking as well. Zign's movements are more graceful and smooth. He usually doesn't allow his wings out, but when they are they are resting semi-folded against his back.


When Zign is particularly happy he seems to perk up in every way. His eyes light up, his wings raise, he starts talking with his hands more, he becomes really animated and bouncy. He'll start getting visibly excited about whatever has been brought to his attention or in his mind and was questioned, maybe going on a small tangent.


When Zign is particularly happy he seems to perk up in every way. His eyes light up, his wings raise, he starts talking with his hands more, he becomes really animated and bouncy. He'll start getting visibly excited about whatever has been brought to his attention or in his mind and was questioned, maybe going on a small tangent.



Zign walks so softly he's almost silent. He tends to look semi-formal and elegant as one of his status should for a being watching over a whole world. His normal speed is average unless excited or panicked. When relaxed, his steps either slow down or speed up with company, and when panicked his speed picks up.



When excited or happy, Zign's wings flap softly, and sometimes faster depending on what got him excited.


When thinking, sometimes Zign will go silent and seem lost in thought, though when he finally gains an idea of what he's after, he'll jolt a small bit with a look of acomplishment, his friends consider it a visual lightbulb.

Maladaptive Daydreaming

Mostly in private, Zign will sometimes get ideas and daydream about them in extreme detail. This causes him to space out, fidget, or sometimes walk around.



  • Gold Accents
  • Zodiacs
  • Hourglasses
  • Space


  • Art Museums
  • White Noise/Static
  • Blankness
  • Chains

Likes_Accents.png Likes_Zodiacs.png Likes_Hourglasses.png Likes_Space.png


  • Writer - The library that Zign's personal quarters resides on top of is more than enough proof that the small god is a writer. Any look at the covers or spine has a living beings name, and his name in the author's spot. If asked about one, he could ramble on for hours and hours if you let him.
  • Designer - A being capable of creation such as himself comes with the need for design. It's a good thing he's always had quite the knack for it with a keen eye for colors. Even if he'll end up changing it in a month or so.
  • Acting - Occasionally while making a new creation, Zign will personally test out certian personality traits himself to see if they fit them well enough. If he's having a hard time deciding if its a right fit, he'll occasionally disguse himself and test it out in public, unless its a villain esc being.


  • None

Hobbies_Writer.png Hobbies_Designer.png Hobbies_Actor.png


Describe your character's current story here. What is their goal right now/ what are they doing? You can briefly describe how they got to this current point in time, but this part is meant to focus moreso on the current story/ event as the sections below this will go over past events. Praesent elementum faucibus dolor rhoncus porttitor. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce hendrerit, tortor et dictum egestas, metus turpis porta orci, ut eleifend massa enim nec erat.


Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text



Unlike the timeline tab, this section goes into more details about past events. Use the subheaders to break key/ major events/ turning points apart from one another. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed at nunc aliquam ipsum imperdiet fringilla. Cras feugiat aliquet tellus, at dictum turpis convallis id. Maecenas eu urna vitae nunc ultrices lobortis tempor ac lectus. Nullam ut condimentum mauris, vel porta arcu.



Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel ex. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.

Etiam tristique, nulla vel feugiat dictum, dui felis consequat dolor, ac viverra libero massa vitae quam. Duis non tortor ultrices, consectetur massa a, ornare magna. Praesent ac facilisis mi. Quisque ex ipsum, sodales et purus sit amet, venenatis mollis nulla. Ut scelerisque justo et mattis feugiat. In faucibus cursus velit placerat bibendum. Nam arcu arcu, tempus bibendum posuere a, porta eu nunc. Maecenas rutrum, nulla molestie posuere accumsan, dolor erat molestie mi, sed sodales mauris nisl non mi. Integer vehicula, lacus quis semper lacinia, ipsum massa porttitor tortor, sed rutrum risus ante vitae orci. Quisque gravida dignissim justo, eu scelerisque ligula accumsan eu. Nullam semper augue a nisl euismod, sed hendrerit nisi commodo.



Praesent nunc mi, vulputate interdum nunc vel, vehicula vestibulum magna. Mauris viverra interdum turpis. In enim diam, tincidunt quis semper sed, feugiat et nisl. In vestibulum purus nunc, at euismod eros tempor ac. Etiam faucibus convallis nibh. Duis vel eros in mauris consectetur lacinia ut sed sem. Proin vel suscipit turpis. Nam ac nibh ac felis varius tincidunt aliquam et dui. Morbi semper diam id odio eleifend, sit amet tincidunt sem pretium. Duis id ex ut nisi tempor vestibulum. Nunc quis arcu et risus congue finibus. Fusce id convallis nunc. Duis mauris arcu, ornare sed ligula vitae, rhoncus faucibus neque. In vel metus luctus, sagittis urna at, sodales augue. Integer et dolor tincidunt, finibus augue vitae, vestibulum odio.





To this day, Zign and Aks, also known as Z, still work together with an unbreakable bond. When together, they are creation and destruction, with Zign's counterpart looking similar to himself and going by 'Z'. When seperate and doing their own duties, Zign is himself while his counterpart now goes by Aks and holds a completely new look. With Zign creating living beings and bringing them to their worlds to thrive and create stories, Z takes on the role of giving them purpose in a sense. Something to fight for. He is responseable for all the traumatic reasonings of Zign's creations, allowing them to function as a proper being.


First meetings between the two haven't been the best way to meet. At first, Zign thought his all-nighters caused hallutionation's, this was debunked by the now alive and very much real shadow. He was wary of this new being, as well as glad that there was now someone else to talk to. With the discovery of his ability of creation, he had some life changes. After the fallout between the two, Zign had exialed both of them for the saftely of whatever they have stumbled upon, only to lead them to an empty abyss. Being stuck in an abyss for hundreds of years brought the both of them back together, and 'tamed' the evil side of Aks. Now that their differences are settled, they created their entire little world.




Currently, Zign and Akil are still fairly close as siblings, but they don't visit each other much. If anything, they are the type to offer their aid when needed without talking often. They care for each other quite a bit, with Akil visiting Zign more than the other way around, seeing as Zign can't leave too often. Akil doesn't mind going to visit his brother, as he's quite busy himself and perfers to spend time with his own partner. Zign understands that his brother can get incredibly busy, due to being the predecessor of their father, Anubis. Zign appriciates what he does. Only wanting the best for him, Zign silently enjoys any company his brother gives him. Sometimes, but rarely, asking if Akil could hang out instead. Zign also takes his time to help Akil translate Arabic into a more common language, but he's slowly left that to Akils partner, thinking it would be a good bonding moment.


Zign and Akil grew up together, naturally. There wasn't much of a sibling bond at first other than mutual respect and occasional poking, proding, and annoying each other. Despite not having too much of a relationship at the start, if the other needed company or comfort they would be with them in an instant. Akil never had too much time to hang out with his brother, getting ready for his own debut in life, but Zign didn't mind. After Zign's fall, Akil was trying his hardest to find him as he possibly could. Being one of the first to find him after his beginning of Creation, Zign was surprised but overjoyed that his own family had found him again. Current days he occasionally visits to check on him, but he knows he's got a life and partner of his own.




Zign and Tanja's relationship is half friends, half Leader and Desciple. While Zign tries his best to matain contact with Tanja despite his anxiety and not being worshiped as a proper god in so long, Tanja fully understands and tells him to take it easy, and is just happy he's trying anyways. There's some sort of protecting aura around their relationship as Zign can only defend himself so much, Tanja lives among the living, occasionally spreading the word to attract others to his own god, mostly to gain his confidance.


Zign had accidentily come across Tanja when exploring his own universe. Due to being in a very secluded area mostly looking for a walk and nastolgia of the location, he had not hidden his identity. Coming across and old cathedral that used to be for him, he hadn't realized that it was inhabited. Tanja of course watched from a distance as this stranger entered his home, only to be surprised at seeing as his own god before his eyes. Their meeting was one filled with caution, surprise, and respect. Tanja treated him like a god he was, which caused Zign to freeze up of course. After meeting every so often, Zign gave him a 'promotion' (Which he gets poked at a lot by Tanja) to his Desciple, allowing him some new powers, a better weapon, and the ability to oversee, an odd sort of protector.


Everyday Life



Zign lives in the space inbetween worlds, most would call it limbo or purgatory, and Zign lets them as it can be hard to pinpoint his exact residence. The location is an ever stretching void of darkness, though the lighting is comfortable and sometimes you can even see bits of stars and nebula patterns. The building Zign resides in is quite large and extravigant. If one had to describe it, it would be a mix of an extravigant gothic cathedral and castel with his same dark and gold aesthetic. The halls have a simple but beautifully decorated look, the windows are a mix of decorative black-iron and stained glass of Zign and all the residents that pass through. Zign has multiple rooms for those he's chosen as his favorites and allows them to stay and rest whenever they please. The living conditions of this residence is very comfortable, as Zign made sure there was anything anyone could possibly need to be happy.

While Zign himself doesn't walk and explore his own home often, he made the space as such for the residents to enjoy when they visit. While most of them sit around the large seating room with a table, almost avengers style, as that room is made for everyone to gather together, across the ballroom entrance is an empty doorway cast in shadow and a very big mirror is the entrance to Aks' personal dimension. There is also a ballroom for gatherings if and whenever they happen. There's a very large library, which is watched over by The Librarian, and a small entrance point to Zign's living quarters that rest above it. Zigns room isn't much, the main space has a desk, a smaller bookcase, a bunch of random space and celestial themed decor, a book podium, a balcony with a golden gothic railing looking over his universe, and the entrance to his personal bedroom.

His bedroom is much smaller, mostly containing his bed (which is way too big for him, but he wanted it incase he sleeps with his wings out), a small dresser with space on top for little accessories he rarely wears, a vanity mostly for looks, a decently sized closet, and door for a bathroom. The bathroom was the same, but with white and black marble mixed into the tiles and any counter surfaces. There's a shower with frosted glass, and a fairly large tub (again, for cases if he wants his wings out), and a space to hold anything needed for basic hygine and extras as Nik likes to gift him the occasional soap to make him feel nice.


Most of Zign's days do have a very loose schedule, although it usually never follows through or he gets too roped up in another chore of his. Not that he minds, he enjoys the random events that get thrown his way each day, sometimes they're better for him than planned days.



Waking up is always in the middle, unsure of how Zign will wake up each day. Most days there isn't any trouble as he gets up early to finish what he was working on the day before a 'decent' hour, mostly around 6-6:30. The morning is usually very slow to start, unless there was something that needed to get done, then he'll rush to start his day, not allowing any time to wake himself up properly. He usually spends five minutes looking over his universe before starting work, sometimes treating himself with a drink.


Zign's afternoon is mostly work. He'll sit and work around on projects of his that haven't been finished. Sometimes he gets distracted and daydreams ideas instead of properly finishing his tasks. Occasionally around this time he'll take walks around the residence, meeting the others if they're out and sometimes joining them. Other times he'll stay in his room and relax before working on his previous project.


In the evening is a higher chance to see Zign out of his room, either in the library just below it, or being around the other residents. He enjoys the different type of company's, either Travis' rare witty lines to Nik's outraggous comments, or the entire table ganging up on poor Tsuyuka when he's around. Sometimes Aks will join them, Zign usually spends time around him the most, listening to all the energy in the room.


Nightfall is mostly Zign taking proper time for himself to relax. Enjoying the silence or soft sound of music, it's usually very uneventful at night. Sometimes if he's unlucky, he wont get the most relaxing evening as his fogged mindset rolls in.

06:24AM Wake up & Get ready
07:00AM Prepare & Start work
09:00AM Short Break & Back to Work
12:00PM Check In on Others & Back to Work
05:00PM Proper meeting with the others
08:00PM Head back to room, relax
10:00PM Getting ready for winding down
12:00AM Eventually fall asleep



Despite being a God, there comes trauma. With all that has happened with Zign, it is mostly personality based disorders. While he tries to not let them get the best of him, he cannot help but overthink on them occasionally. While doing his best to not let them affect him, he has others that silently help him without him really knowing, and if he did, he would never stop thanking them. Most of the time, Zign uses some of his mental disabilities to his advantage when possible. He uses issues that come into his life for inspiration for newer creations to keep the creativity flowing. When spacing out, it gives him time to imaging story to further exisiting creations and stories of his own.


Mostly upright around/in company to others, but when alone Zign has the posture of a shrimp. Especially when there seems to be a dip in his mood.


Zign doesn't have an appetite, but it doesn't mean he can't eat, he just doesn't have one. Usually Zign only eats on the smallest of occasions like blending in when in public or needing something to do. Usually it's always small foods to not seem like he's completely starving himself, so not the healthiest of diets.



Zign's sleeping habits are incredibly unhealthy, as he is prone to staying up at incredibly late/early hours just to get something he's working on finished. When sleeping, Zign tends to curl into himself for comfort, holding onto pillows and sometimes streching them to ungoddly positions. If Zign has a partner sharing his bed, he'll feel bad about how little space he takes up, but enjoys sleeping close to them for warmth and comfort.


  • Nearsighted
  • Stella-Aurumolacria, aka β€œGolden Star Tears” - A disease known to inflic those easily fooled by love. It causes the victim to cry tears of gold and stars.

Zign has no known public physical issues other than needed glasses for his exteremly poor vision. He often gets called 'blind', but it doesn't seem to bother him. Due to the nature of himself, as well as the additives of being a God and fool of love and easy trust, Zign has tears of gold and stars he keeps in small vials, as they may be caused of pain but there is beauty in them. The most he can do is keep them in jars hidding in a drawer.


  • Anxiety
  • DPD - Dependant Personality Disorder
  • DP/DR - Depersonalization/Derealization
  • Depression
  • Seperation Anxiety Disorder

Zign knows he has issues, and does his best to keep the negitive thinking away. It's not the best thanks to his depression of course, but it can't be helped. Zign often tends to keep himself happy by himself, as he starts to fear when he gets too attached to someone.


AGE | β‰ˆ 14-CURRENT

Zign had Anxiety for as long as he could possibly remember, as it does not need a proper diagnosis to identify that one may have anxiety. Zign does not take anything for his Anxiety, and instead pushes through to get something done, which works most of the time.

AGE | β‰ˆ 230-CURRENT
Dependant Personality Disorder

Zign currently has no realization that he can have a dependant personality, due to it not being very visible to himself or others. Most of the time it happens when he's spent time with someone and proceeds to spend a bit alone, wishing they'd make more tme to spend with him. Although he understands others are busy, he can't help but feel left out a bit because of this.

AGE | β‰ˆ 30-CURRENT

Shortly after locking himself and Z back when they first fought, Zign started shifting off to other plains to occupy himself and mind, occasionally visualizing himself out of body, or not believing his current reality is real. In current day's this does not happen as much, unless he happens to be incredibly stressed out and unable to do anything else.

AGE | β‰ˆ 16-CURRENT

Around the high school age for Zign he started showing smaller signs of depression. Due to lack of memory, Zign has no capability of identifying when or why it started. He does know he still has extreme signs as of current day, and does his best to not let it effect his day to day life too much.

AGE | β‰ˆ 240-CURRENT
Seperation Anxiety

Similar to his DPD, Zign will occasionally hope to spend some time with someone important and special to him. Zign knows he has Seperation Anxiety, especially in a relationship, due to all the days and hours spent alone working on nothing but his world and creations. While he understands that he basically done this to himself, he still feels horrible about it.


Zign does not have many motivations to really go off of. Most of his work purely just because he wants to, he enjoys it, and it's what he's good at. Other than occasionally wishing to catch someones eye, it is mostly the idea of creating life and allow it to go and do as it wishes and be free and happy.


  • Finale - All stories need an ending. To Zign, there are many stories unfinished. A desire of Zign's is to give them a statisfying ending for each of his creations. He wants to happily take pride in them.
  • Refinement - There's places everywhere that needs touch-ups and finishes. Zign's quite the procrastonator but he hopes that he can get to the point where finishing touches are the only thing left for him to do.
  • Comfort - Once he is finally out of imprisionment of his own design, he will get the same comfort as he had before, but with more freedom. The privilage to move about his own land for as long as he pleases is a dream he hopes comes true.


  • Discovery - Despite being around for so long, Zign knows very little about himself. He has his happy front around everyone, especially himself. Even a god can be quite tired when he too is an unsolved story.
  • Devotion - More so just a dream he hopes comes on its own will. A more personal devotion. Not one of power or religous based. Just a devotion of two.
  • Peace - Inner termoil is always happening with the smaller god of two. The freedom to do almost all as he pleases is nice, but what is the point of faking happiness when your innerself is unhappy. Perhaps a mask is needed, unless it finds an ending.


  • Motivation - The motivation others bring can be helpful, but the urge to not let them down is stronger. Zign strives to make sure others motivating words don't go to waste.
  • Reconition - It's not a big motivatior, but the idea of someone seeing his hard work is more of a small unreachable daydream that keeps him going.


  • Completetion - Zign continues to further his stories to completion. He is a bit of a perfectionist, but would rather have his creations have a fufilling life rather than one where they are confused about the ending.
  • Busy - The urge to always have something to work on is important to Zign. Although it can get out of hand sometimes, causing overworking or just ignoring caring for himself.


  • Void - Even with all the company around, with them all being creations and not genuine living beings... one can be loney after a long time. Not that he wants to admit it, he feels guilty even thinking that he's lonely... but he can't help it.
  • Captive - Held captive by his own choice, Zign has no choice but to stay in his own created world. He can travel but he chooses not to for long nor far, in fear he may cause harm to himself or longen his prisonment. After thinking... That may not be so bad...
  • Rebuild - Zign keeps mutiple things in his library in glass casses on display, if you can find them that is. A white feather, a broken halo, and an overly sized beautiful gavel with a long handle. As they are all objects of Zign's, they resemble his past of what he used to be. If he so chooses, he could rebuild himself, if he is in dire need.


  • Caught - Zign has a fear of ever being found again by the same council that had exiled him. He's done so much work, for it all to fall just by being found troubles him occasionally. Though, he believe he is currently safe in Oblivion, it's been years since he's truely had trouble.
  • Forget - At one point in time, being worshipped was new. Being a real religon was a confusing, but nice expiriance. Zign enjoyed the company and kind attention he recived. When percived as a God, also comes with darker sides. With Tanja being the only true beliver (on his own accord) left, Zign fears one day his existance will mean nothing.
  • Downfall - It takes one ages to create life as such as Zign has. With all of the proper care, love, and time he had given to each piece of his own universe, it is only natural to be protective of it. Call him greedy, he just wants to keep his creations, his life, suriving as long as he can.


  • Making and properly meeting his first creation Yuka Neiji, a soft robotics engineer with social anxiety.
  • Choosing all thoughs who can come and go from Oblivion (other personas) as they are all special and important to him.
  • Becoming close to Aks and helping him find himself.

Values and Beliefs

Zign is a god himself, but not a selfish or callous one. His mind is well open to others and all around him, keeping him sharp and well aware some others may not be like him. It doesn't bother him, instead finding facinating when he meets someone with something new to learn about that he's never heard before.



Zign is not religous, only because he's seen all of the beings of higher power, or at least knows they exist. There isn't any way for him to have a solid religon, as he lives in a time where they're all together. His world is all religons are correct. He does not mind anyone with any other religons compared to him, if anything he finds it absolutely interesting how many varying types there are. If invited, sometimes Zign will occompany those on their traditions, but ends up nervous just in case he messes up.


Zign's moral compass is mostly passive. Due to growing up a very innocent and horribly wronged person, he only wishes the best for most. Zign tries his best to find solutions to problems and then solve them rather then just take action immediately, hoping to find te full truth before rushing to the wrong conclusion.


Friends Family Romance

Wealth Power Fame

Honesty Feelings

Law Justice

Journey Results/ Destination

Comfort Security

Honour Loyalty

Realistic Idealistic

Zign is push and shove when it comes to friends, family, or romance, he likes all of them to side in a comfortable middle. Zign doesn't perfer any of the three, but would perfer fame over wealth and power, as it brings more people to attention. A comfortable middle, Zign belives honesty is always important, unless it is a harmful truth that doesn't need to be said. Due to previous goals in life, Zign perfers proper justice, even if it breaks law. the journey is what matters to enjoy something, rather than the results no matter what they may be. A balance between comfort and security is what anyone would want, comfortable and safe. Loyalty is perfered over honor, as it can be hard to achive. While being a realist can be important, it is ok to be more ideal istic as long as you know the boundries.


Higher Power
Good & Evil

Zign's belifes are hard to understand unless you take the time and listen. His ideal of a higher power is confusing, as by definition he is the higher power, but also thinks that there is truely no one who rules over all. He is a pure beliver in fate, somethings happen just to happen and there isn't much you can do about it other than accept it, or hurt yourself denying it. Due to being a god, obvious he belives in magic. Soulmates are a high belif of his as well, when the time comes he truely hopes he'll find his destined other half. Good and Evil are quite obvious, there is always two sides of the same coin. Karma is a belif of his as well... for more personal reasons.



Zign's speech is usually semi-formal and incredibly polite. When tired Zign will give more small casual reponses instead of his normal formal speek. He tries to speak as clear as possible no matter the situation, but will fumble on his words if in a panic or distracted.


Zign isn't one to start conversations mostly, perfering if others came up to him if they needed anything instead. He'll happily engage in any conversation, but mostly responds to those who need help, or if they're asking of his creations. When responding to a starter he'll give a curious look and a soft hum or 'may I help you?'. Zign will only start conversations if he needs or comes across someone. He'll occasionally peak around and ask if they're available before continuing the conversation.


Zign usually chuckles, its quiet but its kind and lets people know hes listening. Zign sometimes giggles, its soft, light, and sweet. Zign's full laughter is loud and contagious, its full of life and humor, clearly happily enjoying himself with what caused it.


Zign does not swear, althoough has come close to.


Zign talks whith his hands often, mostly avoids eye contact when speaking, stands beside someone while talking instead of in front, and will occasionally trail off when thinking, embarassed, or distracted.



Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Zign knew English all of his life. It is the language everyone understands, and what he uses to constantly communicate. Incredibly fluent in English, Zign has no problems other than pronouncing bigger words or messing up phrases.


Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Zign learned Celestial for his mothers side as well as it being the language of The Gods. If he wanted to make it into the big open world ahead of him he must know hwo to speak formally incase he were to ever communicate professionally. Zign picked up on it slightly fast, as he was literally born with the language around him. While he cannot write it all that well, his communication is still at the point it needs to be at.


Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Zign learned Arabic for his fathers side so he can communicate with him better. Also learning Arabic at a young age, he only needed to speak and read, Zign does not know how to write in it. Zign learned from his father and mother translating words and phrases, formally and not formally to him. He was able to pick up the language at a decent pace, sometimes needing extra help.



Low Pitch High Pitch

Smooth Rough

Soft Loud

Slow Fast


Zign's voice is plesent to listen to. It's fairly soft while also getting loud when it needs to. Zign can speak clearly, only occasionally messing and mixing up words when speaking too fast. Zign tries to not strain his voice too much, and making sure others enjoy talking to him.


VOICE CLAIM: Tyler Joesph

"Are you arguing with me?"

"I don't want to talk about this..."

"You want me to say emotional... don't you?"

"Em.. no-"


  • "Quote goes here."
    β€”Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    β€”Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    β€”Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    β€”Moment or context for why character said this quote


Zign's wiritng is a messy but simple cursive. His handwriting isn't the most extravigant or nicest but it is leigable. Zign perfers a more 'swoopy' writing style, so uses his simple cursive instead of print. Zign's uppercase letters are way larger than his lowercase letters, especially on his signature, and tries not to space the letters out far too much. Zign perfers a feather quill compared to other pens, but will use a fountain pen as well.


Zign usually holds his pen firmly but not tight. He tries not to press too hard on the pen while writing but occasionally does, making a small ink splatter. If using anything other than a Quil or Fountain Pen, his grip is incredibly tight and handwriting illeigable.

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"This is a placeholder sentence in print."


"This is a placeholder sentence in cursive."

Skills and Abilities



Zign's highest education was heavens equivilent of high school, even then he never got to finish as he was exhiled just at the age 16. The school was very formal, there was no need for specific uniforms, but they were all similar and customized to the student wearing them.

Zign always tried to keep up with learning, occasionally falling behind only to catch up again in a month or so and two all nighters crammed to finishing late or missing work. Some information is retained still, but most he does not use, as it does not benifit him in the long run. While Zign absolutely hated math, he was wonderful in science (except if it came to bugs). Zign rarely studied unless their was a major test coming up in the comming week.

Zign's life in school wasn't always the best. He perfered his quiet school life, occasionally accompanying his brother Akil as they both had the same school life. Zign would sometimes get jealous of others social life and friends, their invintations to houses, outings, and parties. Zign poked into different clubs but didn't sign up for any specific as there was too many to commit to just one. Zign was on decent terms with most teachers, and tried to stay out of the way of other student's and their buisness. Zign would only attend school events that intruiged him the most.



Zign dedicates his entire being to creating and finalizing life. Writing their lives down in books for others to enjoy, Zign takes pride in his work and world. He loves when visitors of other rules as himself visit or stop by, and is always excited to see others work in return. Zign has been in this work as logn as he can really remember, but there is nothing he would rather do.

Occupation_one.png Occupation_two.png Occupation_three.png





Both literally and figuratively, Zign does his absolute best to provie to those he cares deeply about as well as those who he doesn't know well enough to be considered such.


With the capability to easily change both personality and sometimes image, Zign does his best to fit in and connect with those around him, thus, blending in.


Zign has a constant comforting aura surounding him. It brings others at ease when talking to him, which makes him enjoy company at all times.

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Being a very trustworthy being is a good thing to be, but some can be too trusting and can easily be taken advantage of if you gain too much of their trust.


Due to his massive curiosity, Zign could be very gullible when given the chance. Altho it isn't always easy to get to him, he can have his days.


Zign has far too many insecurities, while he does his best to hide them as well as he possibly can, he can't help but get anxious when talking about himself, interests, or creations.


Doing his bets to keep all of his emotions in check at all times causes Zign to get over emotional. Sometimes stuttering and getting upset over the smallest of things, questioning something so normal from someone and overthinking.


Sometimes Zign can get a bit impulsive, resorting to shouting out an idea, thankfully just to himself, or catching himself going to do something and promptly stopping to make sure it's a good idea (although he disregards his own warnings sometimes).

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Occasionally while making a new creation, Zign will personally test out certian personality traits himself to see if they fit them well enough. Making living creations isn't that hard, but coming up with personalities is fun. Zign usually takes on the personality he deems fit to see if it would truely fit the creation he is making. If he's having a hard time deciding if its a right fit, he'll occasionally disguse himself and test it out in public, unless its a villain esc being.



A being capable of creation such as himself comes with the need for design. Zign takes pride in the fashion he dresses his creations in, weather it's something plain or something extravigant, it will always suit the beings personality and setting. It's a good thing he's always had quite the knack for it with a keen eye for colors. Even if he'll end up changing it in a month or so.



Well, it should have been expected of a god who creates life and lives in a library. The library that Zign's personal quarters resides on top of is more than enough proof that the small god is a writer. Zign's writing skills are emotional and a tad etherial if he chooses them to be. Always making sure words and phrases have a nice ring to them. Any look at the covers or spine has a living beings name, and his name in the author's spot. If asked about one, he could ramble on for hours and hours if you let him.




Born with the power to create life, Zign creates all he pleases, whenever he pleases. Of course not alone, he created a whole universe just to prove that there can be a world without a corrupt leader of it.



Zign is a god of Time. He rules over the hours of the day, the seconds of the minutes, and progression of life. As long as Zign is standing, he is allowing the clock to continue. Zign has the ability to personally stop time across the land. But he refuses to use it, as it is against all laws of life he goes by. He will never abuse this power, not even for himself.



Zign's translucent golden chains emit a soft glow when visible. Zign does not use them often, but they run in his family. The same golden chains of his were used to banish himself and Z when they first fought. Even after that, Zign's still has his chains. They are only visible when he is wildly stressed out, even sending him back to the area he was banished until he calmed down.



More so a means of getting one place to another, Zign is able to pop-up anywhere he desires as long as its exactly where he wants to be. The location of where he is and where he chooses show up by a clock on the ground Zign can fall through to his desination.



Zign doesn't change his form often, but he will on the occasion of going out to blend in with crowds so he doesn't cause unwanted attention.



Only compadible with Z/Aks, as they were originally one, they can mix their persons together and become someone new. But it all depends on matters of if the other was forced or it was mutually discussed.



When working on a certain individual of choosing, Zign can partially summon one of his creations to better work on them and see how the changes effect/look on them.


Reference & Design Notes

 Note: Reference may be out of date, image may change at later date.










4'11" (125.27 cm)


110 lb (49.89 kilo)

Body Build


Body Shape

Hourglass (Feminine)

Eye Shape


Racial Features

Body Markings

Hair Length

Zign's hair is unspecified other than 'ungodly long' and seeming to have no end.


Low-Loose Ponytail



Simple dimond shaped markings on Zign's back in the place where his wings are attached. Usually only visible when his wings are not present.


Markings from the time Zign personally locked himself away. Roman Numerals equal 250.


Based off of the japanese art of Kintsugi, Zign has crack scars on his left arm as a replacement for self harm scars. These form when Zigns mental state is far less than ideal what it normally is.



  • All constellations/sparkles/golden accsessories have a shimmer/shine/glow to them.
  • Wings are OPTIONAL but perfered (they fluff up when embarrased).
  • If drawing his golden chains, they are semi-transparent and glow.
  • Try to keep his figure small and feminine.
  • Fingerless gloves are OPTIONAL, but his cuffs are NOT.
  • NEVER draw with shadow, UNLESS: you are drawing Aks/Z in it's place.


  • 'Flowy' (EX; Princess Celestia/Luna's Hair)
  • Lightly Dusted freckles across body
  • Constilletions inside robe skirt
  • Earrings + Glasses
  • Hair will always seem to run 'off page'




A comedically large Gavel, both his weapon and a reference to both his mother and what he could have been, Head of Judge Angels.



Not on his person, But Zign has one of his old feathers before they turned their current brown color. It's currently kept in the library.



Also not on his person, Zign has his old broken Halo on display as well as a keepsake to an old life he no longer leads. It's currently kept in the library.


Value Tracker



Chibi gif by starrieskies
Date Received/Made: March 02, 2023


Colored Headshot by ClottonCandy
Date Received/Made: April 20, 2023


Soda Float YCH Wraether
Date Received/ Made: July 26, 2023


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


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Type of art by Artist Name
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Type of art by Artist Name
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Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
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Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000



  • In the library esc area Zign resides in, there are two glass cases scattered around the room. One holds a singular white feather from what was left of his, the other holds a broken halo.
  • Zign has a specialized weapon of his own; an oversized (β€˜comically large’) gavel, which is a reference to his mother being the Head of Judge Angels before her passing.
  • Despite being alive for 257 years, he's still a virgin. (ij).
  • Zign created the seperate RoD Universe, which scared Aks in the process.
  • Due to Zign's past, he no longer has a shadow unless Aks/Z takes his place as his shadow.


  • Dueling Tropes: When one has a giant weapon and a heart to make things right, one can only assume there will be danger.
  • Escape Tropes: Ones life in danger leads to their eventual escape. Especially if they have many others on their side.
  • Achillies' Heel: With many weaknesses. many enemies, and a will to hide them, they'll come out eventually.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Zign's life in Oblivion is peaceful, but can easily be switched the other direction.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Incredibly Obvious


Zign's name has no meaning. It was made up entirely by myself, taking Sign and replacing the S with a Z. They sound the same, except its pronounced (Z-ein). I wanted a creative name for my main sona, so making one myself seemed incredibly fitting. A more meaningful reason would be his name sounding light sign, as he is a sign to be change from his world, while using Z instead as it is the last letter of the alphabet, he is the last choice and hope.


The following are little trivia notes that may or may not necessarily be canon (i.e. "officially true") to the character. These can be submitted where character Q&A's are submitted!


  • Your submitted HC Here
  • Your submitted HC Here
  • Your submitted HC Here
  • Your submitted HC Here


  • Love at first sight depends. Most of the time yes, as he has not seen a living being he has not created in a long time.
  • Zign perfers to get to know the other before liking someone.
  • Zign gets incredibly nervous around the person he likes, messing up wording and phrasing, trailing off, and talking a lot faster.
  • Zign tends to forget about time when talking to them, letting each of them go back and forth for hours.
  • Zign will spend time alone just thinking about them and what could happen if they were together.


  • Your submitted HC Here
  • Your submitted HC Here
  • Your submitted HC Here
  • Your submitted HC Here




Zign's design originates from an old deleted Picrew. After redesigning his outfit a little bit he became very celestial, astrology, spaceology, and time based. He has a very basic seeming design for a god, but still has a glittering aura and angelic-like qualities to still look like a god. He doesn't like changing his outfit, so his pieced robe is his main outfit. The gold bits glittering and glowing, the mixed themes of roman numerals on his sleeves and astrology signs under his robe skirt.

  • Black & Gold Celestial Images
  • Hourglasses
  • Stars
  • Astrology/Zodiac
  • Roman Numerals
  • Fallen Angels


As my main sona, Zign's story is basically my own. Maybe not a 1-1, but it is a giant metaphor with other smaller metaphors. I took a lot of 'fallen angel' routes, banned opinions, wars with/of the self, healing, coping, and falling again. Over time Zign became more of a character rather than a sona, but he means too much to demote him.

  • Banned Opinions
  • Exhilment
  • War with Self
  • Creating Original Lives



Answer goes here. This section can either be general questions that you answer as the creator/ owner of the character, or these can be questions that your character answers as themselves, similar to if they were being interviewed. Donec porttitor enim pulvinar nulla placerat elementum. Praesent sed tellus quis nibh porttitor porttitor eu sed nisl. Integer iaculis dolor consectetur turpis egestas fermentum. Proin ut metus quam. Nullam ornare blandit ante, id dapibus justo lacinia vel. Duis a risus tellus. Morbi a lacus lacinia, dictum orci quis, suscipit ipsum.


Nam et suscipit dui. Nulla vitae maximus odio. Maecenas quis feugiat nisi. Quisque justo lectus, mollis at volutpat nec, viverra ac tellus. Aenean hendrerit nibh felis, sed auctor urna accumsan ac. Nullam ante elit, facilisis et tempor sit amet, commodo vitae est. Integer nisl metus, porta nec libero consequat, porttitor dictum nibh. Vestibulum et velit leo. Vestibulum enim erat, viverra a malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin quis velit.


Nam porta tellus sit amet nisi interdum, nec suscipit erat scelerisque. Phasellus mi sem, luctus at dui ut, fringilla ullamcorper purus. Proin vel euismod ex. Vestibulum dolor nibh, consectetur suscipit sodales a, lacinia ac ligula. In placerat mauris vitae est congue ornare. Phasellus molestie nisi a justo scelerisque suscipit. Phasellus sed ligula lorem.


Phasellus ac commodo lorem. Vivamus non ligula et ligula cursus posuere ac eget ante. Phasellus risus lectus, tempus sit amet lectus venenatis, maximus aliquet quam. Vivamus convallis pharetra justo, eget blandit elit laoreet in. Donec a neque ut magna facilisis sodales. Nam eget tellus ac nunc dignissim viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut et augue erat. Aliquam ac eros ut dui euismod consequat. In hendrerit eros vitae pulvinar feugiat. Mauris nec fermentum mauris. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vitae diam efficitur sodales.


Vivamus ac auctor lacus, eget tincidunt augue. Ut suscipit, eros id ullamcorper tincidunt, felis dolor mattis urna, commodo vehicula dui odio non ligula. Mauris sodales, justo id euismod luctus, lectus turpis tempus nunc, non fermentum nisl nisi quis felis. Etiam facilisis neque vel lorem laoreet, at auctor arcu gravida.


Cras fermentum commodo eros euismod iaculis. Suspendisse consectetur justo ac velit consequat ullamcorper eu eu dolor. Nunc leo mauris, imperdiet eget egestas in, consequat ac leo. Nunc iaculis accumsan ante et consequat. Nullam non blandit magna, a convallis dolor. Etiam in massa eu libero malesuada pretium in eget nisl. Ut pellentesque sem non egestas efficitur. Vivamus sollicitudin risus ipsum, et ornare tellus efficitur dignissim. Maecenas ornare mi turpis, eu imperdiet sapien aliquam nec.


Vestibulum non diam vel nisi tincidunt placerat. Morbi vestibulum tortor orci, eu faucibus justo vehicula pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. In iaculis enim orci, ac viverra dolor tempus eget. Nullam feugiat elit eu mauris fringilla, eu sollicitudin lorem aliquet. Donec arcu sapien, convallis cursus placerat at, pharetra sed elit.


Sed nisi diam, malesuada ac augue non, congue sollicitudin libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ipsum elit, venenatis in purus at, tempus fringilla est. Nunc nisi felis, malesuada ac eleifend ut, volutpat et erat. In quis vehicula metus. Suspendisse fringilla ante lobortis massa bibendum blandit.


Suspendisse lobortis purus mi, nec dapibus lacus maximus eu. Fusce pharetra venenatis accumsan. Curabitur vitae dui dui. Nam tempus lacus id odio euismod feugiat. Nullam venenatis eget ex nec viverra. Etiam velit sapien, tristique in neque ut, consequat mollis nisl. Etiam facilisis consequat erat sed iaculis. Aenean ac neque at lacus molestie cursus. Sed sem magna, ullamcorper sit amet lectus non, accumsan dignissim eros. Ut vel nunc id neque malesuada pellentesque. Duis accumsan pellentesque volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Integer porta risus in nisl hendrerit, ac dignissim neque interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at tellus vitae leo sollicitudin pellentesque.




Obtained via









Voice Claim


Gift Art/ Writing
Different Outfits
Different Hairstyle
Interacting with your OC(s)

Open To...

Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships


Full Name


Nickname(s)/ Aliases

He Who Rules/He The Powerful
Father Time

Age (Biological)


Age (Appearance)

Early 20's


April 12th, xxxx



Blood Type

O-, Gold

Dominant Hand







The Heavens


None/See Affiliations





Social Status

High-Low (Mixed)


Cresents of Two/Duocres (All)
Romiros (Time & Relfection)
Credesios (Creation & Destruction)




The Joker

Romantic Orientation


Sexual Orientation


Theme Song

Voice Claim
















Day of the Week


Time of Day






Genre of Books


Genre of Music

Ambiant Pop

Genre of Shows


Genre of Movies


Genre of Games


Type of Food


Type of Desert

Type of Car


Type of Fashion

Romantic & Victorian Gothic





Golden Days
Panic! At The Disco


Katy Perry


House of Memories
Panic! At The Disco






Set It Off


No Wind Resistance!


I'm Good (Blue)
David Guetta


Just Pretend
Bad Omens


Shinunoga E-Wa
Fujii Kaze NAME


Mr. Stoker
Opal Ocean


Darkness At The Heart Of My Love


Cigarettes Aft Sex


Full Playlist


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