


3 years, 7 months ago


A new species that just came out yesterday! Eventually, I hope to breed Double Cream Ivory Champagne Warlanders, but that day is years away. And I couldn't resist using Rainbow Fluorite on him. It's just too gorgeous!

Character Name: Ùisdean (Djun, Djunnie if you want to annoy him)

Gender: Stallion

Relationship: Unavailable, in progress with Reesa

Rank: Entertainment Actor/Singer

Personality: Reserved, dignified, intelligent, loyal, and an absolute ham around those he knows and likes

Other info: The life of an Entertainer suits him perfectly. It allows him to bring life to different characters, and become someone else. On stage, he gives his all to the character he plays, delighting in the many villain roles he is cast in. Once out of the spotlight, he almost retreats into himself and becomes an observer. If it weren't for his flashy coloring, he would easily melt into the background and watch from the shadows. To deal with the attention his coat brings, he puts on a bit of an airhead act. Possessing a taste for the finer things in life, his work brings in enough for him to indulge in such passions with the proper budgeting. The few friends he has come from all walks of life, and he cherishes them fiercely.