


9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Selis Paschal






171 cm


A weak-willed and frail archbishop infamous for his lousy karma. He quite frequently gets grabbed by adventuring parties as a priest slave for his chaos-magnet tendencies (and because he doesn't know how to say "no"). 

Due to his weak body, he is excessively dependent on his magical abilities. 

History: Selis was born as the only child of an ordinary middle-class family in Prontera. His actual birth was quite an interesting event, as his mother got into a horse cart accident while 7 months pregnant and died on the way to the healers. Fortunately, the baby was saved, however this “fortune” followed him as he grew older.

The child grew up to be weak and frail, much to the disappointment of his carpenter father, who wished to teach the child his trade. It also meant that he spent a lot of time sick and nearly dying in Prontera church’s healer wards. He was greatly inspired by the kindness and generosity of the priests in Prontera church, and worked hard to be an acolyte so that he could also help people. This decision further displeased his father who, despite initially rejoicing at the miraculous survival of his child, quickly grew suspicious at the way misfortune seemed to follow him and everything he touched. When Selis was eight years old, his father brought him to the doorstep of Prontera church and told him not to come home. Selis watched, screaming and crying, as his father walked away from him, however his sorrow quickly turned to horror as his father was crushed in a freak building accident but a moment later. With his last breath, his father cursed him and called him the devil’s child.

News of this incident quickly spread around the Pronteran priesthood, causing many of the priests to stay away from him. However, the church being a nest of bleeding hearts, there was always some who were willing to talk to and care for him. While blaming himself for the deaths of his parents and afraid to get close to anyone else for fear of accidentally hurting them, he continued working towards his goal of being a priest. He quickly found that he had great aptitude for magic, and swiftly became very proficient at using it to assist himself and others. He progressed from Acolyte to Priest in short order.

When he was twelve, an older priest took unsavory interest in him and brought him to his room. Having seen such occurrences among the other acolytes, he simply smiled and allowed the elder’s attentions, right up until a ceiling fixture fell and crushed the older priest. The noise attracted the attention of the other priests who, upon storming the room, found quite the scene laid out for them. This event kept him safe from any more “advances” while further alienating him from his fellow priests. To get away from their accusing stares, he took to hanging around outside the church.

One day, an adventuring party accosted him and pretty much press-ganged him into being their heal slave. They quickly found out about and were very enamored by his “luck”, which happily allowed them to easily encounter rare monsters and strange and interesting people. They were rather less happy about his pitiful stamina and everything-allergy, but considered it a fair trade-off for his heals, buffs and general chaos-magnet tendencies. Plus, their crusader was happy to carry a small heal slave around, so his weak legs wasn’t much of an issue. For his part, Selis was happy to finally (finally!) be of use to someone, and glad that they didn’t mind his “curse”. It was with them that he went to Valhalla and transcended.

Upon rebirth, he woke up in the Training Grounds with no memory, and went back to Prontera church on finding out he used to be a priest. Then he found out everyone else remembered him, and all the things that happened around him, and would very much prefer to stay far away from him. Lonely and wishing to avoid his peers, he threw himself into his priest training and was frequently dragged into the welcoming arms of random adventuring parties. He very quickly ranked up again and eventually attained the status of Archbishop.

Personality: Selis is an intelligent, calm, hardworking and methodical young man with a kind and generous heart. Due to his circumstances, he is lonely, melancholic, and very emotionally avoidant in his personal relationships. He tries his best to stay strong and smile whatever the circumstance he finds himself in.

Shy and awkward, he is very uncertain of himself and is almost completely unable to refuse any request. However, attempts to force him into things he genuinely doesn’t want to do tend to end very badly. He struggles with guilt from the deaths of his parents and that one priest, and works very hard to help others as a way of coping with that guilt. Extremely insecure, he is more than willing to let himself get used, or to help others even to the detriment of himself. Despite his shyness, he is very experienced as a party healer and is willing to take charge if the situation calls for it, eg. if most of the party has been KO-ed or if no one else knows what’s going on.

While he cares very much for “people”, he does not have (and has never had) any strong friendships or lasting personal bonds. He is compassionate and gentle towards others, but does not let himself open up to them or trouble them with his problems. Over the years, he has gotten quite good at putting up his “happy face” and looking like a cute, happy-go-lucky priest.

Job: Whenever he is present at Prontera church, he works as a healer in the medical bays. While there, he tends to get shuffled around wards a lot as nobody really wants to have him around, considering him to be a random calamity Russian Roulette. As a result, he frequently hangs around outside the church, waiting to get accosted by adventuring parties.

Hobbies: Napping, reading books, painting, music, sewing, basically anything that doesn’t require standing up or moving very much.

Combat style: Due to his fragility, he prefers to hang back and support his teammates. When forced to fight, he usually uses a hit-and-run method, teleporting around the opponent while spamming Light magic attacks. He has been taught to fight properly (PvP-style) by certain very enthusiastic teammates and is capable of doing so if necessary, but really would rather not.

Stats wise, his magical strength and stamina is the envy of all his peers, his accuracy is excellent and his speed is decent, but his physical strength and defenses are abysmal. And the less said about his luck, the better.

Weapon: Speedy Recovery Wand, Strong Recovery Wand

Character notes: 

  • His “bad luck” seems to reach cataclysmic levels whenever he is severely upset, usually to fatal consequence to the person causing his distress. It is because of this that he is traumatically afraid of getting close to people and risking them getting hurt by his “luck”.
  • Being sufficiently frail to not be able to climb a flight of stairs or even walk very far, he is extremely reliant on magic for day-to-day tasks. He has, for example, honed his Teleports to be extremely accurate, just so he could actually get around. As a result, his finesse with magic is the envy of most mages and one of the few things he is proud of.
  • Also, he is allergic to alpacas and most other mounts in general use except porings and frogs, but their bouncing motion gives him headaches so he can’t even use that.