


3 years, 9 months ago


Short Character explanation
Canary took over her Grandfathers goldfish breeding business. The job is to breed all kinds of goldfish and sell them to festival stalls and restaurant.

Character info
Name: Canary
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Her Dog: Karrot
Favorite Goldfish: Moon Goldfish & Star Goldfish

Her journey started in the end of Summer when her Grandfather retired. He was in need of a successor to his goldfish Hatchery. Since Canary was in need of a job and release from her stressful student life she took the opportunity.

She took to the calm atmosphere quite well. The deadline for festivals and stray cats were the only things she needed to worry about. To help scare off the strays in the area she adopted a Dog and called him Karrot. However the dog she was able to adopt had its fair share of problems. One of the issues is that Karrot is very needy. If he doesn't feel fed//loved enough he wont care who or what gets near the fish pond.

As Canary kept breeding the fishies she noticed that the toys she was setting out for Karrot were affecting the Goldfish eggs. Since she was curious she called her Grandpa and asked about it. He ended up telling her that how the surrounding the area is decorated is very important is she wanted to breed every type of Goldfish. He even brought up that the higher quality Pump and purifier she had the better type and quality of Goldfish would be born.

Upon hearing her Grandpas Wise words she started a journal of the types of goldfish that showed up in her pond. She even includes a description of each Goldfish. As she kept logging the goldfish she invested in a Polaroid camera so that she could immediately place a picture next to the entry instead of waiting for pictures to be developed.


Her Fishpedia is made up of three journals.

The Fishpedia journal that sees the most use is the one affectionately referred to as "The Mess."  Every single thing related to the fish and the pond is recorded in The Mess and not a single thing is organized.

"The Bias" Is a Fishpedia Journal specifically reserved for her most favorite of Goldfish types. It is organized in a similar manner to The Mess. There are some pages in The Bias that are just littered in photos of the favored fish.

The journal that sees the least use of the three is the Legitimate Fishpedia. In this journal each Goldfish she's discovered gets its own page. Each page includes a picture, name, and description of the featured fish.