
3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Alaric (maybe Aloysius instead)


male (he/him)


older adult



Creation Date:



wipperooooooo <3

Alaric is a master astronomer living in the countrysides around Roost. he's a cranky old loner who prefers his privacy and quiet time alone with his charts.

shares his home with the little terror that is Comet, an (allegedly) orphaned spinx that Alaric took in to train in astronomy. Comet's a teen but acts younger than he is. and Alaric has a hard time wrangling him for studies. Alaric worries a lot about the little rascal, who came to him heavily cursed at such a young age and with near-complete amnesia (or at least thats what he tells comet). He keeps Comet in the vicinity of the observatory and doesn't let him go anywhere alone.

Alaric is very knowledgeable and quite respected. his place gets more visitors than he really prefers. likely has a deeper connection to North and Comet's origins than he lets on.

Social Connections

Comet - apprentice and charge. finds him to be a nuisance but is unconditionally committed to his safety

Species - Harpip

Harpips are Nephfei's local species of harpy. A fun-loving, mischievous folk aligned with air magic, harpips find spinxyn to be kindred spirits and are prone to granting them gifts fairly frequently. They primarily roost upon the floating islands of Nephfei, but come and go as they please in the rest of society.

Harpips are notable for their arm-wings, appearing in feathered, batty, and butterfly varieties with hands at the wing's wrist. Like the other nephians, harpips sport heart-shaped human faces, though unlike the others may tend to be a few braincells short.

World Context || Nephfei group <3

A modern fantasy world governed by magical gods, Nephfei is home to four sentient species - harpips, centicorns, merphins, and spinxyn. They live together in relative peace aside from some cultural clashes between locales of differing ideologies. The world has been imbued with magic, in all four species and in the earth itself, but spinxyn have none of their own; revoked by the gods, so they say, as an ancient punishment. With tangible deities, Nephfeism is a prevalent religion amongst the inhabitants, and some religious spinxyn see their situation as deserved punishment, while others deny the gods entirely and rally against this unfair treatment.

Nephfei has a good amount of modern-day technology, though its electricity is replaced by magic. Lighting, household appliances, television, games, and the internet at large all exist with relative similarity to the real world. Despite the societal advancements, though, a significant amount of the world's history and inner workings remain shrouded in mystery and magical secrets...

> none yet

> WIP trivia <3

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes

Other Stuff
