Empire Quartz



3 years, 8 months ago


Color: Empire Quartz
Name: EmpireQuartzRat
Godly Aliases: Jewel of the Desert, Skeptral’s Watcher, Eyes Of The Sand, The Skepter
Pronouns: she/her, they/them
Moral Alignment: lawful good

Color Rank: Secondary
Color Group: Yellow-Brown 

Allegiance: Brunneis’ Mischief
God of: the Skeptral Desert; guardian of all who have lived, do live, and will live in it
Symbols: yellow or brown quartz, a scepter with an eye on top, Skeptral Sentinel dragons, a tiara made entirely of Quartz crystal

Sui Generis: Crystal Coronation
Description: Empire Quartz can generate spikes of yellow-brown quartz on any solid surface. The width, length, and height of those crystals is dependent on her will. These structures stay in place until destroyed.
Empire Quartz can create these crystals anywhere within or on earth, ground, rocks, or other gems. On artificial substances, plants, the skin of other gods, etc., she can only spawn those crystals on what she can see. (For example, she could generate crystals in the fur of another color god, but she couldn't generate it under their skin.)
These crystals are extremely conductive towards electricity, magical or not- a mark of her yellow color group heritage.

Magic Weapon: A scepter with a large crystal eye atop it. can be turned into a gigantic mace with a crystal head
Patron Of:
* Name - Gift
Personality: Calm, collected and vigilant, Empire Quartz keeps a watchful eye over her domain. She knows what her job is and knows that she’s doing it well, and hates being criticized. She has a one-track-mind, though, and outside of watching over her domain, she might miss things.
Mortals pray to Empire Quartz for her blessing to stay in the Skeptral Desert, and though she keeps careful track of who enters, she’s typically permissive. Silence is interpreted as approval from her, and it is. But she only directly intervenes if the person in question is clearly evil. She doesn’t tolerate cruel and evil mancers in her domain, nor does she tolerate monsters and daemons. She’s patient as hell, and if other humans don’t unveil your crimes, she will watch you until her desert creatures strike you down.
Empire Quartz has the entire history of the Skeptral Desert memorized and stored in tomes in her nest.

History: Empire Quartz was born in a relationship between a yellow secondary and a brown secondary. It took her a long time to claim her domain, as she was plagued with indecision as to whether she wished to associate with the yellow mischief or if she wanted to follow the powers of the brown mischief.
That decision was finalized in the War of the Heavens. Empire Quartz was fighting alongside her brown color group siblings when they heard rumors that a great desert in the north would be overrun with monsters, but Brunneis was preoccupied and could not risk descending upon the desert without harming the people living there.
Empire Quartz, then unnamed and with no marks, crystals, or identity to call her own, went to the desert on her own to fight back against the monsters. She was joined over time by several other gods, and her and them were able to keep the desert from being overrun. To reward the domain-less god for her bravery, Brunneis offered Empire Quartz dominion over the desert, which she graciously accepted. It was only then that her wings grew, the majestic crown of crystal appeared on her head, and her powers manifested.
Since then, Empire Quartz has watched over the Skeptral Desert with her four eyes, and the desert itself is named after the scepter she bears.

Voice Claim: ???
Theme Song: Apashe- Sand Storm

  • the sacred animal of Empire Quartz is the Skeptral Sentinel, an omnivorous dragon that stands 6~8 feet at the top of the head when fully mature, and that is endemic to the desert. These dragons can be found living not only out in the wilds of Skeptral, but also living among humans in the region’s towns and cities.
  • Empire Quartz and White Diamond are regarded as sister deities, as the guardian of Skeptral and the guardian of Ozehiri (which Skeptral Desert’s peoples have long exalted as a symbol of protection) serve such similar roles. The gods themselves are good friends, first meeting during the War of the Heavens and getting along quite well since.
  • EmpireQuartzmancers are always people native to Skeptral, or people who have family history with the desert. at least 1/4 of EmpireQuartzmancers follow the dragon ranger track, though not all of them take on Skeptral Sentinels as their companion.
  • Sometimes she's gotten bored or irritated with her job, but she stands by her duty anyways.