Wolf's Comments

Hihi! anyone on my TH interest you? <3

Only this one caught my attention^^ https://toyhou.se/10258481.---tamago---

sorry but she is my Sona and in her profile warning says that she is Offlimit ; w;

Even so, thanks for the interest!

Sorry about that! But Thankyou for your interest to!^^

anyone in my th? forever homed is off limits

Only this one caught my attention^^ https://toyhou.se/6301614.ambrii--

ah i cant do ambrii. haha

That’s alright! Thankyou for the offer though!^^

Hello there!

I absolutely loved https://toyhou.se/3011171.-duchess if you would be willing to trade them for both!

Sure thing I can do her!^^ which characters do you mean by both? And I’ll send a trade request now!^^

Oh!! I meant for both of the characters that you had liked on my profile, this one and Rem! I didn’t feel like it would be a fair trade for you to only get this character in return!

Aww Thankyou! They are both dreamies so thankyou so much again!;;0 💕 Forgot to mention too that the trade request should of been sent for duchess btw!^^

I got it, thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy these two!! ^^

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