Akuma / Famine




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- Makai (魔界)  Aku (あく) || Akuma (悪魔) | Harbors the spirit of The Horsemen of Famine | 

- Mutilated in an attempt to feminize him for a ritual that required female twins, Makai was imprisoned in the basement of his adoptive family estate then had his genitals mutilated, and was tortured and isolated from everyone around him. His only friend was a stray cat that would make its way in and out of the basement this would cause him to become animalistic after his death and subsequent possession. Makai was not alive at the time he and his sister were sacrificed as he had died of starvation but the ritual was carried out anyway which backfired.

- Wears 1920's Taisho Era Clothing, Feminine Attire.

- Fraternal Twin Brother to Makai Fukui (The Horsemen of Death)