Diana Galanodel



3 years, 9 months ago


Diana Galanodel

Name Dia Gananodel
Called Diana
Gender Female she/her
Age 12
Race Aasimar Half Elf
Role Tempest Cleric of Selune
The Moon


Height 4' 11"
Build Slim
Skin Tone Tan
Eyes Pure White
Hair Color White
Hair Style Medium Length Curls
Demeanor Naive but Stubborn


  • Wears a lacey white shift under a dark blue kirtle
  • Wears yellow/orange socks tied under the knee with leather flats
  • Has a yellow/orange shawl wrapped around her shoulders
  • Always has her sister's magical quarterstaff


Diana was raised with her sister Selene By her Mother in a small cabin in the woods. She never knew her father, but her mother was more than happy to tell her stories of their short, but passionate time together. Little did her mother know, but Diana and Selene's father was a celestial. Because of this, Diana and Selene were born with celestial gifts, born with pure white glowing eyes and the ablity to summon glowing white wings. Knowing that this would be dangerous in a world that was less than accepting, Diana and her sister were hidden away in a secluded cabin. They remained safe there for years, until one fateful night. After Diana and her sister were found out by a nosy townsfolk one day, a mob arrived at their cabin, in an attempt to destroy what they feared were dangerous creatures. In a desperate attampt to save her children from the mob, Diana's mother sacrificed herself to give her and her sister time to escape and run away to safety. Selene and Diana ran for months, finally finding sanctuary in a temple to the moon goddess Selune. They stayed there for months, both creating a bond with the goddess and becoming clerics in her name. Selene began adventuring for pay, leading herself and Diana directly into danger.

The Campaign

On a paid mission for a guild to explore missing and damaged caravan carts, Diana, her sister Selene, and the rest of the group were attacked by undead. Led by the Vampire Count Strahd Von Zerovitch, the undead catured the group, fighting them for entertainment, leaving Diana and 2 others alone in a new world... alone. With her new companions, Saoirse and Kore, headed into a troubled and battletorn world on a quest to escape the hidden land of Barovia. They traveled and quested together, growing closer and even adding a new member Ember.

Despite hardships and many near death experiences, the group was ready to face the Vampire lord for not only their freedom, but the freedom of those taken by Strahd at the beginning. Diana and everyone fought hard and valliantly, and for the second time, Strahd was killed, and Diana was free.

After the Campaign

After escaping Barovia, Diana split ways with her companions, as she needed to take care of her sister, who had changed during her imprisonment in Castle Ravenloft. Diana moved to a secluded cabin in the woods, working as an adenturer to support her sister. While out on a guild mission, Diana's sister dissapeared never to be seen again. As the last family member she had left now gone, Diana was destroyed. She retreated into her cabin for a while, trying to heal while throwing herself into creating a beautiful and bountiful garden. It took 5 years, but Diana began adventuring again.

Diana worked as an adventurer for 30 years, earning enough of a fortune to support her for the rest of her days. She mostly spent her time in retirement working on the contruction of a small shrine near her house for her goddess and upkeep of her expansive and extravagent gardens. She lived a peaceful and quiet life until her death many years later.



  • Tempest Cleric for the goddess Selune despite Selune being the goddess of the moon...
  • She's half elven, half aasimar as her father was a celestial...
  • In her celestial form, Diana gains etherial, glowing, white wings and glowing white eyes...
  • Despite being timid in some situations, Diana can be extremely stubborn...
  • Even though Diana is still quite young, she's an incredibly powerful caster and warrior...




One of the unlucky adventurers stuck in Barovia with Diana, Saoirse became a sort of big sister figure to Diana. Helping her and even protecting her, Saoirse became a strong ally and friend.



Enter Barovia at the same time as Diana and Saoirse, Kore became a member of their rag-tag group. Becoming Diana's partner in poorly thought out crimes, Kore became a trusted friend of Diana's.



Joining the group part-way through their journey, Ember quickly proved herself a capable warrior. Level-headed and an incredible strategist, Ember became the heavy hitter of the group, while also helping reign in their shennanigans.

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