Peiskos's Comments

Hello! he’s adorable!

Im gonna do a WTA for him, but it will probably take some time (1-3 hours)! I’ll post it here as soon as I’m done!

Sure! I will wait for your writing!

Anddddddd Done!

Name: Peiskos/Nelipot Sylvaine (I couldn’t pick a name XD)

Name meaning: The feeling you get from sitting in front of a fire and enjoying its warmth/ One who walks barefoot | From The Forest

Name Pronunciation: Pee-sk-O-ss/Nel-e-pot/Ko-zen | Sil-vain

Age: 4 Years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: LizardFolk


Mother: Velleity Sylvaine/Mondaze - Deceased

Father: Welkin Sylvaine - Deceased

Adoptive Mother: Asperse Arelang

Siblings: Unnamed/Deceased

Uncle: Cozen Mondaze

Aunt: Dloporm Mondaze/Froqwa

Grandfather: Sirimiri Sylvaine - Deceased

Grandmother: Amaranthine Sylvaine/Ken

Personality: Peiskos is a happy and playful lizard, despite his dark past. He’s always up to learn new things and could bake for hours on end if he had enough ingredients. He’s bubbly personality can help him make new friends, but also scare them off with his energetic behaviour. He tends to be naive, meaning he can be tricked quite easily or used by those around him. He doesn’t know when to shut his mouth, which can be a problem when you're hiding from someone.

Likes: Baking(Though he sucks at it), Playing, sweets, Asperse

Dislikes: His Uncle, Burnt food, Garlic, Coffee, Heights, Fire


Parents Life: His parents came from a poor community, but they were happy. They meet during a ball they snuck into, held by the higher ups. They hit it off quickly and soon became married. Whilst they were happily living their lives, Velleity’s brother, Cozen Mondaze, had become engaged to a wealthy lizardfolk. They went to the wedding, where Cozen revealed that he was going to kill his fiancée to gain her fortune and then skip town to start a new life with the higher ups of society. He invited his sister to join him, but she declined, saying she loved Welkin and couldn’t leave him. He seemed disappointed, but accepted her refusal and let her leave, on the promise she wouldn’t tell anyone.

Childhood: He was born in his parents' cottage in the middle of winter. It was rough, being a baby and a cold blooded creature in the midst of winter, but he managed to pull through. 

Two years later he went to visit his uncle, who showed a clear distaste for the young boy. The meeting was awkward, and they left ahead of time.

A year later they returned after receiving an invitation to a ball he was hosting, not wanting to seem rude by declining it. The party was mostly uneventful, though it seemed that Cozen was finally warming up to their small family. Oh how wrong they were. On the trip back home, they were attacked by thieves who tried to kill them. Welkin was quickly killed and Velleity soon after, blocking a blow meant for her son. The thieves fled after Velleity was killed, seeming suddenly scared as they left the crying child.

Peiskos, who had ended up passing out from shock, awoke back at the mansion. The first few days he said nothing, and Cozen never came to visit him. But soon Cozen did, bringing gifts and pastries for him. Peiskos didn’t find it odd that his demeanor about him had suddenly changed, he was just happy to have gifts, things he hadn’t previously been pleased with. But like all good things, it slowly got worse. Peiskos wasn’t allowed to go outside, nor do anything that Cozen didn’t approve of; like talk of returning home or visiting his grandmother. One day, Peiskos had decided he wanted to cook in the kitchen, so like the child he was with no impulse control, he did so. He ended up burning it and setting the fire alarm off. Cozen came down and gave him an angry talking to, saying he doesn’t need to cook, they have a chef. Peiskos countered saying that his father always cooked with him. This made Cozen snap and hit him, ordering him to clean up his own mess. This behaviour, sadly worsened.

Luckily a maid was there to help him, and after seeing how awful he treated him, she consulted a friend of hers for advice. The friend informed her that he had a friend who could take in the kid, as long as she brought him to the forest. And that’s exactly what she did. And Cozen was absolutely furious.

After being brought to the woods, he was then taken to a cozy house deep inside of it. There he met Asperse Arelang, a kind but tough woman who welcomed him with a grin. Their life so far has been calm, and full of baking, but the ever looming threat of his uncle still stands, and he’s getting closer everyday.

Fun Facts!

  • Because of his age, he most likely won’t remember his parents as he gets older.
  • Cozen did manage to kill his wife and get away with it.
  • Cozen at first hated Peiskos, but after Velleity was accidentally killed, he started to see her in her son, and quickly became possessive.
  • Cozen sent the assassin/thieves in hopes that if Welkin and Peiskos died, that Velleity would come and live with him. That didn’t really work out.
  • Whilst all this drama is going down, there is also a war going on nearby, which was why the friend chose to put Peiskos with Asperse.
  • His onesie is the one of the few things he was able to bring with him to Asperse’s house. The other things consisted of: A plush dragon, a shiny stone, and a fairytale book.

***Ignore Spelling mistakes, as this wasn’t spellchecked***

its beautiful!! now I send you the character

Write to Adopt-

Jiji is a small gecko, smaller than most. She loves to eat fruit flies, but grasshoppers are a delicacy. She loves swimming and hanging out with her friends, but she always wears her onesie, no matter what. Her grandmother made it for her, and before her grandmother passed away, she gave it to Jiji.