


3 years, 8 months ago


Name meaning:

Pearl in Kazakh.



Inzhu never thought about her sexuality until reaching the surface as she had never felt anything for anyone before so the concept of sexuality is quite foreign to her.

What are you looking for in a mate?:

Interesting mutations, able to swim (perks if they can live underwater)


Inzhu was always the type to go with the flow, a very simple being, she never gave much thought to anything but now she is possibly the most curious being you’ll ever meet. While she isn’t very familiar with interacting with others outside of her immediate family she won’t let that slow her down or concern her, if someone won’t give her a chance based on her lack of experience she didn’t want to waste her time on them anyway.


Inzhu has spent all her life underwater, only occasionally breaking the surface when chasing a fish. She never had much of an interest in the surface until she met Arcadia. The soulkeeper’s chopped apart body intrigued her, Arcadia explained that the soulkeepers on the surface world all had interesting and diverse mutations. Inzhu decided she wanted to meet more soulkeepers with these interesting mutations and found herself asking where she should look. The pink soulkeeper cocked her head thoughtfully, which to be truthful looked quite strange with her head not connected to the rest of her body. She explained that breeding season was approaching and more soulkeepers would likely be around looking to meet others and that might be a good place to start. Inzhu thanked her before returning home.

With all that in mind Inzhu told her family she was going on a journey before returning to the surface and beginning her search.

Owner requirements: Anyone offering must have a toyhouse, must be up for talking about how their relationship works (not roleplaying but a lot of talking and writing backstories) and must be up for drawing art of them/ commissioning art of them occasionally (which I'll be doing as well ofc)

Breeding season: Inzhu will not be breeding in the upcoming season, she is looking for friends and a forever partner that she wants to spend time getting to know and love before having fawns with.