Osore's Comments

damn dude r u still around!? i made this character on my old account and have been looking through old designs, 😭 just curious if ur still even on this site LOL

Oh yeah, I'm still around! Well, sporadically, but I do hope on when I have the energy. I can't just let all my old lore go to waste, a lot of these guys are still near and dear to me. 

OH RAD, good 2 know! do you have this guy developed at all? im super intrigued

Oh yeah, though most of my ideas for them are off-site (save for the ones I copy-pasted here), I can give you the rundown for them.

-Basically, Osore is a demon that loves fucking with angels. He likes to wander around the living world to catch them, often toying around with them as a cat does a mouse.

-One day on his usual excursion, he was captured by a Facility which specializes in experimenting on anomalies. Basically, undiscovered species, anthros with magic that they shouldn't have, supernatural entities, and other creatures that they don't want getting out into the public eye.

-Osore doesn't really like the idea of being experimented on, so naturally, he eviscerates a bunch of the guards to prove his strength.

-The Facility decides to hire him as a guard instead. 

-Nowadays, his life isn't all too different, as he's able to hunt and play around with angels all the same. Now though, he actually gets paid to do so. 

YOOOOOO I just noticed the animations, could I possibly claim him as well? If you'd like, I can do a few sketches of Fall Feline! My art is nothing close to good, but they look fun to draw.

Ok can you do some headshots please of fall feline

Sure, I can do that! My art is traditional, so I was thinking more of a sketch page, probably with a fullbody and a few busts/headshots depending on how much space I have. I can get it done Saturday if that works for you?

Ok sounds good can't wait to see it 

PS: i think you're art is better than mine!

Don't say that, your art is great! Not to mention, I cannot do digital art at all. You can do that, as well as color in bases, so I'd say that you're more skilled than me. I tried using my friend's art tablet once, and it... did not go well. 

I wish i had a art table it would make life a lot easier 

But i don't now how to use one

1 Replies

Hello not trying to rush you but its Almost Tuesday for me and i was wondering how the art was coming along

4 Replies

Can I please have him Tsukiyomi