Blake Ayliff



3 years, 8 months ago


Blake Ayliff




Hybrid Artifical Inkdrian






Blake Ayliff is a young boy who lives in Arborville. He is what is known as a Hybrid Artifical Inkdrian, commonly known as Hybrid Artink. He is intelligent but rather stand-offish, thanks to past bullying. He does not make friends easily as he is rather egotistical seeming, but in actuality does not know how to properly treat others and respect others as individuals. He is quite sensitive to his appearance, knowing he is quite the oddity, and was bullied for it. Never call the poor boy "two-faced".

He is also accompanied by a phantom personality known only as Whisper. She is actually the hidden away mind of the poor inkdrian infant that had their ink infused into Blake, making him into a Hybrid Artink. Due to her poor development, she is weak mentally and is unable to take control of Blake. However, she is innocent and simple-minded and is the only person Blake has no fear talking to.










Blake is a highly intelligent individual who likes to test his knowledge. He is quick to learn anything and everything and has even skipped a grade level. However, this is one thing that he does not have a good grasp of, and that is friendship. Because of his nerd-like status and odd appearance, he was bullied quite often before moving to Arborville. Because of this, he has grown a dislike for people. It is not just the kids, but adults seem to treat him poorly as well because of what he is.

Blake is known for being condescending and insensitive, as he does not know how to properly talk to people. But the thing is, he's actually quite meek and sensitive. He would hide away in his room and cry when it was a bad day. Still, despite these downfalls, he's imaginative, open-minded to other people's opinions and points of view, can be quite an abstract thinker, and is an honest person. However, when someone doesn't quite catch on with what he's doing, he can end up condescending, and his honesty is usually brutally blunt.



Slender, slightly frail


Inkdrian- Pinmould
Seedrian- Phalaenopsis Aphrodite





  • The Pinmould is his hair
  • He enjoys gothic fashion
  • Whisper does not need to always be seen




Blake was a boy who was born very sickly and was going to die from his illness if nothing was done. It was then hypothesized that if he were to be given the ink of an inkdrian, it would cure him of his illness that at the moment had him at death's door. The ink came from an inkdrian newborn who was born too weak to survive; even though the inkdrian's parents refused the transfusion, the doctor went behind their back and gave the ink to Blake so that at least one of them gets to live.

At first, Blake was not doing so well. His ink was goopy, and it got everywhere; he was upset at his current state and was very miserable. However, as he got older, the ink became more and more compatible to the point that he seemed to be well-synced with it, not even being goopy anymore

When Blake tried to go to school, the students bullied him for his appearance, which caused him to become distant from everyone but his family. He still grew up to be highly intelligent but was a recluse, as it seemed even the teachers were against him.

However, one day, he discovers a second consciousness lives with him that he named Whisper. He mistakes her for an imaginary friend and a tulpa later in life. She had become his best friend and the only one who he could trust.


When Blake was born, he was but an ordinary seedrian; however, he was rather sickly. As time went by, he grew sicker and sicker till when he reached three years of age, he had to be sent to the hospital in urgent care. His parents were a mess, and doctors did not see much hope in Blake. But, from another part of the hospital, a baby inkdrian was born. However, she was very weak and did not have a particularly good survival rate. One doctor noticed the two and came to a conclusion. He had once worked with Artificial Inkdrian Hybrids before and learned that through the procedure, certain illnesses could be neutralized in the seedrian body.

He at first asked the permission of the seedrian parents to see if they were willing to let the procedure be done on Blake. They simply wanted their son to live and would agree to anything. The doctor then went to the inkdrian parents and asked permission to use the ink of their dying daughter. They declined in their grief; even when the doctor said that she might be able to live on in the boy’s body, they still said no, and they hoped that their daughter might survive. The doctor knew that the inkdrian girl had no chance of survival, and so against the ethic code, he went behind the inkdrian parent’s back and took the ink of the infant inkdrian right before she passed away. He then carefully injected the ink into Blake, trying not to be careless, and injected it into vital points of the body, allowing better chances of acceptance. The doctor felt he did the right thing, even though he might lose his job.

Blake’s body soon recovered, though his skin had become rather pale. The cause is not certain, but it's hypothesized that it happened because he was near death’s door during the procedure. At first, Blake was constantly oozing pale rose gold ink everywhere, crying and throwing tantrums in the mess. His parents were at a loss as to what to do with the poor child who was stuck between inkdrian and seedrian. But after a couple of years, Blake’s ink stopped gooping and seemed to have stabilized. The markings from the ink spread onto his skin, and his hair changed into mold. His parents were originally worried about this change in his body, but he seemed much happier and at peace.

When Blake first went to school at age 6, he was greeted with bullying. People made fun of his strange appearance, constantly prodding at his ink and calling him “two-faced”. Blake started to grow distant from others as there never seemed to be anyone on his side. But one day, at age seven, he started to talk to someone, someone no one else could see. At first, his parents thought it was just an imaginary friend that Blake created because he had no friends. But as time went by, Blake still kept this imaginary friend and interacted with them as though they were a real person. He even taught his friend the alphabet, taught them math, and spoke his mind to them. His parents started to worry and told him he should abandon his imaginary friend now since he’s gotten too old for one, but Blake would retort that she was real.

What the parents did not know was that the imaginary friend that Blake cared so much about was an underdeveloped mind of an inkdrian, the inkdrian girl whose ink was injected into Blake. She was nameless, and her intelligence was poor due to not receiving proper education and interaction at a critical age. She was still able to listen to Blake though she lacked replies; she sometimes would give off innocent answers that Blake felt were endearing compared to the crude bullies that made fun of him.

Blake ended up growing rather intelligent, even skipping a grade level. However, because of his lack of social skills, he has become blunt and can be condescending when he talks. But it's because of his ability to notice the finer details that he realizes that the imaginary friend he has is not normal. He talked to her, and she talked back. He had no control over her actions, and this made him wonder about the true nature of the girl in his mind. He soon did some research and concluded that the imaginary friend he has is a being called a Tulpa, a secondary consciousness that resides alongside the primary one. An actual second living being within your mind. He then decided to call her Whisper, as she seemed like a whisper only he could hear. However, what he did not realize was to search for Artink Hybrids; he might have found the true answer there.


Blake and his family eventually moved to Arborville to start a new life with Blake and away from the people who bullied him. Blake was indifferent to the idea and thought that he would be treated no differently than he always was. But soon, a young girl, Lime, came up to him while they were unpacking and greeted him. They stared at each other for a second, and then Lime spoke up, grabbing his hand and shaking it with a pretty strong greeting. She then asked why he was “Two-Faced”, and that familiar name riled him up; he stomped away from Lime and into the house.

Not wanting to give up making a new friend, Lime later came by with Merli, who was the gentlest of souls. Merli welcomed Blake to the neighborhood gently and calmly; they just seemed to radiate kindness and assurance. Blake invited them in but closed the door on Lime. Merli seemed interested in what Blake had to say, and so Blake, unfiltered, talked his mind to Merli as though he was talking to Whisper. Despite some rather blunt things Blake said, Merli continued to genuinely listen, and that is when Blake made his first friend.

Blake is sometimes invited to the abandoned mansion where everyone hangs out, but he tends to butt heads with Jill and keeps to himself and Merli. Merli started to help Blake be more sociable to those who were not as patient as them, and soon he started to befriend others, such as Louis over a familiar fondness for clothes.


  • Blake means black, referencing his gradient. Ayliff means “Ever-life”
  • For his gradient, black represents mystery and death, obtained shortly after the procedure, and blue represents wisdom, obtained when he managed to solve an equation two grade levels above him.
  • Blake gave Whisper her name after he came to the conclusion she’s a tulpa and since she’s a living consciousness he had to give her a name of some kind. No, Whisper is not actually a tulpa, she is a legitimate second mind inside Blake… Though it’s possible to see as to how he confused her for such.
  • Whisper’s mind is too weak to take control of Blake’s body… for now.
  • Out of the four suits that cover his body, the Spade is the most dominant. It represents wisdom, transformation…. and death.
  • Blake’s skin and ink are a bit on the pale side, possibly due to receiving the procedure when he was at death's door.


Whisper [ Co-Body Host ]

Whisper is the second mind within Blake; she appears before him as a shade. Her mind is not well developed, but she does have some semblance of a personality. Blake was never told about the "side-effect" of the procedure and believes Whisper to be a tulpa. Nonetheless, Whisper is the one person that Blake really deeply cares for.

Louis Hyde [ Crafting Partner ]

Despite Louis's strong sense of first impressions, he and Blake have come to rather enjoy each other's company. Blake seems to like Louis's handmade clothing, which is typically lolita of different types. Though they tend to butt heads, luckily, they know what causes them to fight, and they typically avoid it. Currently, Louis is teaching Blake how to sew so that Blake can make his own clothing.

Merli Blewis [ Dear Friend ]

When Lime realized she was too much for Blake, she brought in someone that she knew would be better suited for him. Merli is gentle and kind and took things slow with Blake allowing him to be comfortable around them. Merli is Blake's first friend that isn't Whisper, and the first one he feels is intelligent enough to know what he's talking about most of the time.

Jill Aiya [ Tormenter ]

"The pure AUDACITY this girl has!" Blake heavily dislikes Jill and acts as an enemy. Blake always seems to be arguing with Jill, who has little care for things that are not part of the occult, and with Blake being a man of science, they get along as well as fire and ice. Blake feels like he always has to explain things or dumb things down for the girl, who seems to have a short attention span, just making Blake hate her even more.


Lime was the first person Blake met when coming to Arborville. However, her hyperactivity was very off-putting to him, along with an insensitive question. Even though Blake still doesn't like Lime too much, Lime tries her best to be a good friend to Blake, even when she seems like a total moron to him.