


3 years, 8 months ago


EROS • Carathera • ♂

Godparent: Crystal

Nicknames: Eros

Sexuality: Demisexual - Polyamorous

Bloodline: Riversong

Age: 8 y.o


Companion: Dandelion

Cubs: Soraka, Ollivander, Philip, Arcadia, Nynaeve, Lancelot, Aramis, Draconia, Griffin

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: UC | Fangs: UC | Size: R | Eyes: R | Horns: R 

Mutation: Carathera

Stats: STR –6 | RES – 6 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 7 | DEX – 6

Personality: He is a very balanced, and personable. Never too overbearing nor is he one to shy away. He will stand his ground when needed but always has been good with reason. Being the youngest of his siblings, and yet the largest has made life very interesting for him. His sisters often looked to him for help in all efforts since he gets along better with them than his brothers. His mother (adopted) Shiloh was always very proud of him and always doted on him making sure he never felt left out.

History: Found by Shiloh when out hunting for her cubs. ..... WIP

Random: He has a hard time trying to figure out his horns, trying not to poke anyone! He carves up trees alot with them trying to dull them down!

Parents: N/A

Resale Value: £

Cost of Breeding: £47

Masterlist: Here